Redpill me on why Deutsche Bank can sink the EU and the €€€

Redpill me on why Deutsche Bank can sink the EU and the €€€

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They're one of the biggest derivatives holders in the world. The debt on their book is beyond all imagination of what could ever be payed back.

Therefore, their fate lies in the hands of whoever makes the rules and calls the shots in the future.

Can't they dump them on the market before it's too late ?

Can't really dump them, but it's possible to try to bleed it off on to dupes like governments, pensioners, bail-ins, etc.

BTW, SocGen is the #2 holder of illegal PIIGS derivatives debt.

Its just a matter of time they are basicly doing the same thing they and other big banks did before the big real estate bubble bursted just under a different name

So there is gonna be a 100% chance of happening with the european banks ?

It won't start in europe. When some chinese or burger bubble go pop, it'll probably trigger all that stacked debt in our banks and make the whole thing collapse.

I heard it's gonna be the chineses.

That's why Soros bought gold and dumped his stocks portfolio.

As far as I can tell, nobody really knows what to do about it. In the short term, I don't expect anything to happen other than using these time bombs as political leverage while trying not to actually cause them to explode and ruin the status quo.

Yup. Can't start the collapse until everybody is ready to collapse together.

who gives a fuck . i have my cows and onion farm ready we go back to exchange system . will buy 2 or 3 greek slaves as soon as system collapses

Probably the Chinese desu yes. There's many reports proving they've been lying about their growth for a while now. When you compute the exportation amount etc you realize they can't have 7% growth, they may already be in recession in fact.

They also probably pulled some reserves to keep burning them into useless projects giving no returns. They are very much in debt (their local governments), ...

China has like 2 or 3 massive ongoing bubbles too. If none of them explode we can actually brand their government as highly competent.

The US always wants to keep China weak like that without breaking. It's one of the keys ways we remain dominant.

We do the same kind of thing with Russia and most other places of the world where massive instability is not in our interests.

Remember CDO's ? Shortly after the real estate bubble burst they came back just as cancerus as before with a different name BTO's. Seriously those fucking greedy jews will kill us all at the end.

every bank is a ponzy scheme. they are legally allowed to count money brought in and taken out as still there. the difference between actual money and this discrepancy globally is a figure called M1. M0 is all the actual money in the world converted to 1 unit

if M1 and M0 are to different a banking fiasco is going to happen because some one is pretending they still have good cash flow and are not making bad bets

deutsche bank had a moment of negative growth which seems revisited. while globally M1 and M0 are very similar right now its from a global effort to reduce M1 a single bank can still be contributing to much to M1

Here you go OP

I-It's ok, we will just print money, ok ? Nothing to see here, goy.


Albania is all over the place you fucking syrup nigger. Is that fire still going?

>tfw buying Deutsche Bank stocks like there's no tomorrow


FFS thought the Brexit would give it the rest.
Dam you DB!
If the Swed user is right it can still take some shots

Well in the case of Lehman, we had plenty of other banks to take its place. That was an inside job of sorts to take care of a problem.

Who can absorb DB? Wanna play a game of musical chairs? I heard that worked well on the deck of the Titanic.


There's many big french and german banks m8. French also store their money and are like ants saving everything well. So our banks have around 10trillion e in liquidities.

It's not enough to bail DB but who cares. Shit will survive.

First post best post. SocGen can't dump though, deals were made with the minister of finance.

I would worry more about the plebs just going apeshit and starting stringing up bankers and politicians in the streets the next time they suggest a bail out. Next time will probably be bail in but i don't think the public will care.

Personally i think we are in for a happening level between Venezuela and mad max.

Humans are pretty tenacious when it comes to survival. I threw some old moldy onions into my compost pile the other week. The sun doesn't even shine on it.

Well shit. Now I have more onions than I know what to do with. Potatoes work like that, too.

You tried really hard to seem smart.

>If the Swed user is right it can still take some shots
It went up today but its still lower then 2008 (16.88) so i don't think there is that much to take of desu.

Check these DB bonds, 5% yield

cant believe canada made such a great deal selling all their gold to reptosoros

Brown onions?

That was the dumbest thing ever
>hey canada
>did u kno its 2015 already
>y not get rid of that cruddy old gold
>it's only a little bit anyway
>u can even have an irrelevant amount of money for it
>its vrry progressive


If they hadn't done it there wouldn't have been enough physical gold to back up your paper gold scheme and the dollar, together with every other FIAT currency, would have taken a huge hit.

So you can thank weedman for kicking the can a little further down the road, maybe we'll make it until after the election.

Yeah, but why voluntarily asset-strip your country for nothing, especially when it's pretty much nothing in terms of assets in the first place?

makes u think eh

Who said anything about voluntarily? Weedman is as much of a meat puppet as Obama.

What is a derivative? And how does it work?

In reality, derivatives are complicated and take our best financial minds to innovate. But for the purposes of basic understanding, it's like insurance fraud.

Let's say I charge you $1 for a promise that I'll pay $100 if your house burns down. Of course all I have is $1 now, so there's no way I could really pay you $100. But that won't stop me. I'll just turn around and sell the insurance contract to the bank down the road.

The bank down the road looks at it and thinks, wow this contract is worth $100. I'll buy that for $1, write down that I have $100 in liabilities on my balance sheet, and I'll sell this contract to the next bank down the road for $1000, and then start spending it on hookers and blow!

Now I have $2, the banks are out spending $1102 on hookers and blow, and you're fucked sideways if your house burns down.

well you cant blame trudeau for needing money right now to pay for the wellfare of all the filth he imports
he doesnt care he wont be in office when the money will have run out and the next prime minister will need to pay for hospital road electricity line etc etc

the fact that canada needed to sell all their gold is pretty worrying is "a fucking leaf" economy really as good as it s being sold to us in europe...

> crashing this finance system
> with no survivors

A derivate is a financial active that has its value based on an other active.
Non-derivative assets:
Stocks, Commodities, Debt
Options futures and what ever you can imagine, there are exotic derivatives which base their value in the cost of polluting in X place
The trick is that you can come up with a new derivative that has "value" and fake that you have a lot of money

They're also clever market rigging devices, as for instance in the case of SLV and GLD. That way you can buy up a bunch of worthless futures contracts and other derivatives and resell them to make it look as though they're worth something. That way, on paper, there are like 25 jewzillion ounces of gold and silver being traded while the COMEX vaults only have to have a few IOUs in them, and enough liquidity to pay off the regulators and negotiate yuge payoffs when important clients threaten to demand physical.


>will buy 2 or 3 greek slaves as soon as system collapses
Hope you are ready for some vengeance if we get to exchange system. This means anarchy in international level.

Get your buttholes ready up there.