Anyone else think they're getting closer to understanding how society works...

Anyone else think they're getting closer to understanding how society works? Or do you think that kind of feeling is inherently a delusion?

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it's fully possible to understand the mechanics of society, bro - how and why things happen... just requires a ton of historical and contemporary research, plus a high degree of familiarity with the particular society you're studying

so yeah - you can certainly understand it
the delusions arise when you don't actually understand it, but you THINK you do - kind of like how a intermediate level martial artist thinks he's Bruce Lee, but in fact he's half a breath away from getting the snot beat outta him

I think I've gotten better at recognizing patterns.

Also understanding what people like, makes society make a lot more sense.

People like belonging, people like to be liked, people like to "stand up for what they believe in". People like accessible things, people hate things that require expertise.

Hence why people post image macros with "political insight" and preach the most retarded shit and get in fights over it.

I highly recommend the Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. It fully explains selfish vs. altruistic behavior in a very simple way. Also, he invents the word "meme" in that book. (book has nothing to do with atheism fyi)

>recognizing patterns

this - that really is the key... it's like the cipher for unraveling the entire ball of what appears to be random nonsense

culturally related humans exhibit pretty consistent behaviors under similar circumstances

I've been thinking about it for years. Recently, I've come to realize that most people - for whatever fucking reason - seem to falsely think that we live in the stone age, and a "prude traditional society", so they look for people like me to fight, because for whatever reason, they think that "society" is trying to harm women that have sex and stop people from having sex.

Tumblr, Reddit, freelance Internet faggots, Sup Forums (and Sup Forums) and your average "normie" think this. It's very strange.

Drop some acid and you'll figure it out real quick. It's all fucking bullshit

Just watch what happens during the next "happening" take note of how similar it is to previous events. I started really watching around the time of the Trayvon Martin case.

People tend to quickly form into 2 camps, Pro, and Anti.

Both have decent cases, but never learn the minutia.

They instead read HuffPo and NYT articles and post them on their facebooks preaching how anyone from the opposite camp is a retard asshole.

The opposite camp posts articles from their sites, call the other group uninformed idiots.

Both are happy to publicly declare ending a friendship because they don't have the same opinion.

Shit flinging happens, as evidence comes out giving advantage to one side, both double down, refuse to give an inch.

Conclusion is reached, one side is declared the winner. Losing side either A. quickly forgets it and wont engage on it, or B. says it was corrupt, no justice.

I watched the whole trayvon court case, and the evidence showed me that Zim zam was in the right. He did not break the law, he did not gun down trayvon without just cause. But everyone I talked to about it said he was a racist asshole hunting down a black child because he was black.

Society is irrelevent. Live your life as an individual, and die. That's all you can do in this world.

I really think the meme system of analysis is a great way to think of things. But I'm having trouble determining what makes a meme propagate. One idea I've been toying with is that memes spread based on how effective they are at removing cognitive dissonance.

>take drugs that makes you retarded and incapable of reasoning


Drugfags, everybody

48 laws of power

Whenever I think I've got a good handle on it, it turns out there's another layer or facet that I'm totally clueless about.

That's why it pays to talk with people outside of Sup Forums now and again

Garter belts are so fucking sexy. Also: nice ass.

Memes are effective, and more research needs to go into memes, but look at the fedora meme for example.

It was new, and so cruel. It avoided the "text at the top, text at the bottom" old style, and just focused on discrediting people via imagery. "If u think dis, u must look like dis" is the focal point of the fedora meme, and it worked enough to drown out atheists, regardless of how intellectually honest the meme was in the first place.

It's not about removing cognitive dissonance, it's about getting a certain message out there, and forcing it down everyone's throats with repetition and brutality.


I love LSD

Have you ever done acid, user?

Ego death and transcending both the self and the game gives you an entirely new perspective on reality and the human condition. You should try it once before you knock it. Definitely not for everybody but there's plenty out there who need to gets their heads out of their self-absorbed asses.

This absolutely has to be bait or you have no idea that LSD is different from weed

I'm always way to ADHD on acid to think about anything like this. The day after, though, is pretty amazing from a philosophical standpoint.

>retarded americans thinking they're smart
Holy kek

great points

and most of this is due to two vital factors - the majority of people are lazy, and not very bright

people love to feel / act informed - but can't get over the fact that they're inadequately informed AND lack the mental capacity to form their own opinions

I don't want to sound too condescending, but it's fucking true - not sucking any dicks here, but I'd wager to say that most people who visit this site and interact on Sup Forums are probably well above average in terms of intelligence - most people want to be TOLD what to think, not argue over their observations and conclusions

also - it takes effort to come here and sift through thousands of dead ends, and that alone requires an inquisitive nature

so what you're describing is really true - those Travyon people are merely repeating the herd rhetoric .... group belonging feels good, and since the opinions are already forged they're collectively assumed and regurgitated

sorry - I gotta step away from computer before proofreading what I just wrote... but hopefully it hangs together - and I totally agree with your point

By meme, I just mean any mental paradigm that spreads in society, not just internet macros. One of the ways I've approached it lately is looking at society through the lens of a deterministic system, like weather. From that perspective, memes seem to act as a transfer unit like heat, whereas some other property, possibly dissonance as I've said, would take the place of absolute temperature or energy. Just mental fuckery but pretty interesting.

it is simple, you take 1000 societies, put them into the same conditions and observe the results

then you publish in Science

ok I know who knows but I won't tell

>People like belonging, people like to be liked, people like to "stand up for what they believe in". People like accessible things, people hate things that require expertise.

