This is PURE COINCIDENCE, amirite guys?
but pedophilia isn't a crime, carrying it out is. You can't help but be one if you're born that way, and suppressing them and pushing them to the fringe of society, without tackling the problem head on obviously doesnt work, considering that children get raped all the time. Obviously giving therapy, and education to pedophiles for and on their disorder would be a much better way of keeping children safe.
Yes. Pure coincidence.
People aren't "born that way"
It does not make much sense fampai. I dare you to say the same to a feminist, let's say "rape isn't a crime, carrying it out is" and not be consequently demolished by everyone for such a statement.
Surely this line of thought will catch on.
nice proof. I guess the more logical and simple explanation is jewish brainwashing to destroy white people.
no. Wanting to rape someone isn't a crime, but raping someone is. It's the same as wanting to fuck children, rather than actually doing it. They're different.
Bad analogy. Rape is an act, Pedophilia is a state of being.
Lefties running out of widely despised groups to champion
They're scraping the bottom of the barrel
Listen, rape and murder are antisocial behaviours, of course "wanting" to do such things is not a crime and actually doing them is, but the line here is: is pedophilia to be considered an antisocial behaviour or is it acceptable for an adult to have sex with a child?
Holy shit macedonia is still a country? I thought you guys collapsed like 2000 years ago
>there are people who think it should be illegal to love this
>there are people who think that you should unironically be placed in handcuffs and thrown in jail, just for wanting to cuddle with this angel
So stealing isn't a crime, it's a mental disorder! Kleptomania! Murder isn't a crime, psychopathy is a mental disorder! See where we're going with this? The person makes the choice. Otherwise we might as well start screening people for genes linked to criminal activity and begin a eugenics plan. This is what the leftists are arguing for without realizing it, by linking crimes to disorders they're linking people to genes and the outcome will be pre-crime or eugenics.
paedophilia is a mental disorder
Innocent cuddling with her as in father-daughter is ok, destroying her orifices with your meat bat is not ok user.
Found the pedo.
It is a mental health issue tho Paedophilia is a mental illness and can be controlled with CBT and libido decreasing drugs
You want more than cuddling though. You want to hurt them. I have a daughter and I cuddle her, but I would never hurt her. Paedophiles want to hurt children, and often kill them. Having sex with children is wrong, it is taking advantage of a child and it does them physical and mental damage.
If being nice to them helps prevent child abuse then I'm for it. That should be the main goal here since we can't just shoot them.
That sounds like a strawman m8. The other leaf is saying that you're free to think that you want to fuck/kill/rape whatever you want but the moment you act on it, it's a crime. Being a pedophile is an anti social behavior but being attracted to X isn't a crime, it's just degenerate. Thought police don't exist just yet.
I will solve it for you fags
Kids are neither mentally nor physically prepared for any of that shit
A child should be playing around and scraping its knees because of sports nd games, no more
When their body starts to change THEN can they begin to understand mentally what goes on, not before
After their body is ready and their mind is in complete understanding of the consequences, then they are ready to fick fick
sources: I have a daughter
Realistically allowing pedos to go to therapists and getting libido decreasing drugs and CBT anonymously would decrease the rate of child abuse and we should do that.
Also eugenics is a good thing
Giving therapy to homosexuals sure cured them of their homosexuality. They definitely didn't turn into repressed weirdos that still engaged in homosexual activity.
No one's talking about destroying anything.
Enough lube can make magic happen, especially if you take the back door.
Nah bro, I just want to be able to hold her close, smell her hair and buy her ice cream, without some old indoctrinated feminazi calling the cops on me.
I may also want to make her cum a bit with my mouth, but that's hardly damaging, is it?
This x9000
The (((left))) is telling people to disregard free will.
"You fantasize about fucking kids? Oh thats just your genetics. You didnt choose to entertain that idea at all. You cannot control your mind. No need to worry, I can help you"
There was a story some time ago where a pedophile had a brain tumor removed and then his pedophile tendencies went away, the tumor came back and so did his pedophile tendencies.
The story goes something like that anyways.
but then there's the cop out of "it's just the way he was raised, it has nothing to do with genetics. we(government psychologists) need to take a more active role in kid's lives from the moment they're born.
It never ends. It's best just to let pedos and other degenerates think whatever they want and not get involved unless they act on their urges and commit a crime or else we're the wild leftist ride starts
But that's true paedophiles brains are measurably different
The jewish doctor of the article is just using the same arguments used to cancel homosexuality from mental disorders. The difference is that consenting sex between adults does not hurt anyone. Sex on children is an abuse.
