Are native americans bro tier?

Are native americans bro tier?

if your bros are lazy drunks who bitch and moan all day then sure

holy fuck i wish the prarie still looked that nice. people planeted so many fucking trees wnd shit ruined it


Native Americans are the fucking scum our continent. How could someone even THINK to consider them "bro-tier?"

Fuck no. They're a bunch of lazy drunks who do nothing but get into trouble anytime they leave their casinos

Good question for the Sikhophiles of Sup Forums. They aren't Moslem, so they must be based. Right?

sounds racist to me

So, your bros ARE a bunch of lazy drunks, then?

Prairie Niggers?

Our founding fathers tried to warn us. Native Americans are savages. For proof, look at Mexico, or any other Central American country.
Pro Tip: "Hispanic" and "Latino" are euphemisms for mestizos, the mongrelized byproduct of racemixing between White (European) mean and Amerindian (native) women. Mexico is essentially an entire country of Native Americans with a little bit of European genetics from the White Spaniards who conquered the Aztec empire, cucked the indian males, and impregnated their women.

>Implying all natives are the same
>Implying Spanish blood is white or worth a damn

Most natives are shit. They are a lot like blacks today. They have no motivation or drive so they are lazy degenerates.

Sikhs voted for brexit. Also they know how to poo in loo.
They can stay.

Native Americans are bro tier but there's only a dozen or so left, so it doesn't really matter. You can live in the states and go a lifetime without seeing one.

There are more whites and mexicans pretending to be natives then there are actual natives. Think about that for a moment.

They wake up every morning and witness their own extinction and replacement.

those ones were based. comanche were one of the only tribes to actually gain land back from european settlers. it took the country/union uniting against them after the civil war to finally defeat them

This is why you're a cuck.

You should get along with them quite well, Ireland.

The couple I've met were pretty cool. In general it depends on the community, they all get government buxxs most are completely mismanaged by the tribal council but a few are great.

>motivation or drive
>Spanish blood
it's called genetics, summer friend.

The fuck are you talking about faggot, a lot of the country still looks like that and the dust bowl was caused by cutting the trees down, not planting them.

>mexicans pretending to be natives
that's hilarious.
You don't know that Mexicans ARE natives.
Helpful Hint: all native central and south americans are natives.
Fun Fact: Eskimos (Inuit) are natives, too.


The ones that live around here are bro-tier.
>Go camping up to Indian campground
>They're all Indian, and we have a good time
>Things are cheap because Indians get good deals (Because of status).
>Drink beer and play games
I'd rather fuck a frog or an indian than a gook or a darky.

What I meant was mexicans (central americans) pretending to be north americans, which they are not. In my post I was specifically referring to native north americans.

>Native Americans are bro tier but there's only a dozen or so left, so it doesn't really matter. You can live in the states and go a lifetime without seeing one.

Bullshit. I lived on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation for years, and very rarely saw any of them act "bro-tier." Most try to act like niggers, and I'm not exaggerating. BET is the local favorite cable channel, they sag their pants, and do absolutely nothing more than bitch about the white men day in and day out.

I also don't really agree with "living in the states without seeing one" unless you live in a remote area. PowWows are all over the goddamned place, and a lot of eastern rez's are even commercialized.

No. They're prairie niggers.

>The ones that live around here are bro-tier.
I've never been to a Canadian Reserve, but from what I hear from your countrymen, that's bullshit. I hear your Reserves are worse off than a lot of our Reservations.

Where were you when you grew out of the hippy, noble savage lies?

We should have finished the fucking job.

Southern Utah fag here
Literally surrounded by various tribes

Some natives are total bro's and some women would definitely impregnate

Some are total drunks

I would share a drink with a shivwits or paiute but id be more worried about having a drink with a Navajo

Id rather go hunting with a white mountain/.jicarilla apache then a hopi hippy faggot

Some tribes are definitely better than others and weaker than others in different aspects

I met so many fucking natives its ridiculous

What do you figure?

We have an expert here.

Well its just you're rash judgement is all

Navajos are far richer than smaller tribes and with that comes good and bad things

I met a native man who was still scared of cameras because medicine man said so

We also have a navajo medicine man who is a family friend and he blessed our fishing poles haha

Hearing "Eversick" gets annoying
Hearing natives say "White rabbit" around a campfire is pretty funny when they are drunk

for those who dont know
when the smoke from a campfire is hitting you in the face you say "White rabbit"
The smoke will blow a different way
or so they say

Ya et ahh my feather niggies

....Fuck, Finn. You make sense.

>Well its just you're rash judgement is all
Actually, no, it's my years of experience among them.

My ten or so years doing PowWows, and my ten or so years living on the Rez, and a few unrelated occurrences.

So yeah, I'm not making "rash judgements."

yeah I actually thought so

lol oops Ya at eeh

>my ten years doing powwows
>my ten or so years on the rez

>things that never happened.jpeg

You also then know some tribes are far better than others

The rez you were on doesnt mean the other rez's are that way

Some tribes are inherently superior to others

Trying to compare tribes is like saying

Estonians are exactly like the french

Those feather nignogs are to different from one another

>"Hey guys, I'm Ireland and I don't know about Indians, how are they?"

