ITT: countries that don't deserve all the hate they get on Sup Forums

ITT: countries that don't deserve all the hate they get on Sup Forums

Turkey is really good
Really good people, posts, and stories
I wish I was Turkey



I don't hate Turkey, I hate t*rks

Never understood it either desu

Agreed, a good buddy of mine is Turkish (his name is even actually Mehmet) and he's legitimately one of the nicest people I've ever met. I always feel so bad about Turk memes because I think he would get sad seeing them

argentina is white

It depends

>nice, friendly people
>rich history
>warm climate, pretty landscapes, nice beaches
>good food
What is there not to like about Turkey?

tell me more

why did you insult him he didn't say a bad thing ??

kemal bir siktir git

They are pretty mean to their neighbors and minorities. Also their history is particularly cruel

A kurd is our prime minister and a georgian is our president

WRONG. Argentina is not a nation of wh*Te subhumans stop fucking spreading lies

The most habitated land is multiculti meaning half of it is white and half abbo mix
while the north of the country has shown to be mostly populated by originaries from neighbouring countries
that explains why those places vote for socialism

Hypothesis: all of the turkey hate on Sup Forums is being spread by a handful of g*lenists

It's true, they are by far the best muslims our there.

>inb4 muh Iranians are modern n shiet.

yeah we were so mean to them that some of them still lived after 400 years of occupation.

how is the southern patagonia region like?
are there just natives there?

Ehm? Why are you obsessed with Turkics?

what about Kazakhs?

>tfw no kazak gf

Sweden genuinely nice people

natives are making conflicts with the state since they want to make a new country for themselves
Kinda like Israel but for Abbos

The only nation we were too cruel to were Armenians the rest deserved it

prolly a proxy no one apart from some Russians hate C. Asians anymore


>götümü yaktı öyleyse kemal

half of the turkey hate is here is ironic, the other half is from larping retards that obsess over
>muh Constantinople
>muh ottomans


swedes are the worst posters on Sup Forums