Al Qaeda to lone-wolf terrorists: Target whites to avoid ‘hate crime’ label

>Al Qaeda has new advice for lone-wolf terrorists: Target white people to avoid a “hate crime” label.
>Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula has analyzed the U.S. response to the June 12 terror attack in Orlando, Florida, and concluded that 29-year-old Omar Mateen erred in targeting a gay nightclub heavily populated with Hispanic men.
>“Avoid targeting places and crowds where minorities are generally found,”
>“[Target] areas where the Anglo-Saxon community is generally concentrated. This class of the American community is the majority and it is the one that is in the American leadership.”
>The magazine goes on to warn that doing otherwise risks the federal government “taking full responsibility” for the chaos.
>U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said that investigators may never “definitively” know why Mateen killed dozens with a semi-automatic rifle, despite the man’s 911 calls pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group on the night of the massacre.

there is really something wrong when terrorists recomend you to kill whites cause minorites are more worth in the west and are cared about by the goverments.

Damn. Wonder how long before they shoot up a Catholic church or something.

So they were upset that Omar's actions didn't blame Islam?

Yet another opportunity to post this, because of retarded, kike-programmed SJWs and our kike-bought politicians.

Thanks, you fucks.

Probably. Thanks, kikes.

They're going to have to stop using guns too or it will just be labeled as gun violence and not terrorism

Apparently. The "hate crime" aspect of it took the spotlight away from ISIS. They can't push their propaganda if all we talk about is it being a hate crime against gay people and not a terrorist attack.


Al Qaeda is not going to go PC. This fucking article is made up shit.

>literal white genocide
>they know our government won't do shit


b-but privilege + power...

>The magazine goes on to warn that doing otherwise risks the federal government “taking full responsibility” for the chaos
This is particularly funny.
>Guize giuze, we don't want the US government to be held responsible, we want them to blame us!



If you convert, they won't kill you. That's kind of their MO. Proselytization through heavy handed means. And hey, fastest growing religion in an age of fedora tippers. Say what you want: force is effective.

Since 90% of the victims were black or Hispanic seems like he fucked up.

They would still find some way to call it anything but terrorism.

I would rather die a thousand deaths than be a convert to their satanic degenerate cult. DEUS VALT

is there any subgroup more filthy than muslims?

The jews that encourage them.

>I would rather die a thousand deaths
Bullshit. If some tablecloth wearing sandnigger had a scimitar to your balls, you'd be screaming, but you wouldn't be screaming deus vult. Westerners are domesticated animals.

but at least jews show some sense of (maybe feigned) shame when it comes to killing off whites

muslims will write a memo to do just that with no fucks given...jews are evil but at least they are civilized mudslimes are simply animals

Fucking typical atheistfaggot defeatist nihilstic apologist scum. Repent yourself.

>implying i subscribe to the desert trilogy
My god is from Phrygia.

to be fair whats the point of typing out DEUS VULT from the safety of your western home? if youre not screaming it in battle while shooting muslims it loses its intended effect

I said atheistfaggot retard, I know apologist cucks like you are rarely religious. Go fuck yourself.

Oh, but you're wrong.

>implying I wouldn't scream it in battle
>implying I am not prepared for if and when shit gets real

Now we REALLY need Trump's ban.

No, it's real. I read it on Jihadchan.

>implying paganism isn't now just a memereligion for atheists to ruin a culture they will never have

You fuckers are the worst, show the heathens some fucking respect and stop wearing their beliefs like some aort of fashion statement.

You are a heretic amougnst heathens and you are the dirtiest backwater scum of the entire pond.


Not that the left will anytime soon realize that they have become the racist, sexist oppressors that they want to see in the right wing.

I get it, you're referring to a faux-spiritualism practiced by suburban white girls.

But I earned the right to call myself gallus -- with blood, and sacrifice. There is only one matreum in all the world. Though very real. Anyway, you'd hardly know by looking at me.

>you'd hardly know by looking at me

Spotting you hipstereligious types is as easy as pie, I garrentee you were catholic but only joined this heathenism just to piss them off.

>B-but i i truely believe it! I swears!
Fuck off, your motives are easy to spot

>I garrentee you were catholic but only joined this heathenism just to piss them off.
My parents are irreligious. Nice try though.

>B-but i i truely believe it! I swears!
I have the scars to prove my faith. And I certainly don't need a Christian lecturing me about half-assed religious practice. How many of yours sit in pews out of social obligation. Cybele found me herself. There were no cringey pamphlets in my screen door.

>scars to prove my faith
>prove my faith
>my faith

Well unlike salvation, it's not as simple as asking refuge and dunking your head in a pond. Your cult may have a dense work of exegesis, written laboriously over two thousand years. But joining is as easy as showing up.

Now Origen, there's a man after my heart.