>I'm here for the job interview
I'm here for the job interview
Thanks for showing up, you should expect a call in a few days.
Barnum & Bailey is two blocks down.
"get out of my truck"
>Sir this is the welfare office
>Yeah I know, the job place for free money
Yes, well, the advertisement stated quite clearly that we would provide the clown suit.
So, we've established that you need close supervision.
Not off to a good start, are we?
>Ah so you saw the opening too? Small world!
He would still look weird without all the cosmetic bullshit.
i was here first asshole
fag bitch
hur durr
And why do you want to work for the Acme Washer Company?
If i was american and i saw that person after dark i'd shoot him out of reflex.
All i'd have to say was "I thought he was some sort of night monster"
and why not
life of the party here
>Judge a book by it's cover
The man could be the best for his position
and his bff
tee hee i just love bad boys with tattoos
ayy lmao
>Thank you for your time, well be in touch
Welcome aboard, you can start testing MRIs tomorrow.
People like this are a waste on society. Prove me wrong
Welcome to Hot Topic there are cameras everywhere and here's your lanyard now go make some people uncomfortable talking about body art.
Jesus Christ how horrifying
why would anybody want to prove you wrong when youre correct?
You will feel a pinch as we put the hook in, and the water can be cold out here in the Pacific. Keep your back arched so you stay above water as we get under way.
I can't.
If you ever feel like you can't get laid or find a girlfriend or whatever. Just think, this guy has a wife.
you can't apply for a government job sir due to the fact that YOUR A FUCKEN WHITE MALE
>white supremacist spic
every time
>this guy has a wife
Is she also Klingon?
Looks like a satanic female(?) version of Eggman
I'm sorry sir. The position has been filled.
I got a job interview tomorrow
i already have a job, but just for two days a week
Feral ghoul
I think we've seen enough here, we'll call you back.
Get out of my house, what the fuck.
I'd probably actually hire this one.
She's probably not someone even the fattest and most disgusting of us would touch with a 50 foot pole.
What goes through people's minds when they get tattoos like this? Do they think employment is just a social construct?
>If I give all these tattoos that represent infinite power and wisdom to myself they will give me buffs like in a video game
Looks like a Splicer from BioShock
Less people work now than before.
whats this from?
i think i remember seeing it in some game when i was little but cant remember the name
You look just diverse enough to hire!
Hugo something
If you have advanced financial modeling skills, including basic budgeting and forecasting, mezzanine debt bridges, cascading asset returns, what-if sensitivity analysis, and 10k analysis, then you might get the job.
You'll never go anywhere beyond "analyst" though since we meet monthly with a PE group that we partner with on deals to discuss acquisitions, debt pay downs on jointly owned companies and myriad other things, and you won't get any face time with a face like that. You'll be the go-to guy in the dark room who is never allowed to network and kept in 80 hour weeks for 70k a year plus bonus.
Welcome to the dead end... and that's assuming you actually have the skills.
I saw its Twitter linked on Facebook because some Aussie girl was defending this thing. (S)he's a post op tranny now and owns a business.
>be me
>2 days after successful global marxist revolution
>accidentally write nigger on the internet
>get captured for hatecrime
>sit in jail for nearly 3 months
>finally taken to the trial
>found guilty
>punishment is decapitation
>look around
>the executioner walks towards me
>its OP's pic related
>mfw degeneracy is the last thing I will ever see
Sorry, the work industry is full.
Try panhandling down the street or jail across town.
You're hired
If those other guys have liberal arts degrees, you're practically hired!
Waste is subjective as is society.
Their maybe out their some researcher who is into this stuff, you don't know there isn't.
Generally you're probably right but you don't know that.
Most of the jobs in Canada are manual labour/manufacturing so its not really a big deal. I don't think its possible to employ someone like that to deal with the public, that's a big no-no