Margret Tatcher subject about Socialism

Well, was she right Sup Forums?

100% accurate

Didn't she fund abortion clinics so that more nigger babies could be killed?

seems correct to me

Why can't female leaders today be more like her? Is it because she actually had to work to get where she was?

Probably. If your work hard for something, you wouldn't want people to get the same thing with none of the work.

She's the only cave bitch that I would ever consider let riding my bbc.

Yes, of course she was.

RIP Maggy


Thatcher is absolutely based
Can't understand why retards hate her

>what they actually mean is "power over people"

isn't this a politician whose career was about destroying labor rights and breaking up strikes

Well you could continue until you run out of animals to hunt and wood to burn technically.


Was Margaret Thatcher right about selling out the British worker?
Was Margaret Thatcher also right about protecting child abusers?

When will you swallow the red pill and realize she was a massive cunt?

When people support Brexit to save British jobs and keep out child-raping immigrants while praising Thatcher in the same breath, I want to just slap a bit of sense back into them.

>unions aren't about power over people
Oh wow.

The problem with abruptly closing industries and manufacturing whole communities rely upon for work to import cheaper without any kind of transition is you impoverish your nation and engender inequality. Margaret Thatcher did not care about Britain. She is the one who got us into the EU to start with, and she is a neoliberal cunt.

Look at Venezuela now.

She did it because it HAD to be done. Labor had to change. When she was asked what is her greatest achievement, she answered new Labor.

Finland is kind of going through the same right now. Unions aren't just protecting workers' rights they work like mafias where other brand of elitists get the money and power.

what a huge expense and reprehensible loss of freedom for Mr. Goldstein that he can no longer enjoy $0 overhead because of slave labor.

Anyone who likes her is either a classcuck or a toff. Pretty gulagworthy either way.

>butthurt northerners
The pits needed to be closed, you idiots. They were extremely inefficient and hurting the country.

The unions had way too much power. The economy was stagnant, she did drastic things but they needed to be done, she saved the country. If you want a reference on what places run by unions look like try Detroit, some of the worst schools in America but teachers are paid obscene amounts and face little pressure to improve.

This is largely how the unions in the USA operate, especially public sector ones, and it's also no coincidence that the unions, even in the early 1900s, are nothing but communist/socialist organizations as well that prefer the globalist agenda with no real allegiance to the country.

Unions fight for their own benefits and try their best to make any kind of business not work until people just give up and move to Estonia or something. The unions arrange strikes just to increase and keep their own power, they physically threaten people who refuse to take part in that(I've personally experienced this) and in the end companies are forced to fire people or outsource.

>without unions there'd be slave labour
Thank you for your input, Corbyn. That remark made two more members of your Shadow Cabinet resign.

Textbook example of a strawman.

>Sup Forums starts defending thatcher and nixon entirely because le alt right fedora contrarianism

I think at least half of this board is underage and never even lived during either administration. They were globalist tyrants, Nixon enslaved us to China in particular. They're almost as big of a puppet as Reagan was. I'd rather live under a communist state than either of those cogs in the machine.

The problem with capitalism is you eventually run out of excuses to keep the population pacified.

Traitors are the first to go.
It's all well and good to say teachers have it too good, and they do, but don't we have a shortage still? Don't we need more?
Either way, I know 172 people looking for a job

It's how she did it. She did it abruptly without any transition, and she made no effort to ease the problems caused by it. Margaret Thatcher divided the country and many of the problems we're experiencing today are consequences of her mismanagement stemming from ideological zealotry. It takes one generation to destroy a community that it takes dozens to create.

Im not in the union and am currently sitting on my ass shitposting on 4chin.

Oddly saftey is becomming the new union. My average construction job is more concerned about having zero insurance claims than getting work done.

Why is it a strawman? Socialists do cry "power to the people" and what they mean is more state power, bigger government and more interventionist policies which means that the state has more power over people. C'mon, Bernie, try harder.

>Traitors are the first to go.
Sadly not true, or else the entirety of Labour and most of the Tories would already be gone.

> don't we have a shortage still?
There's a lot of interest in keeping the shortage. Keeps the money flowing freely into their pockets.

Yeah, she should have given every miner who had been getting way above market wages a blowjob before she told them the gravy train was stopping. The unions divided the country.

