You gotta admit...he makes a pretty good point

You gotta admit...he makes a pretty good point

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Wow, absolutely ravaging.

I'm a #shillforhill now.

Wow, guess I'm a #jebhead now.

> 2016
> bowtie
> work for airline industry
> pretend to care about environment
Mr wizard BTFO

damn well if an actor who only has a bachelor's degree in engineering says this, he must be right. guess i'm a #remainiac now


wow that really made me hmmm.. looks like im a wtf the fuck I hate #cruzbot


I replaced your buzzword with my buzzword. Check and mate.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a skeptic, skepticism is healthy. There is, however, something to be said about those who, when confronted with evidence, simply ignore its existence or derive a false conclusion from it.

They're science denialists. If you don't believe the greenhouse effect is real and you think that a magical sky wizard controls the climate, you don't believe in science.

He's the greatest man that ever lived.

First it was global warming. Now it's climate change.

Damn... he's a weatherman?

I had a similar experience
>Person says 'I'm a flat earth skeptic'
>I say no, you are a flat earth denier

Bowtie man is a reality denier, and a promoter of junk science.

>skin color changed due to environmental differences
>nothing else changed due to environmental differences
>actually believes himself to be an intelligent scientist

Why hasn't his buddy Dawkins called him out on that yet?

No, it's both. You could do 30 seconds of research on this topic, or you could just post about something you know literally nothing about and let everybody know what a fucking retard you are. You chose the latter, congratulations retard

Who's more of a meme "scientist"; Bill Cry or Neil DeAssy Tyson? They seem to be trying to outmeme eachother recently

they started using "climate change" because a bunch of retarded subhuman radio hosts kept commenting "oh but muh global warming checkmate scientists !!1!" every time the temperature dipped below freezing

I guess one half of bin men (oops, bin PEOPLE) should be female too, huh Bill?

>A "scientist" talks like a gnostic.
What a fucking dumbass.

Did I ever say I disagreed with climate change? Nice implications dumbass. I was just pointing out these guys hypocrisy.

After all Dawkins has been through lately the last thing he needs is drama with an supposed friend

>be trendy liberal
>constantly virtue signal and spout worthless platitudes that don't do anything to change the environment

but when I want to build nuclear energy plants im called a racist

I hate how this faggot who like like a Jew and Mr Black Science Guy hijack Carl Sagan. I know Sagan was a liberal and believed in ACC but I would like to think he was a much more rational thinking person than these two fags who just keep shilling the same narrative.

My gf told me Mr Black Science Guy was doing a show and charging $80 a ticket. I mean does this nigger think he's Kanye?

Have you never got a tan or had a sunburn?
Environmental differences are real and can having lasting differences.

Yeah, no shit, I'm saying Bill Nye's magical thinking is wrong because he believes that the only difference in selective pressure across vastly different climates was the one that made skin color different. Racial differences are real and caused by the different environments we evolved in.

>Environmental differences are real and can having lasting differences.
Like racial differences?

He's a competent engineer with a penchant for cutesy devices of dubious utility, but not an authority on matters of climate.

Really makes you think....

Before that it was global cooling. Kinda makes you think.

Bill is a wise, wise man.

bill nye is a fucking retard that poisoned the minds of children before becoming a political commentator.

I guess that makes bill a climate skeptic denier.

>be a scientist
>chose to use logical fallacies as your go to tactic

I would like to know the exact amount humans are responsible for....considering the worlds climate has changed drastically at least 5 times in its history without human interaction, what I am skeptical about is our role in this change. If the climate never changed on earth, We would either be sitting in a bath of magma, or have a giant fucking glacier on our heads.

>This post brought to you by the Oil and Coal United Diversionary Campaign Against Nuclear Energies™©

When Bill Nye says "I'm a scientist." [I say] "No - you are a preachy hack with a bachelor's degree in engineering who consistently talks about things that are out of his field of 'expertise'".

>when people say to me
>I question this unproven scientific theory
>I use buzzwords to shame them because you should never question science


Seriously he isn't even a scientist.

>This is considered climate change """discussion"""
sure is science in here

Omg dude In from Indiana. 20,000 years ago there was a glacier on my head. By 1800 it was 1000 miles north in Canada.

But we are totally the main cause of global warming...

>climate change
Isn't that like saying the the weather changes? What a stupid buzzword.


Jesus H. Christ, Sup Forums is more of a tinfoil hat capital than /x/! I suppose the lot of you believe in chemtrails too.

>Bill Nye, the cuckold guy

Wow, really made me BILL BILL BILL BILL

Could be worse guys....
He only has a bowite that shoots ELF waves into your brain.
Imagine they used her as their science propagandist?
They'd be so much further along

Im from BC...a place where it was all basically carved by glaciers, which aren't around anymore... Glaciers at one point reached the equator.

ur dum lmao

Wow, Bill Nye The Science Lie aka le engineering degree man really changed my mind.
I'm a #clintoris now.

