Who should take them?

Who should take them?

You should you fucking Nazi

The ocean

The genocide of any Muslim group is always a positive.


>muslims burn down entire villages and try to overthrow the government
>based budhists start to btfo them
>""s-stop hurting muslims dey din du nuffin:((("

Well Myanmar should stop ethnically cleansing them.

But Bangladesh should do more, they've been really disappointing recently. India too.

they would pass as locals here

>always emphasize that they are muslims
why do people do this they're rohingya first muslim second

Reminder that Myanmar is belong to africa

Argentina should take them all

USA, land of the free

Idk, seems weird to me as well, but I think part of it is they're persecuted largely because of their predominant faith.

This tbqhimo

Saudi Arabia. After all they created islam.

Why can't you take them? You are over a billion, what difference do 200k people make?


India's pretty xenophobic man. They used to have birthright citizenship but then they just canceled it when they got triggered by Bengali immigrants haha.

Bangladesh is full of people already, what else can they do?

Rude. Also it isn't considered genocide yet.

If they are not ugly, I consider them but they are ugly as sin So throw them in the sea.

I mean, the UN would help them, it isn't like there literally isn't any space. Look at Turkey, or Pakistan, they aren't that rich yet they accommodated literally millions and millions of refugees.


Hans, those poor people need your help right now. You aren't a nazi anymore, are you?

Damn the cutie on the left is attractive as fuck
I'll take her, rest can fuck off

The moon

Fuck off we were full 20 years ago

Almost EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY that has dealth with R*hingya refugees has ended up kicking them, including Muslims countries such as Indonesia. Clearly there is something very wrong with them.

Ironically, the only country which has accepted them en masse is the Philippines.

How can they be racist if they have like a million different ethnic groups in india?




>petite nose
>feminine jaw
>pure, unblemisehd skin
>bronze carnation which makes her look exotic
>clean, straight and healthy hair
what's your problem?

He's used to this

You have no standard

The country that had a city invaded by ISIS ?

>Who should take them?
Bangladesh...Eastern Indian Muslim communities....you know the places where they would fit in....Importing third worlders to first world countries where they won't fit in and aren't educated enough to succeed is a disaster. It sucks for the society that they won't assimilate too and will have to support them. It also sucks that they will almost always be outsiders. I don't know why people haven't admitted this yet. If their neighbors who take them in need financial help to cover them for a while that's one thing he first world can/should do but that's it.

This whole "bring everyone into our country and never discuss root causes of instability" thing is really unsustainable.

>Ironically, the only country which has accepted them en masse is the Philippines.

Did you just made that up?

My prayers are with the Buddhist. I hope they succeed in their sacred mission.

No one. kill them all.

Near Burma embassy in Moscow today.

they're the same as refugees in europe they try to take over areas cause shit and stir it up notice how there are the indian looking people and SEA people

>Importing third worlders to first world countries where they won't fit in and aren't educated enough to succeed is a disaster.

>The ocean
Singing to an ocean, I can hear the ocean's roar


They fit in and would be educated by one generation

A этoт митинг был coглacoвaн? И ecли нeт, тo пoчeмy мycopa eгo нe paзoгнaли?


>USA, land of the free
Fuck off you can take our 11 million Latin American illegals and their anchor babies then. They culturally are Latin so they fit better with you.

Is the dude on the left in ISIS?

We've already taken our quota for the year.


No, a lot of them are involved with gangs. Though Asian gangs aren't common, if you hear of them it's guaranteed to be Hmong groups

>wanting more muslims
No thank you. What happened to the Ummah. Why can't they take in more of their muslim brethren? They should go to Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Hmong aren't defined by religion and want to fit in and be educated. Also, they fought with us in Vietnam so it's not completely the same.

Hans you must not know anything about India.

My dad had a co-worker who was married to a Hmong he met over there back in the day.


It needs to show how much they care about other people.
Usa should take them all.
Place them in California.


Is there a way to start a petition?
I am sure a lot of people over here will support the idea.
We are not Racists over here after all.


Israel of course.

Would you take some refugees?
Russia lives in peace with muslims, after all

Sweden because they are a self proclaimed "humanitarian superpower".

Russia takes little refugees.
we take some syrians I think.
But real syrians unlike those *syrian children* that get into Evropa nowdays

>americans are culturally latino nao

like poetry

*bidum PRIIIII*

Bravo Russia

How about Saudi Arabia take them. Fucking muslims are savages to one another and were the ones expected to help.

>Saudi Arabia
that would be the most cruel thing to do with them tbqh

is there even a more pathetic group of people lmoa

Do it you nazi


why don't they just live on the boats

Why are they disliked in the first place?
Why they are being genocided now?

Seconding this request for information; is it like a Kurd situation or what?

Why don't Muslim Malaysia and Indonesia accept them?

For once an Iberian has a nice idea.

Based on personal experiences, they're behaving like gypsies. Begging on traffic light stops (literally never happened before here) and knocking on car windows. Begging on the streets and not caring about their children peeing/pooping on the street. Garbage everywhere around where they stay. When I gave money to one of the kid, the kid just snatched it out of my hand without any sign of appreciation, just like it should've belong to them .

Secondly, Myanmar has the most conflicts between many ethnic groups in Southeast Asia. They're killing every minority ethnic groups regardless of religion; be it Muslims, Buddhists and Christians. As you can see here we took in 38,200 Chins who are Christians and 4,200 Rakhines/Arakanes who are Buddhists. Other 40,000 from Myanmar who are not Muslims are probably Christians or Buddhists too.

I get that it is easy to see this as based buddhist monks vs mudslimes but at the very least please help the oppressed Christians too just as we do because we can't really afford all this.

Also I suggest reading on the struggle of Karen people living in refugees camp near Thailand-Myanmar border. Most of them are Christians too.

We do . And the number doesn't even include many who are still unregistered.

Pakistan is too far and 1/3rd of bangladesh is under floods

t. chink

I appreciate your response.
Thank you for this information.

top kek russanon

Indians are pathetic self hating cucks.
I have nothing against brown people, but when I see a billion shitskins who hate themselves and worship white people i cant respect them.

>I get that it is easy to see this as based buddhist monks vs mudslimes but at the very least please help the oppressed Christians too just as we do because we can't really afford all this.
That's the current state of Sup Forums, muh based budhists

I'd take any women and children. I wouldn't take in any men, though. Any boy above like 12 would be a no too. I'm not taking in any fucking sleeper cell.

>Who should take them?

other muslim countries


>Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust
Because it's muslims tricking other muslims to spend money for "saving" some meme ethnicity they should feel a connection with because they're also muslim

I'm sure there are some "save the assyrian christians" scams made by christians as well.

>places where they would fit in
they would fit in here in europe since we have no culture you bigot.

STFU shitty cuck