Who says we cant just shoot them? People go missing all the time
>inb4 anti burglary laws are unfair to burglars
>inb4 anti rape laws are unfair to rapists
>inb4 anti slavery laws are unfair to slavers
>inb4 anti necrophilia laws are unfair to necrophiliacs
>inb4 anti beastiality laws are unfair to beastialists
No,actually jews are known for thei tendency towards pedophilia esp when they are unleashed at the goy.
t.literal jim
Nice solution there, Ahmed, but we're talking legislature here, not your feelings or Sharia or whatever. It's known that some people develop faster than the others, and medical science knows numerous miraculous cases of sinfully early pregnancies. What if your body is ready at 12? What if your body is not ready by 18 (this never happens in women, but mentally underdeveloped men are fairly common).
benis in booper is abuse too
>illegal to love this
love is not you satisfying your deranged lust
Welcome the new world my friend.
Pedoshaming is so 2015
If i had my way -
I'd have all of them shot
No it won't it will give an incentive to more people to become pedophiles themselves. This won't end well
that's true
my real solution would be to develop tests to check the mental state of children, should they develop physically earlier then they are to take the test and not even once should sex happen without the consent of the "child" I am talking about the case you say of 12 years old
12 years old body ready
12 years old mind ready
no fick fick unless the 12 year old agrees 100% and has had talks with their father and mother about it
about what sex is and its consequences
Who would willingly choose a sexual preference where they are in constant risk of being imprisoned, or at best, ostracized from society. If they're not born with it, it's most likely the result of some stimulus earlier in life, like being the victim of child abuse.
>tfw my government just made bestiality (basically) legal
it begins
You can't become a paedophile paedophiles have more white matter in their brain you can't just spontaneously gain that if you don't have it
Coming from someone with pedophilic tendicies I can indeed say that I do not want to kill any child. In fact, I want to protect them from anything and everything. Ironically, this is actually what a lot of people who study pediphilic behaviors think is behind people who are attracted to children. Their instinct to protect a child manifests into something unhealthy and wrong, like wanting to have sex with one.
I'd also like to add this doesn't apply to all people who are attracted to children. Some are really fucked up and actually torture and abuse children. I have no idea how, because I hate myself just for hurting a child's feelings, which is why I'd never EVER rape a child. Only incident where'd I'd even consider engaging in relations of that sort is in a very fantasy setting where it's be completely consensual.
I'm bot proud of it, in fact I wish I didn't have this problem, but I can't help it. I'd like to talk to someone about it but I don't feel like being thrown in jail or an asylum.
found the pedo
Not an argument.
Good thing going to your shrink will result in neither of those things.
This shit happened to me as a kid and I have no desire to fuck kids.
Bottom line. They choose to entertain the fantasy and they choose to act on it. We should castrate them, chain them together and use them to build iPhones.
meh, only rape should be illegal
You don't just become a pedophile you weiner. I'd also doubt there'd be any incentive that would make someone want to be the most socially unacceptable and dangerous thing you can be.
>Coming from someone with pedophilic tendicies
golly fucking gee, you think he might be a pedo?
you don't say. Thanks for the hot tip
Keep fucking telling yourself that.
>there are people so coddled that they believe in free will
Let me guess, drug addicts should just stop doing drugs?
Do you think somone would do that? Just... go and be pedophile for the lulz? Well I guess it attracts a certain crowd of people, who find something attractive because it's ostracized.
>>there are people who think it should be illegal to love this
No. There are people who think it should be illegal to fuck this.
You're an argument
No shit, I literally said I was. Haven't done anything though. Again, I'm not proud of it.
Yes it will.
>Stealing jobs from hard-working Chinese laborers.
What Biming ever do to you?
>This shit happened to me as a kid and I have no desire to fuck kids.
I'm not saying it's a 100 percent certainty. People react to events differently, depending on the individual. I'm no expert on the subject, but I really don't think that pedos choose to be pedos any more than gay people just decide to be gay because it seems like the cool thing to do.
The Jews know that anti-pedophilia is a barrier to the full Islamic take over of white countries
I just wrote a short essay so you're going to have to specify a little pal.
No it won't.
Then what happens? You just talk about it? No you melon, they make sure you don't have a chance to do anything and your therapist is required to tell law enforcement and such.
Okay, that's acceptable, granted such a test is in fact possible (I'm betting it's not).
So you suggest all kids be monitored routinely to catch the exact moment when they're ready?
Or do you only make a kid take the test when somebody wants to molest them?
What if your kid says "I wanna fuck, and here's the guy", you make the kid take the test and suddenly it turns out the kid is still a kid - do you round up the guy that wanted to fuck the kid on the grounds of him turning out to be a pedo?
What if a (non)kid with a ficki license wants to star in a (non)kiddy porn? Wouldn't that create demand for kids with ficki licenses which would then get saturated by bribing the doc that gives the test?
And finally, should the ficki license be universal prerequisite for sex regardless of age, and wouldn't that effectively be a government monopoly on sex?
Why would Jews want a group of people who are committed to wiping them off the map to take over the parts of the world that they have pretty much undisputed economic, cultural, and political control of?
He's talking about law, and he's right. Being a pedophile isn't a crime, practicing it is. Your comparisons are so bad it almost seems as if you're a shill.
A more fair way of comparing you be racism in cucked countries (aka anything that sn't the USA, in this case) being racist isn't a crime, practicing racism (calling niggers out) is.