Nobody denies climate change is happening. Americans just don't believe they're country, while also paying to protect the civilized world, should be paying to fix the climate as well. It's time some other super power either took over climate change or started paying us for the work we do.

No, people deny it.

By that logic I'm also a Holocaust denier, so get in the oven Jewboi

Bill Nye the Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering guy

Never paid much attention to this guy. Just looked up his bio. Literally just some guy with a bachelors degree who got a tv show for kids after failing in sketch comedy. Under scientific contributions his most notable achievement is that he donated a sundial once.

Why the fuck should I care what this guy has to say? The drunk chick that blew me last night and doesn't know her multiplication tables has a bachelors degree, too, and I don't plan on asking her expert opinion on climate change and skepticism.

this is such ridiculous horse shit

dozens of medical decisions are made on the basis of race.

why? race is a useful indicator of the probability of carrying certain alleles.

give me a sequenced genome, a database, and some statistical software, and I can tell you the race of the person whose genome was sequenced.

are you fucking retarded?

the amount of ultraviolet radiation that reaches the surface of the Earth has literally nothing to do with the climate. two completely different phenomenon.

UV is "blocked" by scattering via interaction with ozone in the stratosphere

They started using "climate change" so that a bunch of retarded subhuman anthro pushers and their junk scientist puppets could comment "oh but the climate is changing checkmate deniers !!1!" every time the temperature got above 80, or below 60, or there was a storm, or a drought, or the Santa Anna winds blew, or El Nino happened, or one season gave way to another, or a solar flareup hit, or a kid playing on a frozen river broke through the ice, or a tornado strayed two miles outside of tornado alley, or there was an infestation of a new invasive bug species, or if there was a civil war in Syria (they've claimed this), or if a whale beached itself or got lost up a river, or some coral died, or if there is a wildfire across dry desert terrain where there hasn't been a burn policy for decades, or if a cow died (this has happened), or shark bit a man, or if terrorism struck, or if wages stagnate, or if a moose wandered into a convenience store, or if a loaf of bread didn't rise fully (this has been predicted), or if some people came down with asthma (the president used this one), or if there were a spike in prostitution (yes, they went there), or if there was a statistical spike of tiger attack (yep), or if people suffered from mental , or if blacks earned less than white people (of course they'd break this out), or if there were less hurricanes typical for a storm season, or more, or if there was a flood, or if a plane crashes, or if some trees die, or if vampire bats bite people, or if an earthquake hits, or if people move from one area of a country to another, or if street lamps melted (thinkprogress overlooked the big assed fire which just happened to have broken out next to the melted lamps), or if someone sweats on a pleasantly warm summer day.

Which is to say, climate change is blamed for a lot of things as a means to keep it ever in your awareness. You should probably be alarmed about it.

the data is so absurdly noisy that it's impossible to tell.

you should be as skeptical of climate data as you are of psychological or sociological data. about the same ratio of signal to noise.

try to get it into 3 line for the love of g0d. i'm not reading all that.

I think science literacy affects your opinion of climate change.

those with some literacy believe in it.

those with high literacy or none at all deny it.

This place has a 2000 character limit.

>not being sceptical

Jesus fucking Christ. ANY scientist that doesn't label themselves as skeptic is Creationist-tier.

Good thread. Really made me think.

this desu. lefty scientists may not believe in the Virgin Birth but they do believe in the dogma of the every race having the same intelligence

>Bill Nye

He was never anything but a cuck faggot version of Mr Wizard.

I feel sorry for youngfags that grew up watching this idiot and his coddling flashy bullshit propaganda show.

so.. we should remove all the factories from the united states to fight climate change right?

we should invest in solar, wind, and hydro- right?


we remove the factories in the USA, and they spring back up in china. we invest in solar- and it still isn't anywhere near as efficient as nuclear- and we are talking several magnitudes of difference. renewables cannot replace typical power sources- coal + nuclear

so in order to keep our economy and standard of living at it's present level- we need not only big polluting factories- but also dangerous polluting energy sources.

we could change our consumption patterns and accept a much lower standard of living- but we won't

so stop ruining industry in america but oursourving pollution because it just doesn't work.

it doesn't matter if the factories are here or in china- either way they are going to change the climate

in order to stop climate change (if it is not a natural phenomena and we are indeed causing it) is to literally change the world and all the people in it.

would you accept a lower standard of living?

would you voluntarily be poor?

i fucking doubt it


Hitler was wrong.

>A white couple and a black couple, both of whom live in the same neighbourhood, have children.
>The white couple's kid is white and the black couple's kid is black.
>Clearly, their skin colour is wholly determined by the environment and not by genetics.
My goodness. Subsets of peoples (i.e. races) can produce children that look more like people within their subset than of other subsets, regardless of the environment. What's wrong with admitting that race is a biological reality? It wouldn't make you hateful to think that there are inherent, genetic differences between people that are not wholly affected by environment. Leftists embrace diversity but, at the same time, try to eliminate it where possible.