How much money do I have here now the pound has dropped?

How much money do I have here now the pound has dropped?

dunno, but i do know you've got some disgusting beta hands

Three gold galleons, two silver sickles and one bronze knut

£4.65 mate

4 pounds and 65 pence?

£4.65 you dumb retard.

I like you.

Around 92yen

I like how your ten pence is bigger than the five. It's backwards here and I've never understood why.


>How much money do I have here now the pound has dropped?

about an ounce

ive got a german coin that if it was frond the bacnk of germany and not the other way around it would be worth around 300 dollarydoos



Enough for some K Cider.

Well that's just

about tree fitty

Man strictly rolls with only gold and silver, no bronze ygm

Why is there a ferret on your 5?

me on the left

You know it recovered again in less than 24 hours right?

bout three fiddy

Check out the old ha'penny

It's not a ferret.


But the pound hasn't dropped. You're still holding it in your hand.

Looks like a porcupine with a facial erection.

Australia is weird.

Kek, its a bit like that. Probably weirder than you think, it actually lays eggs and is one of the only monotremes in the world! The other being our platypus.

I would love to have been T.H.H. Huxley thinking I've finally solved the mystery of evolution and taxonomy and then taking a vacation down in bloody Australia.

>what in the ever living fuck is that thing?
>oh fuck my life

>it actually lays eggs

came here to post this

Do you eat the eggs?

fucking australia

do those things work as pets?

GDP per capita of Romania?


About 100 Canadian dollars.

About three fiddy

They're poisonous.

>Non round coins

Theyre soft as a babys ass

They are poisonous so you dont want one

Your hands i mean

doesnt answer my question

2015 £2 Coin.... Noice... I've still yet to see any 2016 coins or the new 5er.

That and a US quarter will get you a pack of gum m8

Only males.

No, they eat its bill.


Platypus bill soup. It's an Australian tradition.

On November 17, 1278, all the Jews of England were subjected to arrest and search of their homes on suspicion of coin clipping and counterfeiting. Eventually, some 680 were imprisoned in the Tower of London, where it is believed that more than 300 were actually executed in 1279. At the time, the Jewish population of England is believed to have been some 3,000.
The most significant antecedent preceding the roundups and hangings of 1278-1279 was the Statute of the Jewry, imposed by King Edward I in 1275. That statute forbid Jews to deal in usury.

See, that's why you need a King, not a Queen.

About 138635.05 Vietnamese Dong

This was back when our monarchy actually had power.

But there's an image that's posted about on here that explains why our coins all have funny edges, basically to do with coin clipping.

Mauritius use dong?

We use shit rupees but that was the highest amount I could find in terms of smallest to highest.

When I was a child, we were told our coins had funny edges so that blind people could tell them apart by touch, and that we all had to be very nice to cripples, jews, and retards, all of whom could have a useful place in our glorious new society.

been trying Change 10.000 Euro to Pounds and HSBC internet Banking down for 5 days now.

the Pound will bounce back.
i trust it more then euro.

I hope all americans know they most Support the british now to make trump look good and win in 6 months time

buy british goods
buy Pounds

trump might have more chance

Why would you choose Pounds over Swiss Francs?

About 17 dogecoin.

It's still £4.65

On Thursday that was worth $6.98 USD (rate of 1.5)
Today it's now worth $6.22 USD (rate of 1.33822)

Not a huge difference to be honest

Some beans

Yeah but you will need to remove the male's poisonous dew claw(s?).

Exactly the same as you hold, 4.65p