I get more and more demoralized every day.

So many young men and women of my generation are completely fucked up beyond repair, and their ranks grow daily.

My older brother recently got back from a nationwide College RA conference, and he said nearly half of the attendees were LGBTQWERTY and every other exercise they did involved privilege-shaming, snowflake affirmations, and celebrating their faggotry.

The biggest problem facing our country is not ISIS, (((climate change))), globalism, or even wetbacks.

It's the indoctrination of our children into this cult that is seeing the irreversible breakdown of the nuclear family unit in America. These people--and there are literal millions of them now, there's no denying it--want to see a future that's an embodiment of Sodom and Gomorrah: no rules, free everything, no social cohesion, no more men or women, everyone is agender and polywhatever and the primary goal in life is the next orgasm.

I ask you Sup Forums, what can be done against such reckless hate???

>inb4 blog

Other urls found in this thread:

The only hate is the hate spewing from the fingers typing on the keyboard. Last thing I saw they're allowed to express themselves, and it's true climate change is the real problem. Not migration, or globalism. If the world is to sustain itself, we must focus on the weather and sustain the eco system. These are irreversible when too late -- and what's special about humans is that they can change regardless of race.


Well, how are we going to fight your climate change when the upcoming generations are a bunch of castrated amorphous sexual fuck ups who don't have children and create a society doomed for destruction? Are the Muslims going to fight it? The Africans? Better throw your lot in with the Chinks then... oh wait, Canada's already China's North American colony.

Your country has become a fucking joke, leaf. Didn't Weedman recently say that Canada is the first "post-nationalist" country in the world?

Wow, Sup Forums doesn't give a shit.

Color me surprised.


the best change you can make in your life is giving up the Internet.

The Internet (Sup Forums VERY much included) is the source of this. Without the internet it would never have spread, and by using the internet to "fight" the cancer you only give them the attention they want

>>bunch of castrated amorphous sexual fuck ups who don't have children and create a society doomed for destruction?

you mean Sup Forums users?

people here are no better, even if they don't announce it publicly like SJW's. In fact the average 4channer is even more of a loser than those people (which is why he attacks them in the first place)

The lack of social cohesion is caused BY the Internet.

places like Sup Forums are as much the problem as the "Safe spaces" you love to attack.

Destroy the internet and it would go back to normal. The screen makes people sexless and removed from real life

>he fell for the college meme

I wouldn't so much as say the internet ruined everything I would say social networking did because it gave idiots a louder voice.

you can't deny that old Sup Forums tards and 4channers were fucked up even more than the average facebook/reddit user today. It's just that we were a minority of pathetic losers.

There's nothing to be done except let it happen. Literally approaching Weimar Republic level of degeneracy and it's necessary to get there before it snaps back hard.

There is no coming back. Its too late for that.

will it snap back? What form would that take a generation of people so resentful of how disgusting their parents are that they shape up?


Sup Forums is alt-right now. and the alt-right is led by pedophiles, and gay Jewish guys.

it would take something that causes everyone to literally go through intense physical struggle, like a disaster that killed the internet or even the power grid and made people work for food again

you still missed the mark.
The problem is Jews. I know it sounds too simple but it's the best explanation there is for what has happened in the country.

m8, we passed Weimar levels some time ago.

I agree, the sooner anonymity is removed from the Internet the better. But that's never going to happen unless someone takes out the entire thing.

Don't get too pessimistic. Things like this are a fad -- albeit a terrible one.

Much like the hippies of the 60s, it will eventually be replaced by another movement.

nah it's much scarier than some recent kike takeover:

Sup Forums was ALWAYS controlled by kikes and promoted pedophilia and degeneracy. From the VERY BEGINNING Sup Forums and Sup Forums was subversive. Don't try to pretend it's a recent thing. This "alt-right" is just the culmination of a psyop that started with "old Sup Forums" a decade ago. You're just looking at Sup Forums with rose tinted glasses like it just suddenly turned to shit, when it was always evil.

