Still wanna race-mix with niggers?
Why are you still race-mixing?
>but muh bbc meme
No. I'm race mixing with a qt jp girl. My babies will be adorable.
>cherrypicking this badly in order to advance some deluded stormfag NEET agenda on a Nicaraguan slam poetry bbs
Why are stormfags so pathetic?
Find a picture of a nigger baby that looks cute. We'll all wait.
but all those babies are adorable as hell?
Try shouting banzai when you come and see what she does.
half nig nog detected
I fuck in's p awkward at first but feels gr8 wants you get used to it m8.
What the fuck is my brain on lol.
3/4 filipino//hawaiian//anglo
Gonna make some beautiful 7/8 white babies with my bae
>promoting white/Asian babies
Pick one
The flip is going to ruin absolutely everything about your kids. Imagine if a world-class patisserie made you a cake, but he also told you the busboy put a table spoon of shit in it. Would you still eat it?
nah flips are most powerful, so wrong analogy
>tfw great great great grandfather was Cherokee
my genes are already ruined
>implying asian babies are cute in your pic
First kid looks like a mole rat. Futhermore those kids are east asian, not south east asians. You have the same nose as central/west africans so I fail to see how you can have a superiorty complex.
That nigglet she-boon on the bottom right is 2 months old, and she's already posing topless for strangers...
Fucking niggers...
Help Sup Forums:
>be a tall white 28yr old
>financially successful with zero debt.
>start dating a fresh-off-the-boat filipino girl
>she's smart, beautiful, brought up as a conservative catholic, and just turned 19
>take her out, treat her to the best the US has to offer and everything is amazing to her
>take advantage of the fact that I'm her first serious relationship, seduce her and make her think I'm gods personal gift to her.
>she starts telling me she wants to be with me forever and have my children.
How do I tell her this is going nowhere because she can never give me white bebes?
Asian/spic bebes better than no bebes.
Continue the legacy of your ancestors.
Hideous niggerillo.
Fuck and Chuck.
They'll still be your kids
>Asian and white babies are a cute. CUTE!
>Nigger baby a shit. SHIT!
So what's the issue?
Stick to it, least they won't be fucking black or jews/mudslimes.
>insulting a baby
where do u get off
Asian Fetishist Whites make me sick.
When I see you sicko fucks with asian wives and Eurasian kids it makes me angry knowing people will think the same of me because I'm Eurasian.
Pisses me the fuck off 10/10 god damn mad. Fucking beta.
No better than women that date and breed with niggers.
Why would you waste your genes on flip genes?
If you're going to go Asian at least get a prestigious Chinese or Jap/Korean girl
flips are brown, shorter jungle chinks
t. AMWF poster
all races babies are cute and ok
it is the adults that are the problem
>south east asian are considered "Asian"
Just like Mexicans are considered "White"
Why are these threads allowed?
Just give her the babies dude. Will you ever find a white woman as pure as her anyways?
Don't fucking reply to my comments ever again fucking leaf I bet you're a Chinaman.
>How do I tell her this is going nowhere because she can never give me white bebes?
How about you stop playing with women's hearts you faggot. Regardless of what color the child will be, what you feel for her is more important
cucked :)
Middle row on the right looks like fucking Ted Cruz.
Can't tell if that is a nigger baby, or an Indian/Hispanic baby.
My boyfriend is Mexican and I'm a blonde, is that bad?
South East Asian babies depend on genetics. Here's my Vietnamese cousin.
Kawaii desu right
Ellie Warren muh nigga
Here's one you racist piece of shit
I'm not black by any means, I'm just not an internet racist pussy.
When did OP promote Asian/white racemixing you dumb faggot?
>Racemixing at all
Kill yourself faggots
He looks like baby elliot
IMO most Vietnamese have nicer eyes compared to their northern counterpart since they are like 60/40% mixed with southern han chinese and southeast asian
Im gonna go against the circle jerk here and say that you should knock her up. If shes not a degenerate gangbanging negra then I dont see a problem with race mixing
Looks like Trevor Noah
Let's be honest here. I'm just going to say what we're all really thinking. Race-mixing has the idea of "they're stealing our women", even though you've never met those women and they will never be interested in you, you still have the feeling. No matter what race it is, guys will think "they're stealing our women".
People that say "we have to protect our white race", "we have to protect our culture". Let's be honest. That's a load of bullshit. Culture is pointless. What matters is the future.
People will also say things like "identity crisis from the child". That's also bullshit. The child will grow up fine if you raise it to be fine, just like any other kid.
