Holy shit

Holy shit
You've GOT TO read this

>THE DECISION BY U.K. voters to leave the EU is such a glaring repudiation of the wisdom and relevance of elite political and media institutions that — for once — their failures have become a prominent part of the storyline. Media reaction to the Brexit vote falls into two general categories: (1) earnest, candid attempts to understand what motivated voters to make this choice, even if that means indicting their own establishment circles, and (2) petulant, self-serving, simple-minded attacks on disobedient pro-Leave voters for being primitive, xenophobic bigots (and stupid to boot), all to evade any reckoning with their own responsibility. Virtually every reaction that falls into the former category emphasizes the profound failures of Western establishment factions; these institutions have spawned pervasive misery and inequality, only to spew condescending scorn at their victims when they object.

Choice quotes:

>A large constituency of working-class voters feel that not only has the economy left them behind, but so has the culture, that the sources of their dignity, the dignity of labor, have been eroded and mocked by developments with globalization, the rise of finance, the attention that is lavished by parties across the political spectrum on economic and financial elites, the technocratic emphasis of the established political parties.

>...elite media ignorance stemming from homogeneity and detachment from the citizenry.
>“If you’ve got money, you vote in. If you haven’t got money, you vote out.”
>“Most of the media … failed to see this coming. … The alienation of the people charged with documenting the national mood from the people who actually define it is one of the ruptures that has led to this moment.”

Other urls found in this thread:


Read it yesterday. Greenwald is an outstanding journalist. It won't get any traction here, though. Sup Forums likes their gay jewish writers to be flamboyant and constantly spouting tired 'memes', not merely smart and talented.

Good find, though. Surprised at the flag a bit; Intercept shits on you guys.

Or they hate Greenwald for being the whistle-blowers journalist of choice.

I don't understand the hate he gets. The Snowden shit fell in his lap. Iirc Greenwald even blew him off a few times because he didn't want to be bothered with learning encryption techniques. Honestly, what self-respecting journalist wouldn't blow the lid off that shit if they had the source?

I heard Michael Savage bitching about him the other day. I honestly don't get the vitriol. Are people still pissed he defended the KKK?

> "Das Volk versteht das meiste falsch; aber es fühlt das meiste richtig." - Rezension zu Hans Falladas Roman "Bauern, Bonzen und Bomben" (Berlin, Rowohlt 1931), in: Die Weltbühne, 7. März 1931, Nr. 14, S. 500

> What did he mean by this?
Freely translated: the damn plebs misunderstands pretty much anything, but "feels" (or senses, notices) most things correctly.

>The Los Angeles Times’s Vincent Bevins, in an outstanding and concise analysis, wrote that “both Brexit and Trumpism are the very, very wrong answers to legitimate questions that urban elites have refused to ask for 30years”

I find many of these articles to have the same logical flaws. On the one hand, our concerns are deemed genuine and not without reason, but on the other the media is still saying 'but it was without a doubt the wrong thing to do'.

So we were meant to vote to stay regardless of the fact that the EU literally is not reformable - and proud of it, I hasten to add? The Guardian specially is pushing out so many articles of this ilk and none of them have made sense to me yet.

I just read the article. Greenwald appears to be an exceptional writer

>applied memetics
The propaganda of the fourth Reich is top notch, eh?

I think he's alright, actually. He's certainly more informative than 90% of all the MSM "journalists" out there.

The Intercept can be based at times. They're anti-Obama and pro-Corbyn

Wholeheartedly agree.

Their failures economically especially call into question if they are qualified to hold office in the first place.

To be fair, we probably deserve to be shat on.
I hate Arabs as much as any other guy, but I swear to god this continual process of colonization and occupation will be the end of us.
Just how long do those religious freaks who live in Hebron think they can continue (literally) spitting on Arabs before we have a massive revolt on our hands here? We already had two, and the second one was just barely contained. Who's to say we'll survive the third? Just how long are we expected to live as a garrison state, and what kind of society and economy will this produce another 40 years down the line?

The most insulting thing is that 95% of them have never held a real job in their lives. Being a politician IS their career.

