>In 2015, 1,408 acts of far-right violence were recorded, against 990 the previous year, said the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

>“The intensity of right-wing extremist militancy started in early 2015 and increased steadily – from threats against politicians and journalists to arson attacks on asylum-seeker shelters, and attempted killings,” said the report.

>Far-left acts of violence – often targeting far-right activists or police – also rose sharply, to 1,608 violent offences from 995 the previous year, said the report.

It's Nazis vs Antifa. Let's finish what we started, boys.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good luck stomping out those antifa scum. Germany will rise from the ashes.

Add 3M boatniggers, recession, austerity, and shake.

>The far right are all nazis
You don't have to be very right of center to be considered far right these days

Yes, crush them. Literally.

Daily reminder that jewish media systematic use of the term "right-wing" when describing nationalists, is a conscious tactic in order to confuse people who are less politically knowledgeable, in order to make them think like this: "Well, they call the bad guys the leftists, and they call us the right wing, so that means we're the right wing right? That means we're capitalists and conservatives!"

In truth, capitalism is the primary cancer, and conservatism (and liberalism, mind you guys) are anti-white ideologies aswell.

Is it too late to move to Germany and become part of the 4th Reich?



National socialism has absolutely nothing to do with "right wing politics".

Google that shit nigger.

Have you been hiding under a rock

>less than 50% increase
>after all the shit that went down in Germany in 2015

It's not happening.


Attacks on AfD also skyrocketed. Maybe the AfD will become the strongest party in MV, this will lead to even more glorious banter. They will make Deutschland great again, Antifa can bitch how they want

NO link.

OP is a fag


Correct. Capitalism doesn't care who you are, just that you buy what it's selling. If White people won't buy sneakers and cellphones often enough, they will import people who will.

The economy should work exclusively to meet the needs of the people and nation. The people should not work exclusively to meet the needs of the (((economy))).

Unless you can get a majority or a big enough portion of the young ethnic german people behind you, you won't get anywhere ever. The future of the white race hangs on wrestling control of the young native europeans away from the U.S/EU/NATO brainwashing, stopping immigration from non-white countries and immediately expelling an overwhelming majority of all, if not all, non-whites. This is the only way that Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, England, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands will survive.

Lefty fags are so arrogant that they always push it too far, and at some point the people wake up and start to push back.

Leftists' utter inability to ever be satisfied will create the reactionaries who will dismantle everything they've worked to build.

how about you don't flood your country with insane levels of immigration from a backwards/incompaitble region of the world if you don't want a reaction?

this whole situation is way too retarded, even for our politicians to not be intentional. the question is what's their agenda? they obviously want a "hard right" reaction

Nah. Already, the younger generation in most of these countries supports the right-wing parties. That won't hinder the majority of boomers in making bad decisions for they can't grasp reality and think immigration still is their friendly shop owner at the corner.

Yeah, they really push people to the right. I mean, their political correctness in germany when i comes to nationalism is totally retarded. If you dare to say, we got enough "refugees" or that they aren`t really refugee`s you are branded a Nazi.

Most lost touch with how great germany is... or was and just ride the leftist marxist train, because it's easier to just get on your knees and swallow the loads i guess.


nice hitler dubs

>The report said that online “social networks play an important role in agitation and radicalisation”, as uninhibited hate speech dehumanises minorities and fuels real-world violent crime.

I think we all know where this is going.

No discussion of white genocide just lets censor the internet.

Fuck off commie

Also all these arsons are classified as right wing terror before its even been investigated

>Nah. Already, the younger generation in most of these countries supports the right-wing parties
Please read this post: Stop using the term "right-wing", we're not "right-wing"', we're nationalists.

>Also all these arsons are classified as right wing terror before its even been investigated
Jewish newspapers, and a terror regime controlled by jews, calls these attacks "right-wing extremist attacks", that means we're to understand that opposition against the global capitalist jewish system is "right-wing", which itself is capitalist?

You're retarded. We're not "right wing", we're nationalists.

Cologne 2017

Yeah no. I'm okay with the label right-wing

>sister is dating a refugee
>ask her why she would do that, despite him speaking almost no German and having to leave when this shit is over
>got mad at me and called me a racist bigot
>She found out later that I voted for AfD and told me they were literally "Hitler Nazis". She demanded that I vote for the Green party instead so Abdul can stay.
Is there any hope?

at least someone is fighting back

sometimes I think Sup Forums is a window to alternative reality

So you're an anti-white capitalist? Then you're my enemy, see you on the streets when you're standing side by side with non-whites and NATO soldiers.

Not with people voting with feeling rather then logic. Women and Gutmenschen are a prime example.

Stop overcompensating Sven.

Capitalism isn't a political system, it's the natural system of economics.

Blame the shooter, not the gun.

I don't understand how people can be such pussies with guns. Everytime I shoot one I get a half chub.

>it's the natural system of economics.

You're fucking brainwashed.

