mfw Europeans complain about American sports being over-commercialized

> mfw Europeans complain about American sports being over-commercialized

You guys realize Red Bull literally bought a bundesliga team and named it after themselves right? That would be like a football team being called the "Chicago McDoubles" or the "Denver Bud Light Limes"

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Inb4 NY Red Bulls

You make us look bad stop posting

Didn't it start in the USA? The New York RB had existed for longer than the German one

american sports are bordering on impossible to watch for the rest of world due to the frequent amount of adverts

surely the austrian one is the oldest, since it's an austrian company? idk


the team is named RB Liepzig which stands for RasenBallsport Liepzig.

apart from the 100s of adverts per game i dont particulary think the sports are over commercialized obvs the tv shows are tho

And its frowned upon and been opposed by football fans. Americans unironically enjoy supporting a company that will move away if its economically better.

Adverts in football is just a name on the shirt. You'll blank them out during the actual game. In American sports, you have ad breaks that ruin the flow of the game.

Yeah, but it's not as in your face like with our sports.

Try harder.

I don't get any adverts on, 162 games every season, no ads

The breaks are part of the game, but what ruins the flow is having commercials

We also play basketball but when there is a time out or such the camera stays on the game and they show what the coach says to the players, etc

We only have ads bettwen quarters

We're talking about real sports lmao

but all the other american "sports" are shitty except hockey, but that's not really american anyway

favourite american sport is /chase/

yeah i mean, can you imagine having a company founding a professional team solely for commercial purposes?
that's unheard of in America

From what I see, the Germans hate them for that though, or is that not true?

They're both commercialized in different ways. Yes there are a lot of commercials in American sports but at the same time the league itself is not named after a company and if you buy a jersey there's no advertisement, or in the case of the NBA its small and doesn't take centre stage like on a soccer shirt.

It's pick your poison.

>the Bayer levekussen...

oh wait, it's literally a pharmaceutical
lmao yuropoors

everyone does

RB leipzig, MK dons, PSG - the cancer triumvirate

Theres a difference between a meaningless logo on a jersey and the game literally being designed around maximising ad breaks

>ads on shirt that has no impact whatsover on the game itself
>ads that make the game stop and kill its flow

Yeah pick your poison

You realise thats because the employees wanted a football team and asked the company to help finance it. Its a pretty natural and uncommercial way for a club to be created whereas a number of your "franchises" are created out of thin air by the league because it makes economic sense.

did you look up their history and why they're called that way before opening you big fat american mouth?

>be a walking billboard for sandniggers
>ask your doctor about viagra
both are pretty shit 2bh

>implying the McDoubles wouldn't become America's team
>implying everyone won't bandwagon the Limes


>he doesn't rate the Chicago McDoubles

That's not how it works at all though. I can't speak for football but for games like hockey and basketball its merely an extension of a stoppage in play. Rather than there being a 15 second break between gametime there's a 45 second one.

Its all about perspective. I know you think you do it better but the alternative perspective is watching team pepsi play team mountain dew for the coca-cola cup.

>ads that make the game stop and kill its flow
>the game literally being designed around maximising ad breaks
you realize the games stop either way, right? we don't have ads in little league but still have to go warm up for the inning

no. ads that actually stop the game are so many times worse you can't compare the two. it's absolute cancer and goes against everything sport stands for in favour of TV bux. granted I don't like ads of any kind, but I'd take a million shirt and stadium sponsors over anything that actually stopped play in any sport.

thats doesnt fit into his views. expect to be memed.

Again why does it fucking matter to you that theres a logo on the jersey while you watch? At least you're actually watching the sport and not about Pizza Hut's latest deals.

>alternative perspective is watching team pepsi play team mountain dew for the coca-cola cup.
Vs literally seeing Pepsi and Mountain Dew instead of actual sport happening

>ads that actually stop
see the ads don't stop the game, it's ads or watch the sidelines for 2 minutes

get up and go get some water while the players are taking a break, it's not that hard.

how is it so hard to understand that the ads aren't stopping the game

>We only have ads between quarters
That sounds like heaven to me

the game was stopped anyway. the nhl uses the commercial breaks to clean the ice. its not like they just stopped just for ads.

Why does it fucking matter to you that ads play while there's nothing going on on the actual field/ice/pitch/whatever. At least you can watch the sport without having ads in your face literally the entire time.

Like I said, its a matter of perspective, I don't know why you're getting so butthurt about it.

>What are NHL tv time outs

I don't even have an issue with the ad breaks but its retarded to act like they're not worse/more commercialised than soccer jersey logos.

On the left, the ads you see watching football, on the right the ads you see watching asp

IT doesn't matter as long as they're not too obnoxious/constant but stop pretending they're the same or better than jersey sponsors.

If you watch a football game and see nothing but adverts, that just means you're a goy who has been brainwashed to see adverts in everything you view.

