Post anglos
Post anglos
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american whites are now a minority
Beady shoo
Thats a funny way to spell jew puppets you divide and conquer encouraging kike
and a turk turk to you too
t. john smith
all anglos are jew puppets
>tfw anglo
>tfw we keep ruining the world
>tfw i love very fucking second of it.
>tfw always with a smug smile
Stay mad divide and conquer roaches. This shitty forced meme will never catch on.
>divide and conquer meme
that's a good try at subversion, anglo. You're almost as good as your Jewish masters
>he said while squirting big salty anglo tears
>This shitty forced meme will never catch on.
it kinda already has though, beady
Here you go.
>little did the anglo know he was being used and will become a minority
That's because Anglos make it their business to butt into things that doesn't concern them. And then take the credit for things they didn't do. If anything the Germans had the answer to problems but the Eternal Anglo just had to intervene. And take credit for 'saving the world'.
Yeah so why are you focusing on the divide and conquer part. Lets talk about the head of the snake
its anglos that are dividing and conquering the aryan. you think if we are extra nice anglos will stop trying to genocide us?
just joshing
u alright anglo blood?
This is why shitty forced memes fail
It's the jew not the anglo you kike.
"non hispanic whites" are a minority
and not overall, only in infants
wait 15-20 years and make that post again, i'll upvote you then, when its true
LOL it was the eternal kraut who released Jew Bolshevism on Russia. Let's not forget all European Jews have germanic names.
Aryan genocide can't come soon enough.
posting Anglo racial anthem
>its never the anglos
I'm Anglo and I find these memes fucking hilarious.
That's the thing about us Anglos, we can take a joke.
Also, world domination soon.
quick question, the fuck have anglos ever done that ever compared to germanics or jews?
>muh british empire
which lead to shitloads of trade ergo subsequent wealth as well as the USA, your point?
>muh poo in loos
that's their problem, had they not left the streets would be clean as fuck
you won't get away with it,ANGLO BLOOD
European Jews like African Americans. Not white.
Germanic name. Krauts infected Europe with the Jews.
More anglo memes please, they're funny
shoo shoo
no seriously what the fuck did they actually do
or are you just shitposting
>quick question, the fuck have anglos ever done that ever compared to germanics or jews?
dindunuthin obviously
anglos are violent war criminals who plot to genocide the aryan race and create a global brown mix race over which their inbred anglo race will rule
>63 million aboriginals
wait so they're trying to get brown people to take over the world by killing brown people?
also where's the sauces on those kill counts?
killing poo in loos, sandniggers, and injuns seems pretty counter-productive to a brown takeover
nice try beady
i'm not even fucking english, i'm an east yuro immigrant, now can you answer the question?
>im an aryan just like you goyim!
east yuros aren't aryan you fucking idiot, slavs & balts are the words you need to know
if i go into the most natsoc-tier thread in all of Sup Forums and i ask 'em for stats on where the fuck they're getting this evidence for genocide statistics i can at the WORST get a dodgy site with some dodgy reasoning, but i'll fucking get it
where's yours?
its time to go nigel
It's just a meme m8. There's no logic to it.
it's the worst fucking meme i've ever seen in my entire life
worse than rage comics
does this look like an english passport to you, fuckhead?
im part viet. what does that make me?
Dude calm down they're just going to keep responding in memes
i see through you beady
yeah you're fuckin' right
why am i even in this thread
can you translate the passport? i can't read anglo with my gook eyes.
I keked