I'm sorry, but this is really the only place where I can regain my sanity, I don't go on the other boards here.

we can't really do much mate, we're fucked. royally. I'd give western civilization 80 years tops til we collapse back to extinction.

just enjoy life however you can.

get drunk and fuck random sluts. and then die. that's the only thing you have left.

that and anime.

its an entire youth base competing to see who can be the most 'unique'.

to be fair, Ive started identifying myself as sexually fluid and agender just so i can participate in the discussion and try to redpill people. They know Im a straight white male but they cant tell me im not a sexually fluid agender. Its actually kind of a win win

it may very well happen, but it will be the leftists and feminists themselves doing it. They already push for it to eliminate "cyberbullying"

The solution is simple.

Bully these insufferable little cunts. Make them feel bad. They'll learn from it.

Sup Forums still is a minority of pathetic losers.


As if 4channers aren't the same losers as those freaks, just too introverted to "come out" and make it public. They were the same weak nerds bullied in high school.

>the sooner anonymity is removed from the Internet the better.
you can fuck right off with that kiddo. If anonymity is removed from the internet it will not promote an open and honest discussion on any issue. SJWs will use it to crack down and publically shame you for every micro-aggression. Imagine if the next time you went in for a job interview they had printout of all your posts ever made on Sup Forums.

It's really sad because they don't hate society, they hate themselves, and it's just misdirection.

Let society end up like the mouse utopia and start from scratch

This has gone further than any "fad" in the past. It's being taught in the schools, children are bombarded with the propaganda every waking minute through TV, their smartphones, other media, etc. The fucking President endorses it, with the bathroom mandate and so on and so forth.

That's just a strawman, fuckface.

And you're entirely wrong.

The problem is you can't because if you do any opportunities you have are stripped because they will spread your name around as racist or bigot and you become fucked. The internet never forgets things.

pretty sure I fucked up that VW Passat B2 but whatever.

This is literally christian scare mongering lmao

honest discussion can only occur face to face. Because we as humans were meant to communicate nonverbally as well as verbally. Something an internet addict may have trouble understanding.

>I ask you Sup Forums, what can be done against such reckless hate???




I suppose on a certain level you're right. But the place was much more anarchic. Whereas today it's become lock-step zio propaganda machine the last year. I've watched it unfold.

I fully expect that most of them will die in the near future.


You forgot to add "i can't even". Don't you belong on dumblr?

Dumb shit and propaganda has been taught in schools in the past. This, too, shall pass -- unlike many MtFs.

>My older brother recently got back from a nationwide College RA conference

Nobody's going to comment on his brother's manchild occupation? Seriously, when you live in a world where people can get a degree in residence life, what would you expect?

OP, I feel your pain.

I'm currently a Ph.D candidate at a "top 10" program for my field and the current environment of academia is absolutely stifling. Diversity in all regards except diversity of thought.

I'm just trying to ride the tiger brother.

Good video

and the irony is Sup Forums is part of this agenda in HUGE part. Just look at how many people on Sup Forums support transhumanism or herald the Internet as the savior of mankind. They do it for totally different reasons than the Left (things like making the 'ubermensch' or eliminating women) but it's the same agenda


Fuckin' amateurs.

I am a conservative-minded gay man who doesn't see himself as anything other than masculine, and I'd like to see all the alt-genders thrown in ovens. What does that make me?

you cannot have a face to face discussion with an adversary that will use your identity to discredit your argument. Something a basement socialist would know nothing about.

The Jewish culture shapers must be purged. Push Hollywood and Maddison ave into the ocean m8s

Worst post I've read tonight. Not factual or based in reality by any means. Wouldn't expect any more from a faggot leaf

Normal with a gay fetish.

it won't "pass". Because the next step in the agenda is transhumanism and full lives lived in virtual reality (not like this isn't already true indirectly -look at how most people spend their whole day online) where fantasy can become reality and there is no more real life or humans.

He's going to be a senior next year, dumbass.

Most RAs are students, at least at the colleges that I've visited and am familiar with.

forgot to include it in my original reply but your insinuation that communication cannot take place without the ability to view ones body language is simply incorrect. Precision in language can be used to fill in the gaps present when body language cannot be interpreted.

insecure, since you have to ask Sup Forums



I almost got mad, but then realized not even a leaf could really be this much of a faggot.

Good try, but you'll have to tone it down to get the serious (You)s.