Don't want to hate, but this

if you actually go to an nhl game they use the stoppage to clean the ice. they just play ads during that time instead of watching people shovel snow.

>field goal
>new possession

Yeah the game stops either way but I'm sure it would last way way shorter if it wasn't for all the ads, hell you even have the 2 minutes warning wich was originally intended to make sure the remaining time was correcctly set but even with modern technology was kept anyway for the sole puropose of shoving in more ads

>inb4 a dumb leaf implies they're the exact same


I don't watch football, but change of possession took at least 2~3 minutes every time when I was playing in high school, and no ads there

>Hey it's all a matter of perspective on which one you think is worse

You really are retarded.

Go in to the bed lads good nite x

is the bundesliga and the premier league the only leagues not named after a company?
>La Liga Santander
>Ligue 1 Conforama
>Serie A TIM
>Liga NOS

ITT a bunch of mad europoors that can't support their team without being a walking advertisement
I don't have any ads when I watch sports, ANY ads, since cuts them all out, haven't seen an ad in years.

I thought premier league was named after Barclays

Its not a matter of perspective though this is what I'm saying you thick fuck

I'd rather have not sports in between my commercials, thanks you.

I know this is Sup Forums, but can't we just enjoy shit that works best for our culture? Calling some sports gay and retarded every day. My friends actually play Rugby and still respect Football players as athletes. You guys are fucking cancer.

lol you didn't watch mlb for how long? there is always a giant ad behind the catcher

Your culture is fucking awful muhammed and we have no interest in respecting it. Now stop being a little pussy.

EPL has no name sponsor right now but used to.

Damn look at those jersey sponsors, really can't follow the game like this! How i wished they changed them with a 10 seconds ad everytime the ball goes out of play and commentators telling every 5 minute a commercial slogan! :^(


nobody is saying it's unwatchable, just hypocrisy to say our sports are unwatchable when there are breaks either way unlike yours.

For me, it's CAMPING WORLD.

I'm as close to an Hitler Aryan as you can be, baby and I'm sure as hell not named Muhammed.

My culture defending this sport also includes your culture, you backwards piece of shit

the break would be shorter if there weren't so many ads

I can't concentrate senpai


I was watching the BBC coverage for the superb owl a couple of years ago and they didn't have adverts every time there was a pause in the game. Usually the studio would talk about the most recent passage of play instead. Why don't american broadcasts do that instead of having ad breaks every five minutes?

so does that mean over-commercializing everything to maximize profit is American culture?

ITT cucked geeks argue over who willfully takes it up the ass harder

because they're fat


But the Croky Cup is the GOAT of sponsored football competitions

Because the sport is set up to make as much money as possible to the detriment of the sport

Because they get like $4 million dollars for a 30 second ad in the super bowl and half the audience(read mostly women) actually only watch the super bowl for the commercials and halftime show. If someone's going to let you fuck them in the ads and be thankful for it why wouldn't you?

NY Red Bulls
literally who?
agreed. its an actual problem that pissing contests with europe wont solve.

At least your national teams aren't commercialised, our official NT name is Caltex Socceros.

who cares though you have the Wallabies. For Europe soccer is the closest to a sports team they have.


I live in Victoria bro, that sport is irrelevant outside of NSW

Just purge the whole concept of the Super Bowl and start anew.
I'd rather it get lower ratings for a far less cancerous viewer base to improve the game overall than have some faggots and cunts talk over the game to watch only the commercials and some shitty halftime show. Even though we meme the yuros they always had the sack to never give in to halftime concert trash. This is sport not a fucking ad fest.

"Did you watch the world cup opening ceremony?" said no one ever

you have Footy then.

> Be obese with no stamina

> Starting lineup in the nfl

Pick two

Go back to work Tanner


Sorry my people are such idiots, frogbro.

Superbowl is a sympton not the disease. Get rid of automatic challenges and tv timeouts after every change in possessions/scores. Just reset the playclock after every play, only go to commercial whena timeout is called or a red flag is thrown, the 2 minute warning, and the end of the quarter.

>no stamina
guarantee every starting lineman in the NFL has 100x your stamina norcuck

You need to go back, Miguél.

T. Javarius Niggerus III.

This Lexus comment was brought to you by KFC

Everything before the anthems is irrelevant

I don't think you understand what stamina means you literal subhuman negroid

>Everything before the anthems is irrelevant
This. Everything after them as well.

you definitely dont, retard
kill yourself asap

fucking leaf

Its a cheeky cop out but its still sponsored by Red Bull so... yeah literally a commercialized play on words

Not the yellow mellows

this autistic comment brought to you by Sup Forums virgin #432151

I bet an NFL linebacker couldn't finish a mile under 10 minutes you retard

>the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.
>nfl lineman dont have this
the state of you, fucking absolute dipshit

please go make that bet so you can lose what little money you have, peasant fuckwit

And couldn't build a grammatically correct sentence ever.