She took away the livelihoods of whole communities in an instant. It was necessary, yes, but to do it in an instant and act like everything will be okay is absolute lunacy. You're fucking delusional. The United Kingdom remains divided to this day because of it, as London has amassed incredible wealth while the rest of the country has become more and more impoverished. If you don't think this is a bad thing, you are as big and stupid a cunt as Margaret Thatcher herself.

Your entire argument, including calling someone Bernie, has absolutely no ground and is a straw man. I suggest reading Das Kapital if you want to form actual points against communism that aren't "le cuck Bernie redditor!!!1!1"

(I'm saying that as someone who always hated Bernie, dude's obviously a fucking sellout and promotes baby "socialism")

>physically threaten people who refuse to take part in that

Good, scabs are scum. They can rot with the capitalists.

The pits needed to close for a good while. It wasn't an instant, they had been fighting it and knew only their political pressure was keeping the lights on. Can't live on government charity forever. Inflation was gonna fuck up not only their lives but the whole country, it needed to be controlled. Their livelihoods was basically sucking on the government's tit, I'm sure they were gutted when it ended but a tit doesn't provide milk forever.

Your entire argument is saying "strawman!" without rebutting anything I said. "Oh, you called him Bernie so I won't make a cogent argument!" I suggest moving to Venezuela.

>people in this thread actually like Thatcher

Wut. Is this that Berenstein thing again?

There's something profoundly sad about a relatively wealthy swiss taking the piss out of a man whose country is on the verge of total starvation

This nigga may actually have to eat cats, we don't know

She's created a strawman based on the idea that socialism always concerns redistribution of wealth and also existence in a globalist/EU type of market.

Real socialism is this: the government seizes all control of natural resources and all essential goods. They reap these with modesty and the country's best interest in mind - then, socialistically distribute these goods to the country itself.

The only 'other people's money' you'd be spending is God's, and God doesn't give a fuck about money. He put what he put on this earth for us to survive.

nationalizing valuable commodities is redistributing wealth, any asset with value is "wealth"

You can't provide an answer to the fact Margaret Thatcher's policies essentially divided the country into an incredibly wealthy London and an impoverished everywhere else. People cannot work if the government takes away production and provides nothing else. At the very most, then, what you're saying is what Margaret Thatcher did was absolutely necessary, and there was no relief she could provide for the strain she put on the country. The division and hardship was inevitable. A government's responsibility, however, is to look after the nation and its people, and frankly, Margaret Thatcher failed. She's responsible for the shit state of affairs we currently have.

Social media is fucking weird
You have guys in gated community shitposting alongside guys who live in literal favelas

>Real socialism is this: the government seizes all control of natural resources and all essential goods

Not necessarily. That's Leninism (and Maoism, Trotskyism and so on). But direct control of resources and factories by the workers without a state is also socialism, like in anarchist Catalonia. I consider that far closer to socialism and ultimately communism than countries like the USSR or Cuba.

>literally muh dick


As much as social democrats love to whine about wealth inequality, it's precisely the insane accumulation of capital in first world that allows some of them to function with fully socialized services, for now.

>le move to le shitty country which I know you'd want even though you haven't le said it you le faget cuck!111!1!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!
le fucking stop le shitposting you le faggot

Good post

It's not inherently communistic, but it is totalitarian. Those things are not all the same, lel. If anything it's Stalinism.

I would call redistributing the wealth gained from natural resources to private companies utter theft. The government is a representation of the will of the people and has their best interest at heart. You've taken a big load of Jewish anti-state shillery down the throat.

Remember, fags, you can slap all the labels you want on things and you can trot out every stupid argument you want. Before democracy, governments had the people's best interests at heart in most cases and the land provided for the people. To have it any other way is simply an appeal to privatised ownership of natural resources for goy's personal gain, and ultimately to weaken the country so the jew can pry his fingers into the subverted capitalist moneygrubbers, effectively slicing open the vein keeping money and resource in the country.

>Half of this thread filled with literal "NOT MY VERSION OF SOCIALISM"


Maoism concerns cultural targeting of intellectuals and social stratification. Trotskyism concerns globalist socialism. Leninism is Bolshevism - a false elevation of the proletariat to an authoritarian position of power. None of these things really have anything directly to do with what we're discussing. Seizing control of resources by the state is simply Fascism, and if you must use these communist names as words, Stalinism.

Because she destroyed societal hierarchy, and the economy.

>I want to just slap a bit of sense back into them.
>slap a bit of sense back into them.
>bit of sense back into them.
>back into them.

Implying they had any sense to start with.

Nice meme XDD

>it is what I say it is even if I have no idea what I'm saying