How is your post supposed to be understood?

kek. Never heard of a white girl actually dating a refugee.
Maybe you should've just forbid her to further date said fugee. It's good to adapt as soon as possible.

why not 80 more....?

dude, capitalism maintained a dominant white majority in America for over 200 years, and it would've been 100% white for the whole time if it wasn't for slaves.

it's the fucking jews. wake up. these are (((policies))) being enacted on white nations. pic related

3 Million seems about right, we had 1.5 million officially about 8-9 months ago after which they stopped giving us the numbers.

What is keeping things low is the threat of government action, which is solely focused on the right and nationalists. They're going to come after you, your family, your friends, even your children. Sentiment and actions are rising despite Soviet style clamp down.

The good thing is, the government is losing control across the board and it's hurting for money.

Look at the voting patterns. They have given up trying to get men on their side, including young men. They mostly run solely on female votes and support. AFD is rapidly growing across the board to the point where it gets 70-80% of male votes in some federal states.

I want islam

>Look at the voting patterns. They have given up trying to get men on their side, including young men. They mostly run solely on female votes and support. AFD is rapidly growing across the board to the point where it gets 70-80% of male votes in some federal states.
That's not a good thing. You need women. What do you think happens if "democracy" continues, and the only people who oppose the ongoing white genocide are men? Women won't start families with them out of spite due to their brainwashing, they'll run and sit on Ahmeds dick.

Democracy needs to be quickly executed in a peoples revolt against the capitalist democratic systems of the west.

You are just an idiot.
It's a political problem not an economic one.

The U.S is a artificial nation, and not an indigenous white country.

>far left
>far right


>You are just an idiot.
You forgot an "ugh, I can't even" somewhere there, cannon fodder.

>It's a political problem not an economic one.
It's 100% a political and economical problem. One of the means by which the U.S/EU/NATO seek to exterminate the white race is making clever use of economics. High housing prices, low wages, no jobs, high compeition for jobs and incentives for business to hire non-whites over whites, all of this together (under western democratic capitalist system), makes it so whites can't find families and reproduce, while non-whites can (they are subsidized to).

are they wearing diapers? the fuck?

fuck you commie. we conquered this continent and created the US for white people of good character:

and even though what you say is true, my point still stands. the US was able to keep a 90%+ white population with one of the most capitalistic systems ever, for over 200 years.

>tfw my little sister is more racist than I am
I'm a little scared she's going to pop off at school and call someone a nigger.

And no, I had no part in this. She's hated blacks ever since she got bullied by a nigglet in 3rd/4th year.

> If White people won't buy sneakers and cellphones often enough, they will import people who will.

Wow. So much commie autism in one sentence.

Nigger do you think I'm some kind of leftist?

You just conflate politics with economics so much that it becomes senseless drivel. (((They))) may use any economic system to get their way. But not capitalism. Because that is the white mans system, because white people actually used to work hard.

What you call capitalism is not capitalism, it's socialism. It still has some capitalist structures but (((they))) would never be so powerful if politics and economics were not so intertwined -> socialism.

>It's Nazis vs Antifa. Let's finish what we started, boys.
you lost twice and now you want a rematch? haha

>civil war
Implying it won't be a gradual increase of the rape and killing frenzy against native Germans going on right niw.
"Civil war" sounds like Germans are eventually fighting back, which will only happen if the Tagesschau will specifically state it's allowed now.

>the free exchange of goods for services is not natural
>centrally planned distribution of resources according to the dictates of der führer is

tl;dr. By the way, when did the Swedish Caliphate get internet?

Your sister will get gang raped, beaten, and face acided and that will be justice for that race traitor whore. Ask her to discuss her daddy issues. She deserves rape.

not 1488

>socialism = communism

>all free market systems = capitalism

>You just conflate politics with economics
This doesn't mean anything.
> so much that it becomes senseless drivel
Point out an example
> (((They))) may use any economic system to get their way.
Not may, they ARE.
>But not capitalism.
Yes, capitalism. Massmigration of non-white workers to suppress wages and increase compeition amongst workers for fewer and fewer jobs.
>. Because that is the white mans system,
Fuck off Judea.
>because white people actually used to work hard.
The fact that "white people work hard" has nothing to do with "your opinion" that "we should live under a capitalist system".

>What you call capitalism is not capitalism
Yes it is, if not explain why.
>it's socialism
No, all western countries are democratic capitalist countries. Not a single socialist one. I am a national socialist.

>fuck you commie
You must be such an intelligent person. Have fun being cannon fodder, I don't give a fuck about subhumans like you.


>implying it's a true story

c'mon hans


>which will only happen if the Tagesschau will specifically state it's allowed now.

If we barely ever hear anything about it it can't be that big a deal. They are just hyping up this fake threat while hiding everything "refugees" and migrants do.

>A system where there is no coercive force between two groups of people who freely trade
>not natural system of economics

yeah don't address my arguments, just stick to personal attacks like a good marxist

obviously a cover up.

>>the free exchange of goods for services is not natural
Point out when I wrote this
>>centrally planned distribution of resources according to the dictates of der führer is
Not natural, economic systems are not natural, but if we're to have one, then one that is by and for the people is the only right one.

You didn't need to tell me that you are a socialist. It was clear from the utter bullshit you are spewing.