Greenwald is one of the only journalists in the West today.

You know what, I'm fucking sick of people dumping shit on the jews. You're alright.

>On the one hand, our concerns are deemed genuine and not without reason, but on the other the media is still saying 'but it was without a doubt the wrong thing to do'

That's not what I got from this at all. The media, by and large, are condemning Brexit and Trump as the byproducts of a dying class desperately clinging to an obsolete past. Greenwald is one of the few who acknowledges that our concerns are "genuine and not without reason". Not only does he not condemn us, he goes right at the throats of those who do. That cap of some twitter twat saying, "We're the elite for a reason" before ripping them a new ass was great. If you think this was standard reporting, you need to either actually read the article or divulge your sources.

Matt Taibbi was another dissenter. I think he led his piece on Brexit with "If you believe there's such a thing as too much democracy, then you probably don't believe in democracy". Taibbi's a smartass and a Berniefag, but after his crucifixion of Wall Street in Griftopia I'll read him till my dying day.

That's the exact sort of thinking that got us into this multicultural melting-pot clusterfuck our nation is in right now. You don't 'deserve' to be shat on.

Hate to go full nigger on you, but people hate you cause they ain't you. Same reason people shit on America. The difference is I don't think we deserve it.

>carreer politician
>is good at anything else than lying and 'talking' without saying anything

There's a different between religion-fueled ultra-nationalism and just keeping to yourself in your own country. I'm not saying we deserve to be shat on for not being some open-borders state-of-its-citizens, I'm saying we deserve to be shat on for suppressing the nationalist self-determination movement of another people.

Are you lost?

It has been very strange to see a brief intermission from the standard media narrative to the point where I'm actually seeing pretty truthful reports about what's happening on normally pozzed UK media.

It feels like our cuck elite may have actually started to get the fucking message on mass immigration. At least some of them have anyway. Even Cameron in his presser today mentioned how people had become apparently suspicious of "experts" in the whole. Our problem is everything is based in London and London is completely utterly disconnected from everything else to the point where they're on their own little island full of money and hyper liberal diversity politics.

I have yet to see any of our media commentators fully internalise our values yet though, they recognise that there are vast swathes of people with "concerns about immigration" but deep down they still truly believe that it's because those people are stupid idiots and we must pretend their fears are legitimate because there's so many of them.

It's not just immigration. It's shit like stagnant real wages, disappearance of stable manufacturing jobs (with nothing to replace it with) and the shrinking of the middle class. Mass immigration is just the disgusting rotten cherry on the top which makes everything even worse by flooding the job market with millions of unskilled workers.

There's no such thing as 'keeping to yourself in your own country' when you're surrounded by enemies who don't believe your country has a right to exist. To not show strength is showcasing weakness. These barbarians around you would fucking rape and eat your family in front of you. Are you really a jew from Isreal? It's odd I have to explain to you the dangers of being a nation-state when your neighbors all want you dead.

AOf course you conquer. Of course you spit on them. Of course you hate them, because they hate you and would do the exact same to you if they were in your place.

>It's shit like stagnant real wages, disappearance of stable manufacturing jobs

yeah, those are bad things but they're also things that would cause resentment with politicians in any country, there's nothing terribly significant about them. it's just a standard political fuck up. immigration is more potent because it's an observable direct intervention into people's lives and a noticeable emblem of the fact that citizens mean so little to politicians, that they're effectively replaceable with anybody who just shows up here. it's like a horrible solvent to any sense of community.

UKIP fused the issue of immigration with the EU long ago and the two have been inextricably linked together in the public's mind for years now, and since immigration is the #1 issue in the electorate and most people hate it and want it reversed, anybody who was pro-EU was always going to get fucked by it.

Defensive posturing is one thing, offensive conquest is another. Given enough time (decades, centuries) Israel will just become a moderately uncomfortable reality which Arabs would be content to live with. It already happened in Egypt and Syria and among the elites of Jordan. Generally speaking people don't WANT to go to war unless they feel they have something to lose. As long as we provoke them by being in their faces day after day and being a constantly felt presence in their lives, they'll despise us to the point they'll be willing to die fighting us. I'm not saying just laying down our arms, I'm saying getting the fuck out of the West Bank.
It's not even a matter of moralism, it's a matter of simple practicality and sustainability.

ultimately there is no reason for anything beyond my desire

The only reason ethno-nationalism is making a come back is because zionist intellectuals have opened a backdoor for themselves and that this backdoor is left open.

