sunday evening edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Don't like trannies desu
I really think that Schoppy was just depressed.
I mean I'm not a happy-go-lucky person myself, but Schopenhauer's perception of existence seems far too grim compared to most people's experiences.
Good taste.
you do realize it's monday here?
do they have roos in nz?
fite me
no, but there is a small introduced colony of them around christchurch, in a forest in france aswell.
> fyting
>fiets back
damn crazy balt
> loozing
have to fieyt dirty
> kicks to groin
You mean the sheep?
You don't talk about our sheep.
Got it?
No, he was right.
What do you call a New Zealander with 50 girlfriends?
A sheep farmer
a sheep herder
Fuck, where to get Baltic e-books?
Thats it, you must suffer the consequences now.
>go to wilno
>russian language everywhere
literally kys you fucking capital faggots you should be ashamed REEEEEEE
A group of tourists are in New Zealand and are walking by a farmer holding down a sheep. They ask him "Are you shearing?" and he replies "No! Fuck off and get your own!"
You should try Riga, man, it's chock full of reds
Living in a dorm is pretty cool
NEED this in my life
Is that an old Soviet socket, man?
Good night my iphone told me its time to sleep
Help, I can't stop listening to "Maksimka pelemiot"
Good night, sweetheart
remember when /balt/ bullied jannies?
Remember when candy was 5 cents a pop?
mõnus tunne mööda munne
The Jurgita brought me a tin of gum with picture from svalbard on it and she showed me everything she did there. It was very nice, we had some tea she had from her garden in lithuania. But she had to go do her laundry now. Our dinner earlier was ruined by a fat, iranian, buck-toothed lesbian who appearantly had lost her "girlfriend" (a straight asian girl) to a guy and had to complain about it.
It's just not as active as it once was.
>Our dinner earlier was ruined by a fat, iranian, buck-toothed lesbian who appearantly had lost her "girlfriend" (a straight asian girl) to a guy and had to complain about it.
Don't fucking take your mom to your dates.
I'm not iranian you knob, she had no food so we are together, in the common area so the lesbian just came and sat with us.
remember the latvian autist squadron?
Estonia is best balt #truth
Pepperidge Farm remembers
Czech Republic is best republic #truth
Chile has highest HDI fo sho
So, like, what's going on?
t.Someone who is taking part in your conversation
(You) are an integral part of the conversation.
I say /balt/, you say...
I've been up all night now I gotta stay up all day.
/Balt + Ausnz/
Why would you do that?
Not sure what you're poking at there, doc
Nei, faen, si det?
the fuck
>stk = >tfw
If I go to sleep now I'll wake up at night then it's just a cycle.
Gotta go to sleep at a normal hour.
It's the superior Sweden with nice nature.
Makes sense, will be doing the same, chap
hi friends
I don't think we are friends, judging from your picture
What you staying up all night?
Yes. It's almost 23:30 here.
i love you
Alright, man, you know I dig your vibes and everything, you just lose me a little sometimes, you understand
Excellent post! I rate it 10 out of 10.
i really do
What are ya doing that for?
I already feel like shit and it's only 8:30AM
Because at the moment I have rather bad sleeping schedule
Good morning everyone
I really love Mondays
why would you love the worst day of the week?
He's a masochist.
Good morning m80
Makes sense.
Because I can sleep in
That's completely irrelevant
Wow, you actually are a masochist, haha.
last bump before sleep
>another restless night
oh boy...
Good morning qt, I hope you slept better than me
what is everyone having to eat? I made some dirty rice
Jalapeno and cheese tortillas
yogurt and berry muesli
Good morning, sorry to hear that you slept so poorly
Nothing at the moment, but I probably should get some breakfast soon
>Jalapeno and cheese tortillas
Now I want them, damn.
Rice bubbles.
Your soul.
momma calls it buckwheat delight
you pour some dry buckwheat in a pot, fill it with water, bring to a boil over a campfire or kerosene lamp, and boil it for ~ 20 mins
That seems like alot of effort for not much reward...
wtf I need that
You described your whole life.
No you don't.
>You described your whole life.
I didn't want this feel so early in the morning...
>You described your whole life.
got em
Should I get out of bed?
I think I should, but I don't want to
You deserve in the rest qt from working so hard, maybe just a lil linger though.
See ya for a few hours.
Is it really necessary to leave the bed?
If not stay in it.