You don't have the slightest clue about politics or economics if you think what currently happens is because of capitalism.

>we conquered this continent and created the US for white people of good character:

And you never tried to kick out the jews, unlike all those countries in Europe and the Middle east that managed to do it atleast 1 time.

And now look at yourself. your country has more guns then people yet noone tried to assasinate Hillary "i will emulate Merkel" Shilton and Barrack "ISIS are my friends" Obongo. You will elect a literaly She-Devil into office.

America, home of the docile yes-men.

You've got too strong arguments for me.
>fukken commie
How can I compete with such arguments?

hahahaha typical German post.

my sister is also dating a foreigner. This filthy, stable and no nonsense Norgebro.

>It was clear from the utter bullshit you are spewing.
Give one example

>You don't have the slightest clue about politics or economics
I have a much better grasp on politics and economics than you ever will, this is becuase I have a much higher IQ than you have.

>if you think what currently happens is because of capitalism.
The white race is being exterminated due to the capitalist system under which we currently live, this is a fact. If you don't think we live in capitalist countries, you need to get the fuck out once in a while, we don't live in socialist countries. Take a look around next time you're outside.

Be a man and tell Abdul stop fucking your sister. Now is the time to start shitn.

We should replace the Nazis in old anti-Nazi propaganda with anti-fa and spam it to the weak anti-fa fags.

>And you never tried to kick out the jews
yeah thanks for ruining this
how was the US able to keep a stable demographic % and growing overall population of whites under capitalism for over 200 years?

>Is there any hope?

Your sister's sucking filthy disease ridden refugee cock because shes so brainwashed by cultural marxism / political correctness she doesn't know any better.

No, there is no hope. We all kid and joke around about Brexit and Trump and shit, but its just to ease the pain of what we all know to be true.

The world is hurtling towards demographic apocalypse, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

No hope.

You don't even have to be right of center. You just have to be right of batshit insane ultra lefty

We've only just beguuuuuuun

>Give one example
Literally everything you wrote itt.

You're trying way too hard tho

>1,408 acts of far-right violence were recorded
>against 990 the previous year
>Far-left acts of violence
>from 995 the previous year

Ladies and gentlemen, the tolerant left.

Are you from Baden Würtemberg?
Then its no surprise.
How many had your green party? 32%?
I can imagine your pain buddy, a good female friend of mine(even future wife material) deleted me on fb, after our discussion about AfD. I guess its worse for you...

BUT there is allways hope, I used to be a far-left retard.

>Judea and the USA declare war on Germany!


we are talking about an anons sister faggot, put on some soft gloves.

I've been seeing these a lot lately. What's the source?

Let it all burn.

Good luck fending off the EU army.

yes, i'm aware of jewish control in large segments of our government and I wish we just left europe the fuck alone during ww2

what do you want me to say other than you shouldn't have stigmatized any kind of nationalism and criticism of jews to the point where it's literally the worst thing you can do?

>where did I say this?
You just laughed at user for calling capitalism the natural state of economics. Capitalism is just the free exchange of goods and services. If you think capitalism is not the natural state of economics you're saying "I'll give you X for Y, deal?" is not the natural state of economics.

This is why "national socialists" are useless. What started out as a discussion of German reaction has now become yet another wild goose chase over economics, all because some butthurt historical reenactor fag who still thinks Hitlerism is relevant to the 21st century got butthurt over being called rightwing.

tell her shes an embarassment to her race and should settle down with a good german boy and start a family.

If she gets mad tell her that you have no respect for her and she should do what you say or you will disown her.

Then ask "would you really choose a sandnigger (or whatever German pejorative works here) over me?"

If you're disliking multiculturalism here you're a nazi and if you don't agree with lefty opinions you're a fascist. This is where our country stands now but there is hope.

>arson attacks on asylum-seeker shelters
Im aware of a single refugee shelter that was burned down, in Düsseldorf, and it was burned down by refugees

>far right attacks

Reminder inconclusive, ongoing investigation:

>The term denazification was first coined as a legal term in 1943 in the Pentagon

>Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, was opposed to such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large and also held the opinion that Germany needed no more labourers because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could fill these vacancies. The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. The German Department of Foreign Affairs carried on the negotiations after this, and in 1961 an agreement was reached

You did it all to us.

yeah it always was teh fault of other sand never ever the own elites

Für die Zukunft sollten derartige Tarifabschlüsse jedoch vermieden werden. Angesichts nahezu erreichter Vollbeschäftigung und eines sogar drohenden Arbeitskräftemangels plante die Bundesregierung, durch die Anwerbung ausländischer Arbeitskräfte dem Arbeitskräftemangel zu begegnen und dadurch gleichzeitig auf künftige Lohnforderungen dämpfend einzuwirken.

tl;dr foreigners were imported to depress wages

>they did
keep attacking your allies, and ignore your enemies.

blame Japan. a little over half of our population wanted nothing to do with the war until pearl harbor happened, after that, the gloves were off.

hitler called us half negrofied and half jewed anyway, so i guess we were just spreading it huh?