Name 1(one) show that isn't reddit
Name 1(one) show that isn't reddit
Other urls found in this thread:
Rick and Morty
original law and order
Highlander is pretty awesome, you dumb frogposter.
World Peace
Gold Rush
my nigga
One of about two or three crime shows with any realism.
the sopranos
REDDIT: The Shows
>sopranos isn't reddit
You need to go back
Anyone who says sopranos is secretly a redditor
>posted three seconds before me
>thinks I meant to leave that out
>he doesn't refresh the thread right before posting to make sure he doesn't miss out on any potential replies to add to his chain
>unironically knowing what reddit is and what it is comprised of
You know where you have to go.
Name two(2) kino
80's twilight zone
Mr Rogers Neighborhood
Citizen X and Anatomy of a Murder.