
Does anyone else enjoy all the Millennial tears as they come to realize the world doesn't revolve around just them?

Is anyone else a millenials that has a violent hatred for millenials ? Makes me avoid places filled with ppl my age

I'm a millennial too and I ABHOR most other millennials.

aren't most people on this board millennials?

I enjoy it now but when millennials start getting into political office, I'm fucking off to somewhere else.

I hate you guys too, but how are we the "ME" generation? That was the boomers. We're just horrible gay assholes.


Liberals have been getting so smug lately, it's good to finally see them lose something

I think most of us on Sup Forums are

Yeah, my "friends" on kikebook that all graduated with arts and physical education degrees do nothing but complain about how they deserve high paying jobs and how much "hate" is in the world.

And the fucking cunts ruined my home province by electing the commies.

I'm glad my Dad redpilled me at an early age and made it clear that being a entitled liberal brat is deplorable.

I'd like the Baby Boomers to learn that lesson first.

The Boomers are narcissistic selfish cunts who have got away with murder.

Daily reminder that there is a 90% chance you are millennial

>aged 15-34 give or take depending on the sociologist/historian/media source you are using

>time calls us the meme generation

Not even mad rn

Who /meme generation/ here?

>I hate my generation
>look at me I'm better than them
>haha you like me right?
>pay attention to me!

You're the same as the rest, you narcissistic fucks

At least 5 free (yous)s

>Joel Stein

Not even trying to hide the merchant.

>clearly political heavy-weight (well last part anyway kek)
>buy my pr0n


I hate my fucking generation.

France proxy this time?


Not really. They are litteraly annonymous

Im sure the greatest gen said the same thing with the boomers.

Your views will change as you age.

Boomers are the ones to vote to get out of the EU even though they were the hippies

I don't think the boomers wanted the English fucking language to bend over for their gender pronouns.

Fuck em they're going to die soon anyway. No sense in acting like niggers and blaming other groups for our problems.

We need to do something about the irrational emotionally charged entitled brats that will soon be taking charge of our government.

Considering 90% of us are millennials we have a better idea of how to manipulate the whiney masses into preserving our culture and countries

>My little brother is one of the shitheads who want to take the vote away from old people
>When asked for the reasoning behind this, he cited facebook comments from his phone and dared to call me an idiot

>Just a day earlier it was me who had to make his fucking bed because he couldn't figure it out, and carry his new wardrobe up two flights of stairs because his bitch ass has never worked to develop muscles
The only thing stopping me from punching him through the wall is our blood.

Kick his ass once, it'd be good for him.

Millennials aren't as liberal as the media pretends

They are only as liberal as young people have always been, literally nothing special about the urgent young and their lefty Lean

>ask for reasoning on why Brexit is racist and bad
>they post the ''took over half the world, whine about racism'' picture

>Country built on racism and xenophobia.

What's new?

All of us here know that unless you're 36 or older, then you're a millennial, correct?

Just checking

post him a maymay of fallout supermutant with words "STUUPID LEAVERS", he'll not understand.

Are you chile`'-an?

We're the "MEME" generation, we've invoked the ancient meme gods magic on a fucking rice picking forum.

>I I I I I I
Checks out.

I don't know though. The prevalence of social media makes it so easy for millenials to be brainwashed by emotional propaganda. In the past these lefty kids were separated but now they can group together on FB, twitter, tumblr, et. al.

Don't you have research to do?

I remember this article. No substance or numbers. Strictly generalizations and opinions. Essentially, printed click-bait.

People widely described baby boomers as the "Me generation", because of their perceived narcissism.

Perception is reality.

Every fucking time

What is this?

I'm on mobile.

1942 France?

Aren't you cold?


wtf penguins browse Sup Forums???




I was born in 1998. Am I a millennial?

Oh shit rare french flag

At least we're not glue sniffing MKUltra nation selling hippies.

I seen this flag



This number gets raised higher and higher every time someone needs to define Millenials.

Yea but at the tail end

You are right in the border between millennials and what call "gen z". Right now

Depending on how we define it in the future you may end up being a gen z

Not really. He's 18 this year and he could have an early birthday.


Aren't almost all of the people posting in this thread going to be 'millennials' by definition?

I am not judging them for being naive and inexperienced for I was like that in my youth, they'll learn soon enough

still, I am dangerously dehydrated because of salt ingestion from brexit

yes because as time goes on, they become older. are you an idiot, 1980+ birth = millenial.

>can't an apartment despite working 45 hours a week
>live with parent
>everyone makes fun of my generation for not moving out

Anyone else read the front cover as Meme Me?

>Why they'll save us all

Was this written by a Millennial or a Populist?

Nah, there are some old fucks here, I'm gen x


The date of birth gets lowered every time someone has to define Millenials.

I can't hate millenials too much.

They got handed probably the biggest ball of shit ever in terms of lies, upon, lies, upon lies and a housing market that basically impenetrable to the majority of them.

>Get a degree and you will make loads of cash
Degrees are worthless now because they are so common place and work experience is more important. PLUS skilled labor is dirt cheap because people are brought in from outside the country on the cheap instead of paying locals a good wage.

>When I was your age I had my own home
When baby boomers were 18 a family home cost less than $50k but that same home now costs about $200k or more and boomers ate that shit up to have more 'liquid assets' later while completely butt-fucking the next gen in terms of housing prices.

>You just need to get a job
Jobs pay shit wages, especially when that retarded ass college loan debt needs to get paid as well as living expenses.

Really, the whole market needs to crash and crash hard so that shit is no longer as expensive and people with a lot of liquid assets get absolutely fucked.