This is why in France, for example, famous jewish intellectuals who were all "no borders" in the 80s/90s are now flamboyant nationalists and allow our ideas to spread because they can't be called "racists".

So thank god for the based jews.

Now I think that Israel's mistake is the colonization process. You want a jewish state not some multicultural arabo-jewish state. This will not happen. The arabs will either have to go to Jordan or neighboring countries, or will be killed until there are none of them anymore. Or Israel will disappear. There can be no cohabitation. You need two states or a tragedy will happen that will solve the issue.

Vote bibi out.

Londonistan is a "project" in its own right- a fucking terrible project. I'm part of the 40% of brave souls who voted leave here, we need assistance from the rest of the country in taking back our city.
The majority here aren't rich, the majority here are liberal brainwashed fuccbois(and girls) who have been moulded into pro-diversity spouting pop culturalists, obssessed with furthering the push of gay agenda / islamification and further separation of wealth into a 2 tiered communist system. They welcome it with open arms because they are taught they too will reap the rewards of it. Meanwhile the huge growing ethnic populations suck it all up because they are depicted as the glowing children of foreign lands saving our economy and working "our NHS" for us- whislt the truth is the shear numbers of unproductive migrants has reached a point where they are outbreeding the natives and running all services into oblivion.
The worst people are the liberal middle classes mentioned above though, that support this wholesale destruction.
Please UK, make Londonistan London again.

Greenwald is an SJW faggot who thinks Islamophobia is the 21st century great evil and yet fails to see that muslims are at the root cause of the spread of all the reactionnary ideas he hates so much. That guy is a genuine faggot, a partisan, endoctrinated who writes articles using his manichean view of the world: how can I use this news event to push my progressive agenda? OH nice idea there... oh but it requires me to transform reality to fit my narrative.... never mind :DD xDDD

Greenwald is a piece of shit. Just because he isn't blind enough to not see the obvious disconnect between the political and intellectual class and the rest of the commoners who have to actual live with the decisions of those above them take to sleep better at night, doesn't mean he is some kind of Pullitzer-deserving nigger.

I always tried to present it like this:

[ ] Jewish state
[ ] Democratic state
[ ] The territories
You may only pick two. XX

Is there no popular movement for peace?
I fucking hate jews but you guys are alright
I'd hate for you all to get zero rushed to death

Bexley borough here. Fucking out m8

Coming from the area with the highest percentage of people voting out of the EU, I can tell you most people here voted because they're tired of all the Poles.

The percentage of the population who support sensible peace (aka "peace on our terms", or "non-suicidal peace", or simply "realistic peace") is dwindling. The movement has been ripped by the delusional arab-loving Tel Avivian extreme left on one side, and the Status Quo Guard of Bibi on the other. What doesn't help is the fact that our Labour movement is probably the most deeply corrupt and unrepresentative party in our politics - to the point we needed a new "center-left" populist party to go against it (Yesh Atid).

Clean up your prose and lose the kiddie shit and you might have an argument. With all the 'SJW niggers and faggots' shit, it's kind of hard to take you seriously.

> What did he mean by this?

It means you are doing it right, Switzerland. Even if most people don't have a grasp about the exact constellation of foreign policy (how exactly is Saudi-Arabia involved in the ME conflict, what influence does Egypt have in that region, why does Assad what he does?) then people still have a good idea about whom to support, whom to let fall and where to not engage with foreign policy.
If you strip foreign policy about all the chess-like strategical theorizing it's remarkably simple.

address his actual point
don't try to play it down by hiding behind "use proper language"

>pro muslim
>pro lgbt
>pro BLM
>defends Dilma
>defends Shaun King

and most ridiculous of all

>claims Trump's rise is the result of journalistic neutrality and failure to attack him




Fully agree with this. The liberals are utterly deluded dead eyed slogan spewing retards aimlessly following the latest fashion like a flock of starlings.

