Let's play a game:

Let's play a game:
1. Someone here will write 1-3 sentences
2. I will translate them to portuguese
3. Someone will fix grammar after (ideally with urls to grammatic rules, where I did mistakes or with names of the rules)

It will help me to learn portuguese. As a price, you will get a photo of a random beautiful girl.


This monkey soup is delicious. I am going to serve it to my family, which consists of one goat, two young boys, and my old mother. My sons were playing with dirty needles, now that they have aids I have someone to bang.

Sopa de macaco uma delicia. Eu iro servir e sopa para familia, qual consiste de um bode, dois jovem garoto e minha velho mae.

Translating another sentence.

Minha filhos estavo toque com sujo agulhas. Agora eles ter auxillia, eu ter alguem bater.


Wtf, too scary and dirty text I've translated. Is it brasil reality? Or picture's rules are more common there?

21 new words I need to learn.

Sopa de macaco é deliciosa. Vou servi-la à minha senpaiília, que consiste numa cabra, dois jovens rapazes e a minha mãe vela. Os meus files estiveram a brincar com umas agulhas sujas, e agora que têm sida eu tenho alguém para foder.


Is this a new filter or did I just fuck up?

What words I need to fix?



seems alright. Bode is a male goat, though, cabra is the female.

boy is usually "rapaz" here, but "menino" is also acceptable. "garoto" is more brazilian, I feel.

"which" will be hard to translate because it's a preposition, so it's use varies a lot. Can be "que" or "qual".

play can mean "tocar" (an instrument), "jogar" (a game) "brincar (with a toy).

was is the past tense of "be", so it's gonna change with conjugation

if it's the verb "to aid" then auxília is correct, but you want the disease so "SIDA" in Pt-Pt or just "AIDS" in Pt-Br

>to bang
foder. bater means "to hit" and doesn't translate well for fucking.

Thank you

is Senpaillia the same as familia?

No, I'm just not savvy enough to go around the world filter.

So your text is the same by logic, but with another words, is it right?

It uses a more Portuguese sentence construction rather than translating it word for word. It has the same meaning, though.

Can you fix my translation?
It is here
And here

I just did, mate, it's here

>Minha filhos estavo toque com sujo agulhas. Agora eles ter auxillia, eu ter alguem bater
where did you get this?

hmm who is this?