What are the defining physical features that Nordic people have?

What are the defining physical features that Nordic people have?

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huge dicks


I don't know. Never met a single one.

Mongoloid features

Finland is not Nordic.

why do they look asian

We share at least 95% of our genetics with you guys.

small amount of asian admixture in nordic genepool might cause that, but i believe that it's just because of the harsh winters our ancestors developed epicanthic fold to protect their eyes. something similar happened in asia too, unless i'm mistaken

why do finnish girls look nordic so often?
i know that we aren't related to scandis, but still most of us look like them

They don't. Shut the fuck up.

okay. praise tengri

Brown skin

We look like a mixture of local, borealized indigenous people and Finno-Ugrics.

Scandinavians have different facial structures despite marginal overlap in phenotypes.

Vikings were BLACK

Tall, white hair, blue eyes, sort of afraid of Russia

Lots and lots of r1a DNA

>sort of afraid of Russia
local propaganda machine told you that?

Finns are particularly ugly compared to the others. As for the rest, I do not know.

lol rare to see a Nordic-looking Finn

where do you live?
i live in Turku and most finns here could pass as a locals in sweden

Where do you live they look like nords to me

more like autistic behavior of Sweden and Norway
>le boat!
>oh my! russian trying to nuke us again!
Denmark and Finland is okay-tier tho.


You're probably imagining it.
If you live in Finland your whole life, Finns will look more "normal" to you than they would to a Swede. There's partial overlap in looks yes but this concerns a minority of Finns and Swedes.

Espoo. Almost everyone in PKS is an eastern Finn though so we look more typical for Finland than people from Turku for example but I think the difference is exaggerated.

looks like every single spaniard i've seen here in finland, but with dyed hair and blue contacts

The worst self-haters are the people from SW Finland who claim they look Germanic.

In reality, the genetic differences between the Germanic race and SW Finns are very deep, and this is very much reflected in their faces as well. It's almost unheard of for a Finn anywhere in the country to look Danish (Swedes are mongrelized).

It's not just the eyes, everything else is different too.

i visit sweden every year and i've been to norway and denmark multiple times. arr rook same, unless things truly are different in eastern finland. never been to east for some reason

You're out of your mind

What are those lips? Sweden is evolving

Finns have Finnish looks. I'm not saying the difference is enormous just that it's easy as fuck to tell Finns from foreigners 99% of the time if you have good eyesight.

I used to fuck the third one from the left true story that is bullshit.

Your leaders have publicly threatened to nuke Denmark and Norway, not sure what response you expected.

>violates air space
>«lol why so mad»


Nice Celtic slavery you had there

What went wrong

This looks like some faceapp

>arr rook same
No they don't, Finns are more distant from Scandinavians on a PCA chart than Russians.

You are that "Baltic" spammer?

We are more Nordic not any way Baltic

They all look Baltic, not a single Nordic face in that image.

Why do we have to be either?

Why not just fucking FINNIC

>We are more Nordic
Not a single drop of Germanic blood in most Finns.


T.But culturally and historically we are Nordic

Even if we were culturally Nordic it doesn't mean Finns would look Nordic.

Selvästi menee tunteisiin

Koska on noloa että suomalaiset ainaa anoo hyväksyntää valehtelemalla

Even if we looked Baltic we are not

Emme hae hyväksyntää keneltäkään vaikka olemme virallisesti Pohjosimaa

Historia on mitä on

Pohjoismaalaisuus ei tarkoita että näyttäisimme samalta kuin skandit, vaikka toki olemme melko lailla yhtä vaaleita.

Suomalaisten alkuperä on vähän eri suunnassa.

It's a mulato, you know why

Juu mutta eivät suomalaiset "Baltteja" ole myöskään

Ja monen suomalaisen alkuperä on Länsi Euroopassa

>Ja monen suomalaisen alkuperä on Länsi Euroopassa


Eipä ollut, 90% suomalaisista ovat joko N1c1 uralilaisia tai paikallisia paleoeurooppalaisia I1 metästäjäkeräilijöitä.

l1 isälinjat

Tätä et voi kiistää mitenkään

Toki pitkä eristäytyneisyys muutti läntisiäkin suomalaisia

Niin l1 on Länsi-Euroopasta

Mutta suomen l1 ehti toki muuttua

kai se sieltä tanskasta on aikonaan tullut se I1 kuitenkin

Niin Tanskan kautta mutta Pohjois-Ranskassa tainnut syntyä

Nice thread! Mention the word "nordic" or "sweden" and Finns start to fight with each other

onko tästä jo varmaa tietoa

Joo joo mutta I1:tä kantavalla suomalaisukolla on myös N1c miehiä perimässä.
Isälinjoista riippumatta kaikilla suomalaisilla on suurein piirtein samat äitilinjat koska akkoja muutti sikin sokin ja miehet pysy enemmän paikalla. Vaikka länsisuomalainen olisikin läntisempi hän on kumminkin eurooppalaisessa mittakaavassa kovin itäinen.

Näin olen kuullut

Toki tiede joskus erehtyy

big black benis in butt

Kyllä mutta ei yhtä paljon kuin Itä-Suomi tai muut N miehet

Isälinjan alkuperä silti sama, kasvoissalin selvä ero

arr rook same


finland is a nordic country you haplospergs

>box heads
>squinty eyes

>box heads
makes you very masculine

>tfw when she won't let you cum on her feet unless you have a bbc

i wan't to racemix with a swedish woman!

Can OP pass as a local in a Nordic country?

It's always so odd how foreign people from other European countries look, despite being almost neighbors.



>curly hair
Of course no


n-nice beard