Possibility 1:

Possibility 1:

>The Sandy Hook event transpired exactly as reported by mainstream media

Possibility 2:

>Adam Lanza did kill 27 people and injure 2. However, intelligence operatives may have learned about his plan beforehand, due to his active participation on a Columbine shooting message board. He would also actively communicate with other people about mass murders privately. Furthermore, he disclosed the fire arms he owned online.

Option 3:

>Sandy Hook was a hoax. No one was actually murdered on December 14, 2012. The event was planned in advance and crisis actors were employed.

What do you think Sup Forums? Option 3 seems to be the most popular, but I believe that Option 2 is closer to what happened. Adam was not very careful in his online activities and I doubt an intelligence agency would NOT be able to pick up on his activity. A narrative was most probably created in advance.

If you would like to learn more about Adam's online presence, check out:


This site is dedicated mainly to Adam Lanza's online life.

>daily Sandy Hook thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>page 10

I'll bump with the obligatory pasta



Possibility 4:

>It did happen, but CNN hires Crisis Actors to get their debut interview so their ratings go up and they can constantly replay the clip for ad revenue

I found this today. Idk what it is though.

Quite possible. It warrants its own possibility. Anything that challenges the hoax/real dichotomy is fine with me.

Reasons why I think it was a hoax
One-Obvious crisis actors
two-no shots of bodies being reeled out
3-Not enough children shown out side the school
4-happened right after Obama reelection, so he was hoping to use this as an excuse for gun control
5-Houses of nearby neighbors paid off with donation money
6-no proof Lanza even existed
7-Photo shopped photos of supposed "victims".

I don't know what it is with conspiracy therorist autists and believing elaborate plots where the government didn't really kill anybody after a terrorist attack and they whisked everybody off to the caymans or whereever. If the conspiracies people believe about the US are remotely true why would they hesitate to kill people to make their lives easier?

The stupidest is the 9/11 shit.

He was just the fall guy. They picked him to be killed and take the blame because he was a funny looking kid with a weird personality, and no friends. Now they trash the victim relentlessly in the press, when he was just the 28th victim of Sandy Hook.

I am starting to believe a combination of both theories. Intelligence agencies learn about the plots, then plan around them. Narratives are set in place beforehand.

I suggest watching and reading


Every Terrorist attack in U.S. history that has been prevented, was initiated by the FBI in the first place.

I would find it highly suspicious if someone who actively posts on a mass shooter forum, excessively researches mass murderers and posts about his love for guns being used as a means for killing children in shootings would NOT be on the radar of Intelligence agencies.


shill harder please

He is such a sweet little teddybear. I wish I could hug him.

Perhaps the most conclusive evidence.

Yeah I mean honestly I feel I'm a very empathetic person, in the sense that I try and put myself in other peoples shoes. And in the shoes of the US government a lot of the plans don't make sense.

If I was the US government, I would find a whole bunch of angry people on the internet, I mean the FBI must have a list of people like that. I'd try to provoke them and radicalize them with anonymous comments, maybe drop a link that gives information about terrorism. I would go on an untracable, yet widespread campaign of psychological operations in my country to try and provoke as many people in the country into doing terrorist attacks as possible. I would infiltrate the debate on social media and say the clear solution to these attacks is getting rid of the traitors within our ranks, giving up a bit of civil liberties in the interest of protecting america, and going to war with the enemy. Then, when nobody could conclusively link me to any of the attacks, they would eat up my fear based agenda.

Meanwhile conspiracy therorist retards are like "But wait, maybe the government whisked a bunch of presumably dead kids/adults away in a van, flew them to some country where nobody would recognize them, all as part of their master plan?" No that doesn't make any fucking sense you retards, why the fuck would the US do that?

>Option 4
who gives a fuck, troll with Option 3.

It has always worried me that conspiracy theorists will usually proclaim that the least believable scenario is the most probable one.

Furthermore, they will usurp all evidence that isn't aligned with the mainstream reports. This now means that we lose any credibility to demand further transparancy from law enforcement and the media.

Still, what has worried me the most is the fact that Adam Lanza's online presence has gone largely under the radar of law enforcement/inteligence agencies. I refuse to believe that someone can become obsessed with mass murders to the point that all most if his online traffic is somehow related to school shootings, living in a house with registered firearms, yet Intelligence operatives are unable to pick up on it.

How about one of us decide to post about a desire to shoot up a nearby public school. Let's see how long it takes for the police to show up at your door.