It was still an interesting read

>b..but muh circlejerk

The main problem is that the elite, and there certainly is an elite, is completely unaware of what actually happens outside a small part of London and some select university areas around the country. My niece went to Leeds University. Great city, good university, but she didn't know a single person from Leeds. All of her friends were from the Home Counties. I doubt she even interacted with many people from the city, never mind being friends with them. The locals were derided as being a bit backward, stupid and prone to violence. I visited her a few times and she lived in Headingley, home to one of the finest cricket grounds in England, which in terms of its prosperity and culture could have easily been in West London or the more fashionable parts of any large English speaking city. The residents were into folding bikes and vegan cafes. It was basically a cheaper, whiter version of London. However, she can say now that she has lived in the North of England, which scores big lefty points.

It doesn't matter to her that she didn't meet a single person native to the place, or ever left the bubble of the nice bit around the university. People, often those with Twitter accounts and political aspirations, think life experience is leaving their nice Home Counties village to go to a university in the North which is also solely attended by other people from nice Home Counties villages. I'm singling her out, which isn't fair because she's a smashing girl, but she's typical of the problem. People simply don't interact with each other enough in this country. There are people, people who hold public office, who are genuinely not aware of how people live, work, think and act on a daily basis. We're segregated. The middle and upper classes are vastly removed in terms of their sensibilities and outlook compared to the bulk of the population.

Kids who live on council estates and have parents who work regular jobs cannot go backpacking in Peru. They do not go skiing in Lech. The idea of a gap year isn't even one they can fathom, never mind afford. They do not know vegetarians. They do not know foreign people. They do not care about gay rights, or transgenders, or Muslims. They do not go to refugee welcoming events. They are not remotely arsed about the environment or whether someone they've never heard of has offended someone else they've never heard of. It doesn't matter a damn to them. It never has. They have many other things to worry about, like their 15 year old being pregnant or their son leaving school with bugger all and no job to go into. When middle and upper class teenagers are having arguments about which is the best redbrick for nightlife and why Val D'Isere isn't in any more, the bulk of people their age are trying to get a night shift in at Aldi or pay board on apprentice's wages.

I voted to Leave and I didn't really give a shit which way it went, because fortunately for me I live very well. For a lot of people who voted to Leave it was their last chance at sticking it to the people who simply don't have a clue how they live.

I just don't understand how Tel Aviv was infected with this Suicidal Morality so fucking fast.

Your Torah is the complete anti-thesis to slave morality and yet the jewish homeland has already been shit on with this.

I can't really believe that its jews jewing jews through the education system and infecting everything.

What was Yuri Bezmenov actually saying though.

Good thing I am on Sup Forums and not writing an academic paper then

>b..but muh circlejerk

Please kindly fuck-off to plebbit where you belongs.

Jews fall for their own bullshit too famalam, this is a good thing and I love it

Spot on

>no reason for anything beyond my

Damnation and eternal Death

They still don't understand it though.

Many of the people I know who voted Remain had sound (not convincing, but sound and well argued) points as to why we should remain. No one I know personally went down to the level of many in the Remain camp. However, they still couldn't figure out why people voted Leave.

It's not that they follow things blindly. They do, but they also dismiss blindly. "If they do that, then they're this." The nodding starts and the room agrees with them. No one challenges them on it, it becomes accepted as fact. Everyone who votes UKIP is a racist. Anyone who voted to Leave is an idiot. It might cause them to pause; they would rather die than have anyone consider them a racist, the only thing worse is an idiot. What they don't understand, what they have never understood, is that your average voting man in the rest of the country away from the Moroccan restaurants and the wine bars doesn't get swayed by that.

For years they got away with it because the internet prevented the rest of the country from realising just how little the left thought of them.

it's part of their caste identity, it needs to be singled out, analysed to fuck and memed to death like people did for things like the emo subculture. I know it's a pretty Jewy thing but critiquing something to the point of oblivion really does actually completely destroy things.