I am at the crux of the millennial generation. One foot in that gen and one foot in gen X. They are fucked.

Many baby boomers refuse to retire so Gen Xers can't move up to better positions and open up lower positions in a lot of jobs and many Gen Xers are holding down jobs that pay better than minimum wage but not good wages, however, they aren't giving them up because they can't move up anymore.

That leaves high skilled work with lower wages than they should have and a lot of debt required to get into those positions, minimum wage bullshit work, and the military.

Of course, you need to have a clean criminal history and no drug charges on your file to get into the military and to get into the vast majority of decent jobs later on and bullshit stoner culture has wrecked a lot of millennials in that regard as well by promoting 'weed is good' fucking them at a young age.


>the generation that raised this piece of shit generation

and now we're going to be even worse parents, you guys started the cycle

>$200k for a family home.

Tell me where you live, that's a couple's home at best in most parts of the US. A family home's like $350k starting, even in cheap places these days.


Their tears are nice, but their sheer arrogance, entitlement and complete lack of empathy or respect they also displayed pisses me off to no end.

The original name corns form people "becoming adults" in the new millennium

Depending on your source I've see as early as 78/79 and as late as 85

There is no official number but usually early 80's give or take

I might join the military myself. £30k starting is good for a graduate job, the pension is good and all the grilles will want to have sex with me if I'm a 2nd Lt, plus living expenses are covered so no rent needs paying.

The best thing I can tell Millenials is to avoid all debt, get a trade job that is in demand and can't be automated AND can be apprenticed if you can. Vets, plumbers, masons, HVAC, welding, etc. are all in demand and pay well but many won't touch them because they have been told not to do such work as it is beneath them.

Stay off illegal narcotics. Yes that includes weed.

Don't go to college if you can avoid it, and if you do need to go, do not take any loans for it at all and work instead or get a scholarship if you can.

Move out of your parents house ASAP. You will only learn to budget your money appropriately when you are forced to do so.

1982 is the date for when the millennials start. They are the people who would be of voting age from 2000 onward hence the name 'millennials'.

>Millennial or a Populist?

I don't recall them being mutually exclusive. Also would you fuck off using the word populist? It's exactly like the word degenerate and implies you don't really know what your asking or talking about.

Not him but I live in SC and my 1800 or so house is 70k. Out of city limits with 3 acres that I'm too lazy to cut.

it's different here
But yeah I do have a hate from what I see going on over in the us

here the fuss is about some rich kids bloating off on facebook in extravagance. It's really taboo here, as we're poorfags by heart still. We really do hate fancy shit, at least the men. Shit has to be practical

I fucking miss discussing with old left instead of post modernism retarded faggots who can't even see they are manipulated by corporativists and a part of neoliberalism.

Fuck that. We beat our kids enough but then they got older and raised themselves on the internet and smart phones. The technological age raised this generation, not us.

Deep south, man.

$200k for a family home on average. The fucked thing is the average yearly wage for people in those areas? about $15k per year.

Yes, I really don't buy into social media and the culture that goes with it. Millenials are OK otherwise I guess.

>be me
>be born during the late 80s
>don't view yourself as a millenial

I'm from TN myself and that's how things work, it's not the deep south per se but that's a stark difference. Of course I'm from the greater Nashville area, so that may be affecting things. Some of the towns way out there probably are a lot cheaper.

user that's insane, if you develop the land and fix the house up a bit you could make a killing off of that.

More rural areas it's more like 135k-150k for a nice house

Be a fucking man and admit you fucked up.


>I'm a millennial, but I'm not lazy and selfish like the rest! I was simply born in le wrong generation! The Beetles and Pink Floyd are so much better than Justin Bieber!

On all levels except physical I am an 8th century Aengliscman.

Fuck other millennials though, and boomers, and people in general.

Yep and it's going to get worse when all the old people from the North decide to retire down there in the cheap states.

Muh nest egg

can millennials really be selfish when we're so poor and live with our parents?

I honestly can't stand whenever my gym buddy or people I go to Uni with talk about almost anything. They're so fucking delusional it physically pains me. There's maybe two people I can talk politics with without getting a retarded response they heard somewhere.

I've always associated millenials with the whining bitch generation that were born from the 90s onwards. But I grew up in the country. All this "progressive" thinking spreads from the cities, rural areas are always far behind but feminism and SJW bullshit never even came on my radar until about 10 years ago

Typical millenial
> I have no responsibility for my own actions. It's all their fault.

What should we have done? Stuck you all in a fucking bomb shelter and refuse you internet. Then you would have had no way to communicate with the outside world and not find other crazy faggots that shared your tears to promote whiny bitch culture.

More like the ZHE ZHE ZHE generation

I lkicked my brother's ass over less than that.

>poster asks other anons about their opinions on millennials
>numerous posters respond with their own perspective

Did you expect people on Sup Forums to use different pronouns to refer to the self, or...?

you do know there are congressional members and senators who have been in office for over 40 years, right? millenials aren't going to do shit for at least 20 years.

>feeling physically ill over a nation-wide referendum

wtf is wrong with these people?

>my generation is responsible for nothing

You could have simply homeschooled you kids and influence them with traditional values.

Ok let's stop this - I was actually fucking with you.

Aside from the homeschool thingy (not possible in germany) you could have done not much else. The boomer generation was alsready too much indoctrinated and there was no way to stop this shit, which kept happening since the late 60s

Reminder that the term milennial comes from the latin "mil" which means "a thousands", which means those born after 2000, that is the correct term no matter what a sociologist tells you. You either use the language right or don't use it at all.

Does it offend your feelings?