There's a Columbine shooting messageboard? Someone post a screenshot, I'm curious what it's like/what the fuck they talk about.

I'm not sure I feel like searching for it since I don't want to end up on a list/being watched.

Just google "Adam Lanza Smiggles" it should say the image board he was on.

>image board
Disregard that. I'm retarded.

I should have been more precise. It was called SchokedBeyondBelief.com It was a forum dedicated to the Super Columbine Massacre RPG. It was however at one point the most active Columbine message board for Columbine discussion.

I understand if you do not want to actively look up school shooters without adequate anonimity instruments, so I suggest looking up Sandyhooklighthouse.com , They have archived most of the posts by Lanza.

This one is particularly interesting:


I meant shockedbeyondbelief.com

There were no planes

I always feel so sad when I see that spooky face
anybody else?

>Event happens
>Conspiracy theorists use any evidence that conflicts with the official reports as evidence of an event being a complete hoax.

This is actual disinformation right? Why does it make more sense for an entire event to have been fabricated, rather an an intelligence agency to have knowledge of a threat and plotting a media narrative in advance?

Remember the Mossad's role in 9/11?


A lone gunman plotting an attack on his own is not on the same scale as as entire Terrorist organization, but intelligence technology in 2012 was advanced enough to pick-up on suspicious online data patterns.

No proof he existed. Look up his ddr youtube video.

Its been closed down for awhile btw

did CNN do all of this too?

I think we can rule out Possibility 4

I hesitate to mention this, but something I've wondered: has anyone tried to "hack" the supposed victims' parents and go looking for proofs? If not, why is that?

I am not aware of any attempt to bruteforce their way into e-mail or social media accounts of the victims. The truth is, bruteforcing is just hard.

I don't have evidence per se, but I am a cop, and two things are like laws of nature.

Ems goes to the ends of the earth of save young people. Even situations which seem kinda hopeless, if for no other reason to say they tried.

No transports.

Secondly it's 100% standard to have specialized biological clean up companies deal with massive hazards like that. No, Joe the janitor doesn't roll his mop bucket down to the massacre in Mrs. jones' room. Zero info on who did clean up.

These are huge discrepancies.

There weren't even any towers

I really hope this doesn't come crashing down in thier heads

Anyone else notice that he has the same eyes as that tripfag Eliza?

I agree with option 2, but this pic has been debunked, stop posting it


Right, but talented people on Sup Forums have been doing shit like that for years and years on far less interesting targets.

Phishing and social engineering are easier vectors, but the means isn't important if the end result is obtained.

[spoiler]New York doesn't even exist[/spoiler]

You're right. I just picked a random file out of my SH folder without looking at the preview. I messed that up.

Of these three options I'm leaning towards #2, but I don't think Lanza was the shooter. It was a ritual sacrifice, a form of synchromysticism/magick of the spectacle. Gun control was only the cynical excuse used to get lower govt departments (who are corrupt and amoral) to sign off on the plan.

I don't think it was a hoax. But I think the media was too eager to break news before they had facts so it lead to conflicting stories at different times

This is the true red pill

most likely option 3 in a long running effort to pass gun control legislation, i will post some shit in this thread



photo from behind the firehous on the day of the event, go look for yourself and count the trees. Do you think they just had 26 of them sitting around back there? clearly this was staged

Intelligence agencies like the CIA? Those bozos? How do you know the CIA didn't assassinate Kennedy? Because he's dead!

school was also torn down, many of the houses of the supposed victims were sold for 0$ shortly after. Also look up how much money was given to anyone involved in the following years it's literally hundreds of millions of dollars.






anybody want me to keep dumping?

How can you fake a mass murder? These conspiracies are retarded. Sure, it could've been a false flag or cia operatives that killed those kids. But to say it didn't happen at all wouldn't make any sense.

Yeah, I'm looking for a specific person involved with the crisis actors, but I forgot her name and company.

I'll take over for a bit



last one from me

It's not a guessing game, there are enormous, disqualifying problems with the official story.
However, you do point up that almost all terrorism in the US from Nine Eleven on have been feds deliberately standing down and permitting known terrorists to do things the feds could have stopped. They then say they need more power. They use this same sloppy greed in the migrant/"refugee" thing and in trying to invade Syria: oh well, it's already happening, the Overton window now has obviated any choices other than the ones we wanted anyway.
Also notice that the killer is highly suggestible, rather than highly independent.



