Why do Russians love anime so much?

Why do Russians love anime so much?

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Have to distract yourself from depressing life somehow.

Surrogate for cock

And stop stealing my anime pictures



As said in a Russian proverb: "There is no family without a freak".

In order to effectively lure Estonians into my basement I must share common interest with them


I don't understand why you keep doing this.

his old sidekicks dumped him because he kept stalking them.

Oh, so I'm like a backup plan. I guess I'm not good enough to be more.


The habitat of saviors of white race. From such landscapes you want to either watch anime, or drink windshield wiper.

Lies, kraut, you are just jealous

Don't let the eternal kraut fool you, i am always by your side

You don't actually care for me, this is just a game for you.


you should be sent to gulag

I care for you, you should believe me, because the loving heart can't lie!


Jealous boys, you just want to be in place of Estonians because of how cute and lovely they are!

Stop bullying him.

I'm not, you silly excuse for a male! I love him like a mother!

He really doesn't seem to share this love.

HE does! He is just confused because of all the lies around me, I am the light of his day! The beacon of life!

I doubt it. He has resisted you for months, it's more likely that you are delusional or find some sick joy in this whole act.

He is not resistant, he is just playful and unsure, just like any broken child would be. I am his savior.

Being that much of a homosexual must surely be illegal in Russia.

How can a girl be homosexual, krautboy?

Пoтoмy чтo мaгмa тeчeт в нaших вeнaх, pacкaляя cepдцa

Same for Finland desu. If you're not an alcoholic or abusing drugs, then you're probably watching anime.

Doing this over and over does start to feel tiring.

Russian maggots


What do you want then? Do you want to be left alone forever? Just tell me, and I will disappear, but with hope of my love being remembered...

I already am alone forever, making these posts doesn't change that.

As you wish. I'm taking my leave. Please, remember me.

Oh. Well, have fun with your next victim I guess.

Бeзгpaничнoe cлияниe! ГУPPEH-ЛAГAHH!!!


The same reason people like anime worldwide.

Fuck anime