McKayla Maroney molested


Jesus christ why are "men" so evil ?

>raping mckayla maroney

Pedo was the cucky of the millenium. Fucking coward

that's so fucking hot

old new lady

that dude is behind bars

brb applying for medical school

Show bobs and vegena

That explains how she became such a whore. poor thing, I know this type of stuff is common in gymnastics

no wonder she became a slag. she was probably just an innocent young teen gymnast and this old man trained her into becoming a thot

This is useless without the vids. I need it for medical research

Dear FBI:

I have never raped a woman nor im encouraging anyone here in this website to rape anyone

Im saying that if you have decided to become a rapist and go berserk on prime loli pussy, you go the real deal and dont limit yourself to finger gym girls and record it

Go the whole way

Fucking pussy

>She probably did that weird smile thing she used at the olympics on him first before sucking his dick


Reported to NSA/FBI/CIA. Enjoy your party v&

look at her, she's badically asking for it

I read the whole case months ago. The entire thing is that he placed his fingers very near the girls pussy when he was massaging them. That was it

Fucking overblown shit

You dont become a slag. They're born

Did she just throw the other girls under the bus too and basically say they got molested too?

>During treatment sessions, Nassar inserted his finger into her vagina — sometimes gloved and sometimes not — and pressed on a pelvic bone, Lopez said. Sometimes a female trainer was in the room.

>without consent or explanation, Nassar was digitally penetrating them in the vagina and anus during medical treatments for back, hip and other injuries.

Youd think someone that was molested would become a nun or something. but shes an instagram whore now...

The world needs doctors, my man

This is gonna redpill so many normies on the pedos

They really don't know how bad shit is. Every US Gymnast for the last 20 years got molested and the media has basically covered up. Majority of people dont even know this scandal is a thing. Gonna be hard to continue sweeping this story under the rug when the most famous female Olympian is exposing it

I'd molest her too to be honest lads

I bet she pays gigolos to dress up as a doctor and molest her in roleplay nowadays

>literally found evidence inside his house
>pleaded not guilty

based as fuck

So does that female trainer get any shit?

She was just following orders hanz

So were our SS officers. That 92 or so year old dude still got sentenced.

are yall really surprised? alot of people have been saying this shit on here about her for years

its all pointless anyways, women are gross and vagina is a always takes me forever to cum in a condom (Ive literally never actually cummed while wearing a condom), so stamina isnt an issue, women are just uppity cunts who are dead fish. anyways,ive had sex with three women (all long relationships), and it was always awkward as fuck and they all rush me to finish and bark orders at me while we fuck, making me nervous and making me take longer to cum, Women act as if sex is the most painful experience for some reason. Also, even the hottest, cleanest girl starts to sweat and smell gross within a few minutes of initiating sex. Also, vagina is literally a meme, fucking a vagina literally is the exact same sensations as fucking my lubed had, except my hand doesnt rush me to finish and yell at me if I get an awkward position wrong

Ive literally never cummed during sex, even the cleanest hottest girl starts to smell sweaty and gross seconds into sex

I havent even had an erection in weeks, its all so tiresome, who needs some dumb roastie slut roastie to get off, i will just fap when horny

I hate women so much

Based fucking Walkie

have sex

I thought she disappeared off social media. Where did she post this?


She's so ugly right now, was 10x better before she morphed into a thot.

this 2bh