The police aren't competent enough for option 2. Sorry




>Anna Greenburg
Yup, those were the names I was looking for, thanks user.

Most of the information presented in that document is outdates. For a more up to date source, I recommend the 'banned' book: "Nobody died at Sandy Hook".


I don't believe that the event was an hoax entirely and this book hasn't convinced me otherwise, but it does contain A LOT of interesting information nonetheless.

Option 4: Adam Lanza was a disfunctional kid who was drugged by his mom who didn't want to actually be a parent. He freaked out, went to a school with pistols. Got shot by police who were not trained with full auto M4s. The badly controlled M4s shot ammo thru a cheap interior wall or thru a cheap closet door and killed a bunch of kids. After 5 hours on site cops "find" the AR-15 "used by Adam Lanza in the trunk of his car...... er in the school where he dropped it. Yah, in the school.

>accidentally kill 26 kids shooting through a wall

AP rounds + full auto will shoot thru schools. Most of the victims were supposed to be hiding packed in a small closet sized bathroom. Early reports were of multiple shooters in full tac gear shooting full auto.
It could have been the police high on defense dept. weapon deals overreacting and oopsing a bunch of kids.

Can we just celebrate having a Sandy Hook thread without a post from a Newtown Resident?

This is most likely what happened in Orlando as well.

We haven't had one in this thread yet, just people who don't believe in conspiracies.

It's called operation gladio B user.
Mossad, CIA, NATO, EU joint subversive false flag operations.
Operation Gladio was just the beginning running from 1945-1997

Option 4: Adam was the product of a single mother without a good male influence. Like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, and millions of niggers.

I had never heard of it until now. Thanks user.

Option 4 >Sandy hook was a false flag operation perpetuated by CIA operatives and Adam Lana did kill people, however was aided by CIA alphas and is a continuation of operation gladio

Look up operation gladiolus user. It is confirmed CIA and NATO false flag operations to include bombings and subversive practices

Free bump

Keep it up anons

Kek, Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer

Your scope is too narrow user.
Your vision too small.


Virtually any conceivable event that occurs can potentially benefit others, this doesn't imply causation by those who benefit.

A forest fire occurs, killing thousands of trees and destroying habitat and food for countless animals. Morels benefit - did the morels cause the fire?

A possible motive doesn't mean a conspiracy. There is no compelling evidence that Sandy Hook was a conspiracy beyond people finding pictures of look-a-likes online.

Yeah it's fake no way that little faggot had the accuracy to shoot 27 running niglets

Do you not remember the long ass thread on R9K where the Umpqua community college shooter posted depicting what he was going to do, how, with what weapons, and where and when.
It was reported to the FBI and nothing was done until after the shooting began over 14hours later.
They don't show up at your door.
They don't care.
It fits the agenda user.
Look at the bigger picture.

>The owner of the twin towers began developing plans for WTC 7, the replacement that exists today back in 2000.
>In 2001, shortly before the 9/11 attacks, he took out a second insurance policy on the towers (double indemnity)
>Building 5
>Two white vans and one of which was detonated on king street
>mossad agents in the vans
There's a fuck ton of fishy shot about it user.
I don't like to believe our government could commit such heinous acts, but the shit I saw in Afghanistan under the international joint SOF command opened my fucking eyes.
That and she shit I saw stateside when I was active duty.

This for the love of god.
Also the whole thing with Newtown and the odd proportion of CIA residents makes it seem almost like it's a secondary "Farm"

Like what

Not all conspiracy theorists believe every conspiracy. And yes, I agree that finding lookalikes of 5 year olds isn't hard at all and barely constitutes as evidence, but stuff like raises some suspicion. The main stuff to look for would be timing or number errors, existence of pre-knowledge of the event, factual contradictions (like guns used not matching the bullets, stuff like that), amount of carelessness that examiners and reporters have, and suspicious deaths of people investigating it or had a connection to it.

Yeah, you don't contact the FBI, you contact the local police. Remember Trey Burba?

Option 3 is not the most popular. Option 1 is, because the children are literally in the grave and this have been proven.

If you have studied Adam Lanzas life you would know why he did it, as he felt he was freeing them from the prison of civilization, while of course releasing his own inner rage at being a failure.


> Option 4b: CNN and the Networks have canned disaster footage ready use this in preference to either sending and actual crew or risking the broadcasting of genuinely gruesome mass shooting crime scenes.

I'd rather live with this that descend down Sup Forums's rabbit hole on this one.

This right here.
Think it happened with Orlando as well.