Anyone else think a Trump presidency could Make Mexico Great Again?

Anyone else hoping that a Trump presidency will actually long term help our neighbors to the South?

And if it DOES, will any of the spikes vote for him in 2020?

Will we see an age of harmony between the races as a result, rather than a race war?

>Let’s be very clear on this point. Several decades of open-borders policies with Mexico have primarily helped two groups in Mexico: drug cartels that are terrorizing the country and corrupt politicians that have refused to implement social reforms, political reforms, economic reforms. If we continue the same policy of illegal immigration, Mexico is going to stay poor forever. The only path to prosperity for Mexico is to create the conditions where the Mexican government has to produce stable conditions for their own people, not to rely on taking jobs and wages from Americans and shipping them back home.

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>Anyone else hoping that a Trump presidency will actually long term help our neighbors to the South?

FUCK mexico.


Fuck meh-hico.

You people have DESTROYED this USA by illegally coming here and breeding out of control faster than a cockroach.

>open borders are causing cartels
>the Mexican economy relies on taking jobs from Americans

Can someone explain why people read this breitbart shit unironically?

>the cheerleader effect
wew lad

Go back to rebbit, spic faggot.

I'm not gonna deny illegals are part of the problem, but c'mon. You've also got niggers, a whole welfare state for these kind of leeches, shootings every other day and two horrible choices for presidents this year. Between being mass consumerists, fat and ignorant for the most part, mexican illegals are probably the least of your problems. Don't bring up "hurr cartels" either, because your lust for drugs is also part of that problem. It's like you can't go a day without getting high on something in that country.

Stop giving them free shit, stop crying cuz they'll do shitty jobs for 3.50 and do something about it.

>build wall
>annex Panama and stop Drug smuggling across the strait
>deploy Paramilitary agents across central america to weed out cartels and keep the peace

>the Mexican economy relies on taking jobs from Americans
the biggest part of Mexico's economy is money sent from abroad (or maybe 2nd biggest, can't remember)

>open borders are causing cartels
the open borders have created the situation where the poorest and richest are heavily incentivized not to fight in/finance resistance (or even pushback against ineffective, corrupt government policies) but to pack up and run to safe quarters closeby in an enclave with little to no cultural/language barriers. as such the cartels flourish. cartels can also kidnap and extract money from mexicans and traveling migrants with family in USA

also, establishing roots and contact points to sell their product in USA, and retrieve guns.

glad i could clear that up for you, dipshit

>l-le reddit maynay, f-faggot, arguments be damned
Kys breitbart parrot shill

Here's a pic of you

>legalize and tax drugs
>cartels die
>mexican intellectuals save mexico instead of going to USA

>alienating and pissing off mexico is going to help it
No, decriminalizing drugs in america and a full sweep of politicians in mexico will help it. That and decent education so that the next generations can improve it.

you have to go back

Yes, but they're afraid to stop being leeches.

so what will you think if Guatemalans start waving their flag in the city center and putting that shit over your landmarks and threatening politicians in your country?

the fact some people do drugs doesn't mean ultraviolent cartels aren't a problem.

taking in the least educated and undermining the working class is class warfare.

If Trump manages to stop all these degenerates from consuming drugs, Cartels wouldn't bring them thus decreasing violence in Mexico and with it diminish the number of Mexicans crossing the borders.

Remittances from the US to Mexico make up about 20 billion per year, our gdp is 1.3 trillion. Can you into maths?

You are so ignorant I shouldn't continue to reply to the rest of your "arguments"

Open borders aren't creating cartels because "people don't fight back", cartels as they exist today were militarized and brutalized since the early 2000s because of the drug war that the US forced upon Mexico, migrants were moving back and forth even before the cartels.

The issue isn't "there isn't enough people", the issue is you cannot win a war against drugs like this.

only 1 of those 3 things are within our direct control, so I'm not sure what you propose we do if you're against creating the conditions to incentivize mexicans to do it themselves.

>the biggest part of Mexico's economy is money sent from abroad (or maybe 2nd biggest, can't remember)
So you're literally pulling data out of your ass, nice.

>the poorest and richest are heavily incentivized not to fight in/finance resistance
The last time a group of people organized against the government, they disappeared in one single night (see: Tlatelolco Massacre)

Shooting your way into liberty worked 200 years ago, not anymore.

You have to understand most of us also hate that kind of chicanos going all "hurr hurr mexico" as well.

Politics is a joke here as well.

Yeah, because white people and niggers don't consume drugs as well...

I was talking about every drug consumer in the USA, not making emphasis on any race. Drug abuse is the root of all this shit.

He's right, we also need some type of second amendment, our guns were taken from us back in the 60s because of the threat of communism.

Sweeping politicians should be easy, America is the father of psy ops and spies on our entire government.

If they wanted they could release dirt about all the big fishes in politics and turn the masses against them.

But who am I nodding? The US stands to profit from letting Mexico continue in its current state.


I said 1st or 2nd. i didn't say >50% you nincompoop. calling someone ignorant already shows you lost

>because of the drug war that the US forced upon Mexico

true, but you are only capable of passing the blame onto America. when will you accept that your countrymen are partly to blame for the situation in your country, too?

and it's not just about people fighting, it's about the rich who can buy their way into USA who should be able to influence the politics over there for stability. mexico is one of the few countries where even the rich can be harmed without protection

anyone can google this

Vicente Fox 10 yrs ago:
>Remittances "are our biggest source of foreign income, bigger than oil, tourism or foreign investment," Fox told reporters after a meeting with Mexican-American businessmen.

>But who am I nodding? The US stands to profit from letting Mexico continue in its current state.
this. the people who could do what you're talking about have no interest in doing so. just look at how different 2014's protests were covered compared to what happened in Ukraine.

harder to shoot in broad daylight in today's world, but we'd need a gov't that was willing to hold mexico to a higher standard like ukraine as i just mentioned.

Haven't googled that but you can check the facts,

Our goods exports to the US alone is worth 10 times that

Can't see why remittances would be such a big deal, considering we're the US' second or third trading partner, the money that gets sent here has a very high chance of being spent on American products.

>Las remesas constituyeron en 2015 la segunda mayor fuente de ingresos externos del país después de la inversión extranjera directa, superando a las exportaciones petroleras, con un monto de 24,791millones de dólares.

>legalize and tax drugs
Cartels being legal taking political power with that money.

>You people have DESTROYED this USA by illegally coming here and breeding out of control faster than a cockroach.
Kinda your fault, your countrymen are too pussy to vote for a man that will build a wall and deport my illegal countrymen. And your welfare state just make it easier for illegals. The liberals are killing your country as much as the shitskins that take advantage of the situation.

>Cartels wouldn't bring them thus decreasing violence in Mexico
Probably they´ll resort to more kidnappings, robbery and try to increase sales within mexico. Violence will increase unless they go bankrupt.