Keep it to yourself and don't marry.

Constant red pills and exposure to their own hypocrisy is the only way to save these LGBTQRAP-dosed zombies.

celibacy is the most forbidden lifestyle in this degenerate age.

Even the "conservatives" are obsessed with breeding and birthrates even if it means settling with a used woman or "former" slut.

Both sides have completely forgotten how much celibate men contributed to civilizaiton.

I'll marry and breed just to spite you now

A sinner.

Pray to God for His forgiveness. Your soul is in danger of eternal damnation. !!!!! WARNING !!!!!

>projecting this hard
I'm self employed, earn good money, reasonably good looking, in good shape, have plenty of friends and a great social life. Not everyone on Sup Forums is an awkward, ugly autist. Some of us a fairly normie, as Sup Forums isn't muh secret club anymore.

>inb4 normie get out reeee

>celibacy is the most forbidden lifestyle in this degenerate age.
not true. A large group of the special snowflake community identifies as asexual, as in they are celibate. I know its not the right way to use the word asexual but thats what they have chosen. Identifying as asexual will grant you entry to the special snowflake victim club

>1 post by this ID

Now this is shitposting

The jews are literally to blame for that.

>marry and breed

I meant don't gay marry. Go ahead and have a heterosexual aka normal marriage, I endorse it.

Yes but so many straight people don't even realize this.

They attack faggots without realizing that if they have premarital sex they're no better than faggots. And in fact STRAIGHT degenerates like them are the bigger problem and they're at fault for the fag problem in the first place.

I say this in every anti-gay thread and nobody listens, or they call me a faggot, or shame me for being a male virgin

don't despair whites got better after the black death killed off the mostly the bottom 30%
This will be a global version when the economic bubble pops so will the population bubble

Degenerates contributing to the moral decay of society. Why do we encourage them by pandering to their emotions?

lol faggot

same. I go here so faggots on fb don't harass me over something.

I'd rather talk politics here.

>he fell for the enlisted meme

buddy, people do listen. I completely agree with you on this--and the roots of the problem lie, of course, in the sexual liberation of the boomer generation, thanks to the pill, propaganda, demoralization...and, indirectly the 19th amendment, which I am fully convinced was the point of no-return for our country.

Thing is, you have people who even realize what you say, and yet they make fun of male virgins for not marrying. They think that only reproduction validates a man's existence. It's important but they don't realize that for most of known history all intellectual professions were reserved or preferred for the celibate unmarred.

Yeah. The LGBTFO movement includes asexuals. Asexuals even have their own version of the fag flag. It's a monochromatic purple-scale rainbow flag.

And if anyone was wondering, the young woman in pic related used to be pretty cool and cute in high school (believe it or not).

I think it all went downhill for her after our senior year religion teacher tried to feel her up in class one day.

Now she studies art in Brooklyn, posts pics like this all the time on kikebook--which her cucked father likes and comments positvely on, by the way.

Home school is your ONLY hope

if only "asexuals" left that movement and realized they're actually gifted if they used their sexual energy for something productive.


Gee, I wonder who's feeling sad at being left out on this dime

She's also gained, it looks like approximately 75-100 lbs.

>no rules, free everything, no social cohesion, no more men or women, everyone is agender and polywhatever and the primary goal in life is the next orgasm
Sounds like a pretty great future

It's okay to be a loser as long as you hate yourself, which 4channers do. It's only delusion I can't stand.

I think most asexuals arent concerned with the fag parade. It's a sink for various deranged souls and malcontents. By definition they have nothing in common with that identity movement.

>if they used their sexual energy for something productive
I imagine most do. To cite Plato's Symposium, some men seek immortality by giving birth to flesh; while others seek immortality by giving birth to ideas with their mind

>I'm queer af in case you don't know.


Fat? Check.
Homely? Check.
Masculine haircut and fashion choices. Check.

Yeah I'd say everybody knows.

I doubt you could even get a nigger to go after that.

What the fuck is it with lesbians Thinking that being fat and having a masculine haircut makes them look like men? Do other dykes actually find that attractive?

All of these heathens chasing the next orgasm fail to realize one important fact. That is, that they'll never receive that one, ultimate orgasm... One given by me.