How was he able to do drugs during the day and still function, and do his job?

How was he able to do drugs during the day and still function, and do his job?

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How else would he have done that Job?


how can anyone function and do their job without drugs?

>Number one rule of Wall Street. Nobody... and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or if you're Jimmy Buffet. Nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up, down, sideways or in fucking circles.

Is he right?

No, some stocks are predictable as shit, however not everyone notices those.

what drugs are you referring to?

>talking shit = job

Coke obviously.

You mean, how he is able to avoid a massive comedown after his morning line? He does another line. And another. And another, and so on.


He does coke which is a rich mans drug and its basically like drinking a dozen cans of redbull

Matthew McConaughey is more drugs than man anyway so why would a little more affect his acting?

Wall Street is full of people barely functioning thanks to coke, amphethamines, opoids

Not to mention tons of silicon valley CEO's microdose on LSD and what not for some creativity

Everybody else in his firm did more drugs than him so he passed of as an even-keeled normie.

ever did coke?

Its coke, you can function perfectly fine even if you slam a few drinks down during lunch. Its a helluva drug.


wugazi you say?

LSD won't fuck you up physically though

it will mentally

>fairy dust
>It's not even in the fucking elements chart

What an incredible display of acting McCounaghey gives in that scene. Completely blows the fuck out of Leonardo "I'm frowning" DiCarpio at his trying best.

not if you're microdosing

this is a better question

cocaine makes you shit

especially if you're microdosing

I'm in college and I'm literally retarded as fuck without Adderall+Nicotine+Coffee.

I can't see how people can make it through life without any drugs.

how much is adderall where do you get it

Tell that to the Jews that shorted airline stocks just before 9/11

>ive never done drugs

I'm guessing you've never done cocaine.

Friend of a friend's cousin. Shady guy sells $5 a pill to college students on campus.

You grow a pair and build up a tolerance

>its basically like drinking a dozen cans of redbull
>t. Never even seen cocaine in person

this is how professor sniffles manages to stay marxist

and so on and so forth

nigga looks like cersei

How do you not focus without adderall or coke?

cocaine is some weak shit

i did it recently for the first time and felt literally nothing

but i did meth recently too and that was much better, like what i was expecting from coke times two

Because you're some nobody who got stepped on shit. A guy like him is probably getting literal pure coke.

you snorted drywall son

>literal pure coke
I've wondered about this, would you actually want pure coke, or would you want it enhanced with something? Like flavors or some shit, I don't know

its not candy you fuckin dork

calm down satan

Not him but, especially if micro dosing?
Do you mean a near constant state of dosing?

Some people are affected by coke as much. I'm one of them, know another.

>what are 8balls

my friend snorted the same shit and was talking about how shitty it was making him feel and that he shouldn't have done coke etc (he's done it multiple times before though)

and the guy who gave it to me was doing it too so it's not like i was getting pranked or some shit

maybe i didn't feel it because i was already high as fuck, but the few people i know who have experience with coke always act like it's no big deal

How was he able to do drugs during the day and still function, and act? Lots of actors do that. Acting is really really hard, you can't act otherwise.

Ever thought it was probably just shit coke? Which was the point the original replies were getting at

isn't ritalin similar to cocaine

the effect is similar but not the chemical composition

i tried coke a few times. all it did was make me feel more awake for about 30-60 minutes depending on my state before taking it

cocaine is a heavily overrated drug imho

i only ever aquired small quantities of 0,5-1g of it though, maybe it's effects are different when you do it in higher quantities but thats kinda hard to afford when 1g goes aroung 50-150€ depending on the current supply

from my experience i must say i dont understand why its heavily used by rich people

i guess its because its expenesive as fuck and they can afford it. just like luxury cars and big houses

depends on the drugs, cocaine makes you hyper alert

He fed the geese to keep the blow flowing
He kept the rhythm below the belt

Nigga the """coke""" you snorted had been cut and diluted to the point that it was barely coke.

You retarded or something, son?

Do you honestly think that the economy of several nations would be completely tied up in one drug if it was shit? Would people honestly be destroying their lives over it?

I don't even like cocaine and I think you're fucking retarded.

Dude meth is stupid and I hope you O.D dipshit

this is me
how does one aquire less diuted coke? maybe every time i tried it it was only baking soda with some coffein

you never know what you get when you buy drugs desu

Hey buddy this board is for over 18s :^)

Sorry, son. My understanding is that Yuropoor blow is mostly shit unless you're rich or have ties above street-level crime.

Mostly it's because getting the shit all the way there from South America is a big expensive complicated pain in the ass and as a result by the time it actually reaches a street-level dealer (and thus you) it's been cut so many damn times it's mostly insecticide/acetaminophen/baby laxitive/sugar/drywall.

>doing meth

Please don't do meth, fellow anons. It's an awful drug. Breaking Bad glamorized it and now idiots think it's cool. I've seen too many friends destroyed by it.

