Would Sup Forums say to a black man's face

You are of nigger? Please to honest and not internet tough.

I don't talk to random bystanders.


I'll call him a nigger if he acts like a nigger. If he acts civilized and is intelligent, he'll not be treated like garbage.

All this says is internet cannot be of real life. Sup Forums losts the moral high ground and BTFO

>internet cannot be of real life
found the shitskin

Why would I do that? Not all blacks are bad, just like not all whites are good

I would just have them all sent back to Africa

Leave. You weren't invited and I don't care if the Jews brought you along.

Yes, in fact, I've done it on several different occasions throughout my lifetime thus far.

And in almost every single instance they just stood there with a look of shock and disbelief in their eyes and then backed off with their tail in-between their legs. They're pussies when they don't have 4-5 of their homies standing behind them. When you have the balls to call one of them a nigger straight to their face they know you're not someone to be fucked around with.

Depends how much of a nigger he is. I've called people out for being chimps before usually they call me racist and back off, a few apologize for being rude. Most niggers are nice enough if you speak softly, they just don't belong here

I talked to some negresses the other day. We had a civilized conversation, and they complimented my appearance.

Can't I just have a fucking outlet?

Sup Forums cannot defend their hated even thinking "i could be in front of black to say nigger". this shows the scared Sup Forums is.


You're right, I'm scared of losing my career and reputation.

At least I have a career and reputation to lose, nigger.

What the fuck are you even saying? Fuck off back to mexico you tacobender.

You scared to know it is wrong but chose the hate anyway. This is why you travel life in the internet with Sup Forums.

Please to rethink...

So where's my bike?

>be me
>live in New Orleans
>have black friend
>is good guy
>be on campus
>black football players fucking with my bike
>call them niggers
>black friend hears me and is upset
>feel bad

It's a bad story because it's truuuuuuuuue

I just want niggers to leave me alone, I would say nothing.

So you guys are alpha here but beta in real life. Not a surprise.

Only to Obama


Is racism against whites wrong? The current dogma is that racism against whites doesn't exist. If that's the case, then why do whites who go to black schools get their asses beat on a regular basis?

Please to rethink...

>you are of nigger

I make it a point not to aggressively spout broken English at random pedestrians.

>"Buddy. Hey, buddy? Buddy! Where you from, bRo? :^) "

>Be black
>Hear someone scream nigger at some ghetto hood rats
>Give zero fucks because I consider myself a contributing member of society and not a nigger

Anyone that gets offended by the word nigger considers themselves a nigger or wants to be captain save a minority for attention. This is fact.

Holy fuck, learn English you subhuman trash.

no, I probably wouldn't say "you are of nigger" because i'm not a bad chinese google translate

I have once in my life to a pair of niggers who called me a faggot

They acted like they wanted to fight but I took off my jacket to square up and they left

I wouldn't ever disrespect somebody who didn't deserve it though, that's for niggers

I've done it twice. The first time was in high school and a borderline retarded fat black guy was talking shit I called him a nigger and he slapped me on the face like a girl so I punched him which escalated into a real fight. I still see him nowadays and we're not on bad terms.

The second time I was on a bus and a drunk nigger was acting retarded and cursing at random passengers so I said "shut the fuck up nigger" he shut up for a bit then started asking random passengers if he should punch me in the face, they all ignored him. I told him to bring it and he didn't do shit and got off at the next stop.

I'm mexican btw if that matters.

This. Avoid niggers and let them act like niggers. They will do enough to redpill those in the general area. But the moment you call them one, let alone without provocation, most bystanders will automatically assume you're at fault and side with them.

If I was ever assaulted by one, and wasn't in public and surrounded by people who could identify me, I'd go full klansman. Otherwise, I'd avoid them and be curt if I had to speak to them.

serves you right for making friends with a nigger

Yes, because the Dutch "neger" is acceptable.

No, I'll admit that I won't, but only because everyone will think of you as "that racist guy"and you'd pretty much have to leave town.