Call me a "cuck" you fucking Sup Forums losers. Go ahead. I dare you

Call me a "cuck" you fucking Sup Forums losers. Go ahead. I dare you.

I actually have a life and i'm actually willing to fight for what's right.

Bernie has not dropped out of the race and he won't. He will be the Democratic nominee for president and he will beat Trump.

Don't think so. Shillary won.


Hillary will be the nominee and you will vote for her because you are a beta male cuck that only pretends to be anti-establishment.

That outift is pretty baller desu senpai.

I think you are deranged

reddit loser

how much money did you sink into Bernie's shitshow? How's the sunken cost fallacy working out for you?

Fuck you you cynical assholes.

I hope we get blamed. It would be the highest form of flattery. I'm proud of supporting a non-corrupt candidate who is for the people. We are the new force in politics. We are the political revolution. My Bernie yard sign is still up. I wear my Bernie t-shirts proudly in all public settings. Please blame me for being a proud Berner and trashing Hillary's election. I welcome the praise.

And people are laughing when thy see my dakimakura

If I saw you in a bar or club. I'd probably pick on and cuck you.

I wouldn't need to be dared. I'd just do it because I'm an asshole like Trump.

If you want to claim speciality because you're a cuck.

Try being modest about it first!