Glamorized the production of it maybe. It portrayed the addicts as the complete wrecks they are.

>You guise meth is so evil
>Lol better take a bump of Adderall to help me cram for finals

Virtually the same thing.

Don't get me wrong meth is bad shit but T B H prescription painkillers and heroin are much much worse.

BB certainly made meth glamorous (because people are retarded) but amphetamines are probably the most abused drug on college campuses after alcohol and weed.

It's the same fucking thing as the crack/cocaine divide.

>One is a drug only used by the lowest tiers of society and will completely destroy your life
>The other is a party drug used by upper middle class people when they need a pick-me-up

>They have identical effects on your brain, the only difference in cultural connotations and how you take them.

>he doesn't take drugs every day
Literally smoked like an hour before class today and it was great.

Scotland and Liverpool in the UK have amazing coke

Maybe you just have AD(H)D.

Seriously, cocaine works differently for people with legit AD(H)D

I'm from the cocaine capital of the UK and the coke here is shit, it all comes from Liverpool too.

And meth is made by some guy in his basement mixed with God knows what where adderrall is made by professionals
And comes in pills or capsules at exact dosages

Most normal people?

Interday, yes price movements are typically random unless news events affect that company. But in the long run, you can usually tell what direction a stock price will probably go (barring macro level events). Like everyone can assume that Sears' stock will probably be cheaper in a year than it is now

You got cheap shit that was mostly laxatives

bad writing

Because his job was bullshit.

It's crazy how casual it is in London

I lived in Glasgow for 6 months when I was 22. It might be good for Europe but I've had better shit in Midwestern flyover states than I did while there.

Lots of people are degenerate. When I was in central america I'd say a third of the white people I met were doing coke. Hell, a cabbie offered me a line for free. People fall for drugs all the time. The only point of drugs is separate a fool from his money.

>Does literally the exact same thing to your brain.

>Of COURSE Oxycontin is safe! Would a DOCTOR prescribe something that's unsafe?

This. Ever try meth? Ever have a highly stressful and detail-oriented job? The two go hand in hand.

Not even white, either. My penis is 6", not 5.1" lol.

>College kid crushes up 3 Adderall, scrapes them up into fat lines and snorts them off his desk
>No guys it's totally cool because I got this from a doctor.

Quit being retarded. Prescription drug abuse is a FAR bigger public health crisis than meth or crack.

The best.

My uncle's wife's cousin is a manchild due to overdosing on drugs. Not in the Sup Forums or weaboo way, but mentally he is literally a teenager. They found him rolled off on an ER one day in the early 90s and he went into a coma. Fuck psychedelics man. Imma stick to meth, cut cocaine, weed, and alcohol.

fundamentally, yeah.

but you can model anything and give it a real good guess.
of course all economic models are based on assumptions which makes them inherently unscientific.

Especially if microdosing because there won't be a clear distinction between your sober and intoxicated states.

If you drop a tab of acid, you will trip and know that you're tripping, and when it's over you'll know it's over.

If you keep taking tiny fractions of a dose instead, things will just be a little less real in a way that's not immediately evident to you. You're basically jumping headlong into schizophrenia.

Sorry but the line between smoking meth under a bridge and snorting Adderall to stay up all night is pretty much solely about perception. The intoxicants we use indicate social status.

See: The social implications of alcohol preference. When you picture someone who drinks Bud Light vs PBR vs Corona, chances are you have a specific idea in your head of what each of those looks like.

This is true of literally every drug and a lot of the time it's sheer bullshit.

>big dick
>gainfully employed

Pick only 1 (one).

I know a guy who takes opiates and xanax all throughout the day as well as smokes weed and operates heavy equipment. He's probably the hardest working guy at my job and operates equipment effortlessly. Meanwhile I'd be on my ass if I did even 1/5th of what he does. Some people just have tolerance and some people are just used to living that way.

Well he has built up a massive tolerance.. it probably doesn't even do anything to him anymore. When you're addicted to something it just brings you back to baseline when you take it.

Benzo addiction will kill you, literally, so he has to take it to remain functional - ironically.

What a garbage way to live.

injecting heroin and crack together is how I soothe the frailty and pain of my chronic illness and overcome my crippling anxiety actually allowing me to function

without drugs I wouldn't be able to cope with my horrible physical and mental pain tbbhwyf

my first reaction to cocaine(I slammed it because i'm retarded) was "this rush is shit-tier" followed by "I hate being this amped up and I feel like my heart is about to explode"

the idea of meth and being that amped up for 15 hours instead of 15 mins without anything to mellow it out sounds fucking awful

I would do any job much better with intermittent skiing trips

The power of cokediology

Is there some kind of cumulative effect that occurs? What if the microdoser just stops, clears up, and then begins again at some point later?

>I share a board with these retards

feels whatever man

I want to get into microdosing

But never ordered anything off the deepweb

Anyone here got any problems with it?