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Roger Goodell: THE NFL IS DEAD
He is sucking the BBC isnt he?
>cheering for niggers who hate you and your white ass country and flag
Can you say cucked?
A massive dose
Damn you Roger!
>you should stand but you can kneel if you want to
It's just like that episode of South Park
Its pottery
Is he the most hated man in all of sports?
>Unable to understand anything
Keep your racist polshit on pol pls.
Thanks based magapedes, awwoooooowy praise kuk and shabibay
Inb4 mass replies
massquoting should be a criminal offense
With Bettman, Manfred and Silver
All four of them should be ousted immediately
Yeah, no: keep crying faggot. The NFL TV ratings will keep going down because the majority of us americans think they are offending our country and military.
Better autism than racism, friendo :)
>caring about nfl
>things I don’t do
Select 2
>us Americans
why not both???
America's white now?
Oh man I can't wait for draft day. They might egg him this time.
>not americans
I actually read that as US Americans btw
what manner sorcery is this?