>Well, Ireland, I have had this kind of experience with them...


This is what is known as summerfaggottry.

nah I just thought you would have some integrity and love of your culture and people
I thought you wouldn't shit-talk people who were a part of your life for so long

guess I was wrong.

>You also then know some tribes are far better than others
Hell yeah.

The St. Regis/Akwasasne reservation on the border of Canada and New York not only are born with dual-citizenship to both countries, but also are pretty much like their own country, with their own passports and such.

The rez's on the Eastern seaboard are all fairly well off.

The MAJORITY of the reservations, however, that hold the MAJORITY of the population of these prairie niggers, is west of the Mississippi, and they pretty much ARE a dime a dozen, with very few irregularities (excepting the Hopi/Navajo rez, which is fucking huge).

>Some tribes are inherently superior to others
No, it's not "superior," just were able to adapt to the inevitability of our (white people's) occupation easier, I think.

>Trying to compare tribes is like saying
>Estonians are exactly like the french
>Those feather nignogs are to different from one another
In some cases, sure. In most cases, no. Trying to differentiate the Assinaboine from the Sioux, for example, is near impossible. The MAJORITY I spoke of all largely held the same or similar attitudes and beliefs.

No they hate you and now get off on taking all your money at casinos. They are the OG American jews.

>nah I just thought you would have some integrity and love of your culture and people

The culture is only cool as a historical study point. Why would I "love" it?

The people are shit. Why would I love them?

>I thought you wouldn't shit-talk people who were a part of your life for so long
Dafuq are you going on about?

>I-I-If you know people for a long time, you can't shit-talk them!

>guess I was wrong.
I guess you were, faggot.

They don't even bother to decant the gasoline. They drink it straight from the pump. Barbarians.

Go home, Red Man.

And by home, I mean your modest homestead many, many miles away from the nearest reservation that will try to drag you down until you become something that while not as severe strongly resembles the Australian Abbos.

No, Minnesotan here. They are literally prairie niggers.
>going to school up north, live sorta near reservation
>working at gas station, so I generally know most of the drunk indians shits and talk to the cops a lot hearing about them
>one night ~11pm, drunk ass indian who last I heard was in jail stumbles in
>starts demanding cigarettes
>I tell him to fuck off and I don't want to get him thrown back in jail
>he decides now is a good time to charge at me
>knock him in the face and keep beating him with one hand
>use other hand to grab phone and dial 911
>tell the operator to get some cops down here before I put this tree nigger in a coma
>stay on the line with the operator till the cops get there
>still fighting him with one hand
>cops run in and take him down
>apparently they took a while because they stopped to grab some beers
>at least they gave me a beer

A lot of them actually work locally and have land elsewhere; they just go there for the enjoyment, is all. Some live off the government, others do not. I think it's a welfare state issue, not a "praire nigger" issue. Most of the people where I live are already part native themselves; i'm part native; you can't tell, but it's a very much a part of me. But the ironic thing, is that Alberta always asks for workers in their oil fields, and like 1/3 of the island is gone out west; most Albertan workers are not Albertan; they're from here.

>Go home, Red Man.
>And by home, I mean your modest homestead many, many miles away from the nearest reservation

Funny story, not really related to topic.

We lived a few miles outside of the "city," and one day, my Dad came out of the shower, dressed, went outside, and still had a towel wrapped around his head (we all have long hair and long beards).

A few minutes later, a cop pulls up in our long driveway. It's Monty; he's the stuttering cop my Mom serves at the bar. We often joked that anyone he arrested would confess before he could read them their rights.

Anyways, he gets out, a smirk on his Indian face, and bit by bit gets out the story that our neighbor had called 911 on us because "she knew where Osama Bin Laden was hiding."

(My Dad is 100% Italian.)

>I know your country better than you know your own country
Sup Forums in a nutshell

Just be careful to not get into an altercation with one. The authorities will give them a pass on anything so as to not seem racist. Interesting case in my area not too long ago where a spic chick killed an Indian's kid from a previous coupling. They shoveled all blame to the woman and completely excused the Indian man, though it was obvious the neglect that amounted in the child's death was a cooperative effort on both parts. Very rare women have to deal with a full consequence, so you know when the female gets the full monty and the dude is given a pass something significant is there to be learned.

Good if you can make friends with them. TONS of disposable income. They really throw it around. They would choke on it otherwise.

>things that didn't happen

Better than natives in Canada or Australia.
Worse than natives in South America.

Absolutely not.

The noble savage meme is far from the truth.

Navabro here.

I sense white guilt ITT. It's ok the battles were long ago. We've moved on. I hope you can too someday.

It still looks exactly like that.

t. South Dakotan

Confirmed for never taking I-94 across North Dakota.

>mfw Shia LaBeouf came and partied on the rez by me