You can't arrest someone for wishing to fuck children, just as you can't arrest someone for not liking niggers. Raping children is a crime, being a sick fuck isn't.
Thanks for that.
I'm redpilling my gf bit by bit.
She's already not the feminist kind, but I still have to demonstrate her the society is going full degenerate, and not only liberating. The subject of pedophilia and zoophilia is really good for that.
Too bad it's not from 2016, since I try to show her it's getting more and more common.
What if it becomes a trend?
All the hipsters start fucking children like it was the end of the world.
"I was pedo b4 it was cool!" "I'm a decaf, vegan pre-ephebophile, with marxist leanings and a Stalin-stache!"
>this isn't biologically ready for impregnation
Come on, at least admit that a bit of ass-play hurts no one.
The golden rule is, if she doesn't have the bags then she ain't ready yet. Anything younger than that makes you a pedophile.
Fucking danes
According to me, anti rape laws are unfair to rapists
Not an arguement.
I'm a drug addict. I chose to try drugs and I choose to continue doing drugs. I'm addicted to amphetamines but I take breaks due to extraordinary circumstances or when I'm going off the rails. It only hurts myself (slightly) and that's my choice to make.
Ethically, getting high is a lot different than fucking kids. I don't cause deep trauma to someone's formative years every time I get high.
Although it's funny you say that because I use drugs to cope with my issues stemming from being raped when I was four.
>liking massive lumps of fat
Disgusting, tbqh.
>it's a newfags get triggered by pedos on Sup Forums episode.
>everything without saggy tits is unfuckable
better become gay
There's literally nothing wrong in being pedosexual.
I was honestly expecting Australia from your post.
Im sick already of this bullshit.
So did that Turkish pedo make his way to Denmark recently or what?
>In fact, I want to protect them from anything and everything.
No, I think it's more like when a group of nice Sicilian gentlemen enters a local establishment and "negotiates" through a "deal" for their protective services. You are thoroughly delusional, friend.
What is not often discussed though is the right of a teenager to sex an older woman. I mean if a horny 14 years old dude wants to get it on with a 24 year old girl, where is the problem in that?
Jesus fucking Christ, you retards.
If her body is ready for having children, there's nothing wrong with that. It's literally nature telling her she's ready to fuck.
There. It's that easy.
Betchu believe that some people are born fags, like yourself
Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jew tells his story of being tortured for speaking out against Israel and continues to do so, I think this is a very brave man and he seems quite genuine not all Jews are bad guys Sup Forums
Bit unrelated,but I recently found out I was 1/16th Sicilian.
That probably means I'm about 1/128th of a nigger.
Can I still call myself white?
>legalization of bestiality
Basically this. If you're a sick bastard that fancies children, you deserve to be locked up in a padded room an get treatment. If you act on your fancy, you should be locked up for life and never let go.
Are you actually retarded?
>pedophilia to be considered an antisocial behaviour or is it acceptable for an adult to have sex with a child?
It's both antisocial and not accepted, but if you don't ACTUALLY have sex with a child it's not a crime.
>I can indeed say that I do not want to kill any child. In fact, I want to protect them from anything and everything.
Which is what will lead you to murder then when you act on your savage urges.. Also the fear of being found out for the sick individual you are, not to mention the shame. Because you know it's wrong, user.
>Only incident where'd I'd even consider engaging in relations of that sort is in a very fantasy setting where it's be completely consensual.
Off yourself. Just to be safe... Or check into a mental ward, for life.
Im a pedo and have no trouble finding lolicon to relieve myself to.
We aren't fags. None of us need soeciak snowflake rights.
>Implying that matters
The Netherlands banned bestiality in 2009, and I thought that was retarded... Animal abuse is already illegal, and if someone wants to stick his dick in horses who gives a shit? The law actually had to be rewritten after the first drafting, because performing sexual acts on animals is a daily occurance in the bio-industry, farms, zoos etc etc.. It's only the 'icky' kind that's banned now.
Utterly retarded legislation.
>Government regulating morals
Pure totalitarianism...
Mandatory reporting dumbass. There's a reason why we don't get help, or tell anyone what we are. Anyone who knows about us is required by law to inform police.
I feel your pain m8. I'm 25, and have been struggling with it for 10 years now. Rest easy knowing you're not a criminal, and strive to maintain that.
found the dog fucker
Pedophilia is a sexuality, no different than being homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual. There's nothing wrong with being a pedophile as long as you don't act upon it.
I prefer dogs fucking girls tbqh
>Enough lube can make magic happen, especially if you take the back door.
damn jamal, they already gave you internet access? how many sex emergencies have you had today alone?
>We should castrate them, chain them together and use them to build iPhones.
spoken like a true chinaman, Mr. A FUCKING LEAF.
one drop rule mike brown.
>...and the winner of the 'Trying Too Hard to be Edgy' Award goes to...
i fucking knew it.
after the big LGBT push, I knew people would start pushing the 'pedophilia is not a crime' notion
faggit wierdo detected