Are we, dare I say, the alpha country?

Are we, dare I say, the alpha country?

European Champions
Best Agent - Jorge Mendes
Best Manager - Mourinho
Best Player - Ricardo Quaresma

Why is such a small country dominating ? Are we literally the head of europe ?

>not posting the real Portuguese flag

Yes Portugal, yes, you sure are...

>3 draws

How about worst EC winner of all times, beating Greece by a mile?

>beating Greece by a mile
Er, we didn't beat Greece.

*blocks your path*

And if you subtract Tsu from the equation, what are you? Nothing, but a fragile shell.

you are also the worst at getting it

But we won the Euro without Tsu

>Best Agent - Jorge Mendes
turned football transfers into shit by monopolizing the market, major tax fraud investigation going on
>Best Manager - Mourinho
turned top level football into shit with his boring tactics and ref bribing
>Best Player - Ricardo Quaresma
literally colour shit like every other poortugese

I'm starting to see a pattern here, almonds almonated

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>Spaniard calling Portugese poor
Pot, meet kettle

I was calling them poo desu

but reading and comparing the economies of both countries wouldn't hurt you, seriously

You used "Poortugese" but didn't call them poor

>yuro niggers

why is such a small country so oblivious?

stop making these retard threads you fucking benficaca

Do real europeans even remember Portugal exists? I mean Spain is a big country, but Portugal is like a fucking appendix that serves no purpose.

It comes up as a travel destination from time to time. In daily life: not really.

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Show some respect to our dad.

why is El MacacANO on s//p?

i keep subconsciously placing it in South America t b h

We also have the best footballer statues in the woooooooooooooorld!

he was directing the team on the final from outside the pitch, giving them orders and how to pass the ball, you'd be lost without tsunaldo the mastermind