Just saw this

Just saw this.
How the fuck did he get super strength? Christ this was bad.

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They explained it

Inform me because clearly I missed it during my 2 minute nap.

The mind causes physiologic changes/powers. Hell, how did bruce willis have invulnerability and see criminals with touch.

the same way way mr glass got brittle bone powers

How dumb do you have to be that you couldn't understand something that was clearly explained in the fucking movie? Jesus millenials and their retarded attention span.

Fuckin' magic, dude. Science so freaky and far ahead of our current understanding that it's as-of-yet indefinable. It's comic book shit, but I enjoyed it.

>lol he has a personality of animals XD
>lol that's why he has super fucking strength!
No, you retard. It was plain stupid.

That wasn't even the reason.

Fix your ADHD so you can actually concentrate on something for more than 2 minutes.

Stop avoiding it and tell me, you're not sounding smart.

Explain and i'll tell you exactly why it's bullshit.

Seeing Bruce Willis at the end just fucked me up

because he transcends biology with his fantasy brain power. It gets explained like 10 times in the movie and even in the trailer. and it still portrays it as some kind of twist lmao

I just saw this too, you from Michigan?

>and it still portrays it as some kind of twist lmao

Wasn't the twist that the movie takes place in the same world as Unbreakable?

Also, M. Night said his next movie is Unbreakable 2. Hype. Split was great.


Holy shit like I said, bad movie.

>I can suspend disbelievef enough for the 23 personalities thing but once he gets super powers this movie is an unrealistic piece of trash

wew lad, I would say kill yourself but then someone would have to clean up another one of your messes

I got such a boner during the beast bearhug scene. I wanna die like that

Stop shilling your retarded garbage channel you pathetic faggot.

Basically he "used 100%" of his brain. It's a played out idea, but if you think of it as "He was able to recruit the full extent of his muscle fibers" then atleast the strength feels more grounded. Of course his actually body grew in size so really it might as well just be magic.

Was probably the most unexpected thing, and I came in expecting him to transform into a literal beast and not just go past peak human super human shit.

because of ending tweest

the movie takes place in the same film universe as Unbreakable, which was about superheros

>The big twist comes after the plot has been resolved and even a “Split” title card comes on screen. We then cut to a diner where a TV news report tells patrons about the events we’ve just seen, and that Casey’s captor (James McAvoy) is at large and has been dubbed with the name “The Horde”. Three women begin discussing these events and one says, “Wasn’t there a guy in a wheelchair about 15 years ago? What was his name?” David Dunn (Bruce Willis) then leans forward and says, “Mr. Glass.” The camera then lingers on Dunn’s face, strongly suggesting that the emerging superhero from Shyamalan’s 2000 film will face off against The Horde.

Ah, i see. As someone who was never seen Unbreakable maybe that was why the movie was so bad

So what's Bruce Willis superpower?

Say what you want, but the horde is a pretty cool name for a villain

Can't be hurt but can drown

M Night's next movie is Unbreakable 2


various powers, one of them being very hard to kill.

The woman clearly believed it was magic and that study of Kevin would allow humans to understand more than we currently do about the spirit world or some shit.

sounds awful. The little teaser at the end of Split was fun, but Unbreakable 2 would be hot fucking garbage. I don't even think Split was great, it was just good. Unbreakable was already shit though.

What happens when he gets supa strong does he throw a fucking car or something?

He bear hugs an old lady to death by breaking her spine, and then takes 2 point blank shotgun shots being relatively unphased. Also climbs up walls that are almost smooth


Barry was an employee there, I assume they didn't know "they" were living in the maintenance tunnels.

But what did it symbolize?

>he can do impossible things simply because he believes he can

Holy fuck, james mcavoy is an ork!