This is also what's wrong with the world, desu.

>People liked to be liked
>they see other people being tolerant >they too must be tolerant
>it's a constant battle to be more tolerant than everyone else
>terrified of being called intolerant
>country falls into degeneracy

Also typically supporting the "popular" team comes with endless backpatting.

"You are so brave" "You go girl" "Preach it!" "Can I share this?"

There is a massive incentive to join the popular group.

When you are with people who politically disagree with you, take note of how much masturbation it really is. Conservative or liberal, its usually a group of people saying "Isn't it rediculous that group X wants to ban/legalize Y!" followed by lots of head nodding, or agreement.

I can actually engage in discourse here, and debate shit.

I have one friend in real life who is hard left. We discuss things well, we pick a topic, make our cases, ask questions about the others stance, holes we think we see in it, and when necessary just agree they are different philosophies.

One fucking dude I have met in 27 years, this shit is so rare. Too bad he is a struggling artist and moving away soon.

More impartial, truly neutral research must go into memes. They've already proven their effectiveness, now we must find out exactly, scientifically, how and why they are effective, in detail. My explanations are basic, there needs to be extremely specific research done.

> mfw nobody is replying

Ктo нибyдь ecть coyc?

Not delving into political opinions here, but at least you and your bro can have placid arguments and debates about things. Any liberal I've engaged in a "friendly debate" winds up sperging out, shouting, or just shutting down - telling me I'm wrong and offering me no response.

So I agree with the whole back patting, herd mentality comment too. People become liberal in college because it's the "cool" thing to do. Yet, they remain uninformed the rest of their lives.

People think they are the good guys.

Niggers think they are good.
Muslimes think they are good.
USA thinks they are good.

They are all bad.

The only good men are those that pushed science and logic instead of political agendas.

I thought I was, then i went back on 9Gag. "Society" as in "the pleb" is just a mass of people binge-drinking, having sex and going to sociology classes, or boomers who work and then spend their all free time watching television. They may also retweet some articles with catchy, biaised titles, that they never read.

Like Werner von Braun, Oppenheimer and Kahn?

It's all a fugasi bro just do what you want in life and put your self first

hate to be that guy but sauce?

all reverse image search are clickbait sites.

The jews.
The only correct answer.

I actually kind of wonder if college is where arrested development sets in for kids these days.

College is advertised as the place where you really "find yourself" and "become your own person".

I think people believe that the person you are when you leave college is your final enlightened form.

I've seen a few men now say they don't believe you even reach your final form before 30. But I think a lot of people romanticize the person they were in college and want to stay that person.

"In college I was an open minded, care free, fun person! Just like I am today!"

All these people today are trying to show off how open minded, cool, and care free they are.

We all grey user.

There is no black and white.

What didn't you understand? Ask me anything.

>implying we don't already

Pretty much it. I really don't trust drugfags.

only faggots who deserve to die believe this

All successful societies in history repressed women. That's' because the sexual liberation of women is one of the major causes of decline in a society.

It is known.

You almost made sense up to mentioning Zimmerman was right. All reds do this. You make logical deductions up to a certain point, and then all of a sudden make a completely illogical conclusion. This is why reds and blues are diametrically opposed to each other.

Zimmerman could never have been in the right.

>Zimmerman could never have been in the right.

>it can never be right to defend yourself

I'm interested in why you don't think so. With the evidence provided within the context of the court case, he was well within the legal definition of self defense.

As a person since the trial, he has been a real cunt and treated other people poorly, but as far as the evidence provided, it could not be concluded that Zim zam murdered Trayvon.

Also, making 9 good points and having 1 bad point doesn't negate the other 9. Take the good, discuss the bad, improve, and move on.

We haven't really gotten past tribalism, just frame everything from that perspective.

If you don't know about the Fiat Currency Scam and the Money Printers, you will never understand how modern society really works.

Hint: The Money Printers are the reason for all the race mixing promotion and mass immigration. It gives them cheap labor.

I think this is her Tumblr:

Her name is Laura Baduria. Or atleast that is what i've gathered from a quick reverse image search...

This, and I made the unfortunate mistake of attempting to understand SJWs and the trans world of psychos.

Earth is shit and I hope we get fucking invaded by spaceniggers.

Also this, that was a rough redpill to swallow.

thanks user, much appreciated

I agree.

Yeah I feel that way sometimes. I just wish I had a bigger vocabulary so I could explain my thoughts better.

muh dick


Inherently a delusion. Society is hundreds of millions of free agents with human intelligence interacting with hundreds or thousands of others every day, both in person, online, etc.

We only know group psychology in known contexts, and even then it's iffy at best.

Ultimately, actions have higher and higher orders of consequence.

>banning guns means people don't have guns
>BUT people buy guns illegally and normal people can't have them
>THEN gun smugglers, dealers etc. profit and cartels/mafias rise
>THEN cartels are able to expand other operations e.g. drugs
>THEN cartels have reason to lobby government for drug restrictions to protect their interests
>THEN government officials have more opportunities to take bribes, meaning more corrupt people become politicians

>Banning fracking puts hundreds of thousands of people out of work
>Communities with schools, families, restaurants, stores lose their entire source of income
>Economy sees a massive decline in value-added labor

Too many things are to complex and have too many interactions to be predictable