Our far-leftist are very funny, because they always talk about how an insurrection would be dope and how people need to do a revolution and throw down the current order.

Never to realize that the country's electoral has continuously shifted to the right and that if there is one day a revolution, the first people that will climb the stairs of the public guillotine after the politicians will be the very leftists that are arguing for a revolution.

They seem uncapable of ever realizing that they are a working and useful part of the system and the establishment they love to hate about in their pamphlets.

i literally don't fucking understand how anyone that's French could ever want another fucking revolution, but whatever, such is leftism

actually when I was in Carcassone last summer I saw plenty of incoherent leftist graffiti about ending capitalism and eating the rich and such. in fact i saw graffiti almost everywhere actually i think your nation has a serious problem with it

"Resistance" and "change" have become just another commodities to be sold.
25$ Che Guevara T-shirt, anyone?

They don't represent shit, like 10% of the population, perhaps 15% if you are generous. But they are vocal as fuck. And you know there is this romantic meme of the student passionate about leftist ideals etc. that so much people fell for.

Tbqh there are some interesting leftist writers and intellectuals, I am not dismissing the whole thing but they do have a really hard time renewing their ideas and two thirds of the """"revolutionnaries"""" are just lost causes desperately seeking meaning in their shitty life.

You never hear the successful faggot at an elite school with a bright future sperging out about how we need to kill the bourgeois scum. It is always the drunken, homeless, stinking punks with their dogs and 50c beer that cry about it

The far-right has its own variety of degenerate faggots (skinheads mostly) but most of it are pretty respectable, productive and historically well versed people. It was especially true in before the 00s when being far-right has such high social stigma than only the truest people were active in those circles. Now the intellectual power-force has diluted a little bit


John Harris wrote a similar piece for Guardian.

Great article. I, however, think Brexit and Trumpism are EXCELLENT responses to the establishment's failures and nationalism is exactly what our nations need.

Is there anyone here who has can create a comic in this style? I want to explain through a comic (which leftists seem to love) why Brexit happened, and why UKIP are the only party that actually cares about people. I already have a storyboard more or less, but i think with it, it could easily go viral.

I thought Carcassone was a board game

bump for this.

Btw, the rough story of the comic follows the lives of 5 people - a working class tradesman, a well off "social blogger", a labour politician, a conservative politician, and Nigel Farage.

I think it could be very red-pilling




Also most of those young leftists couldn't even be bothered to vote.

You'll just do everyone a favor and start the genocide.

What you should be very fucking concerned about is when people wake up to all the open borders, miscegenation, perpetual war agenda of the Jewish elites while lo and behold in Israel its the very own fascist state that your people denied everyone else.

on that day, it won't matter if the average jew in Tel Aviv has blood stained hands we will be coming with armies.


>over 9000 popes

>this continual process of colonization and occupation will be the end of us

Yes. The process of colonization is not an independent appendage to the State. To sustain any kind of colonization or occupation requires a shift in the identity and operation of the State itself. It can eventually become an intrinsic part of the identity of the country and nation, as in the case of the UK.

This in effect makes the colonization culturally permanent and leads inevitably to rebellion/independece in the colonies(British Empire), if not the wholesale implosion of the State in its entirety (Austrian Empire). The process can be quick (Soviet Union) or incredibly slow (Ottoman Empire), but ultimately the failure to integrate disparate peoples into one, unambiguous, undifferentiated nation State leads to the eventually death of all Empires.

In the meantime, the body politic must inevitably be corrupted into seeing the vast expenditure and associated injustices of Empire as virtuous. The whole process is not undifferent to the financialised empire of globalisation, which by its utter failure to include the working class, ensures its ultimate demise.

Also checked.

What's pathetic is that the millenial end of that scale is actually larger (in terms of overall numbers) than any other group.

This guy is based. In reality.

not a bit, the whole article is basically, "We screwed these people over, but we didn't work hard enough to brainwash them while we were doing it."

If I saw him in real life I would punch him in the face.

>wage gap
>mostly true

He's a leftist faggot user, bigger than most which is why he gets attention from traitors.