Wh*tes are literally conspiring behind our backs in imageboards to exterminate all yellows

>wh*tes are literally conspiring behind our backs in imageboards to exterminate all yellows

Friendly reminder there is no such thing as "yellow", if you have fair skin, you are wh*Te.

>this flag
>this post

>everyone is wh*Teeeeeeeee

No we're not. Don't worry about it ;)

whites have a pink undertone
asians have a yellow undertone

That's going to be a lot of work. You gas six million Jews and it's a tragedy for the ages. You gas six million Chinks and that's not even 0.5% of their population gone. The rest of them might not even notice.

ah good, then I'm not a racemixer after all

>tfw yellow undertone
Am I asian?

What's with the autistic Canadian chink poster?


Then why aren't whites called pinks?

Probably because it sounds gay.

Also what's my "undertone"?
I guess so.

asian women do more to exterminate asians than whites desu

W-what are you talking about? Us whites want nothing more than to be your friends, delete this thread immediately!

I'm high.

tan undertone? Southern European or Arab

Nice diveration but I know you Yellows hate whites and won't stop talking about it

Wow, that's very close. I didn't realize how good at racial theory Sup Forums was.

I googled "tan undertone" and nothing similar to me showed up, but I eventually found this. I think I'm probably "golden" or maybe "green" undertone. And henceforth I don't want to be called brown anymore, only golden.

What about me?

>Canadian flag
>literally autistic
>dude weed lmao
checks out