That's not to say "they're stealing our women" thoughts are a bad thing. It's the natural response and that's also what I feel. I don't like race-mixing but at least I'm honest about why I don't like it and I haven't heard of a legitimate downside of race-mixing.
>Same as West African negroids
dis nigga looks like he 'bout to ask me for money so he can keep smokin' dem reefer n shiet
Race mixing is a moot point
When genetic engineering is 200 years away
>White women for all and lab grown asian pussy for all
>Racemixing is bad
i love this meme
You know the Nazi's considered had more respect for some asian races and Native Americans than a lot of people like to talk about.
Just stop you're ashaming yourself
Cute yes, just like how cute puppies are.
>They will never be interested in you
>Culture is pointless
See white chechen muslims bombing schools
>I haven't heard of a legitimate downside of race-mixing
See Latin America. White conquerors mix with natives and produce dumb, aggressive, out of shape mestizos with no past to hold onto, which makes them easy prey for tyrants.
Those "stealing our women" instincts exist for a reason, you beta faggot.
>Continue the legacy of your ancestors.
Literally all my ancestors are Danish, Dutch, German or Czech. Making dark eyed, hapa bebes would be counter to my ancestors genetic legacy.
That is the bright side. White/asian is still the best mix.
All the east asian girls I know are westernized and chubby.
Probably not, but white women could still give me white children. Still hoping in the future that white will still be the best race to be.
I'm not playing with her heart, I genuinely think she might be the one, but the race of my children is obviously important to me and everyone else. Should I really cause them potential problems because I loved their mother more than them?
Wouldn't knock her up for at least 4-5 years, but might propose to her in the next couple years.
I know this is Sup Forums and everything, but I don't need relationship advice from third reich era Nazis.
So you can get white girls that you've never seen, huh?
>See white chechen muslims bombing schools
That's because of a lack of white culture? Absolutely unrelated.
>See Latin America. White conquerors mix with natives and produce dumb, aggressive, out of shape mestizos with no past to hold onto, which makes them easy prey for tyrants.
They were always inferior.
>Those "stealing our women" instincts exist for a reason, you beta faggot.
Like I said, it's natural a response.
Look, I'm just saying. If you were to have a face-to-face discussion (for example) with someone and you are trying to defend your argument. This kind of stuff isn't valid, "they're just ugly and violent!" "Why?" "cause they ARE!" You can only say that bullshit because you can hide behind anonymity over the internet.
Tell me a valid reason and in fact, I've been waiting and looking for one so I can use it AGAINST those that are FOR race-mixing. Currently I cannot find other than "stealing our women".
It's not about stealing women but the preservation of culture is another thing. Americans have no native culture that's why you will never have the urge to protect one. Plus half-nigger babies mixed from other races are intellectually inferior, though they have excellent physical attributes, it's only useful for hard labor. Africans should stay in Africa, they are simple-minded people who are contented in living in mud huts, if you bring them in civilized societies they bring their wild behavior in your societies
Same here. My mom looked full blown Native American when she was a little girl, radically different from her siblings, so maybe grandma was a whore. Only thing I got out of it was brown hair, and brown eyes.
Tell me, are there useful inventions created by blacks(except the stick) that has uplifted & improved the quality of life in foreign societies they have migrated to?
Also, read this
Holy shit I thought i was the I was the only one to use p instead of pretty
I'm no nazi, bud. I was just trying to help you in you're line of thinking. You're the one who is leading a girl on that you don't intend to marry simply because of her race, and you're calling me the nazi? You're a fucking joke, and a racist one at that.
Becuase mods are cucks and love BBC.
Why else do you think these types of threads never get deleted?
>it's racist to want your children to be the same race as you and all your family.
Guess I'm just a bigoted, racist, white nationalist,kkkid then.
Whites and Asians imo are the superior races
But what do I know? I'm a Slav
Lil white diks are against racemixing because they know they are inferior to superior black bulls. Lil white diks are scared that black bulls and white women will eliminate the white race and they are right in 200 years lil white diks will be extinct and I say good riddance.
Seriously though what's so attractive about nigger men that white and Asian women go mad about
My old communist grandad agrees that race mix is degenerate
I'm german / BEADY EYE ANGLO , I think slavs are white? all the ones i've met are so nice
They don't go mad about them senpai
You're falling for propaganda
What about other people that want mixed races? Would you accept that?
So you are saying that you shouldn't race-mix because the race that is being mixed into are not as successful (culturally, societally, etc) as the other races, and as well as being intellectually inferior?
>look outside
>no shitskin
If our people can be generally better and civilised like Japanese I wouldn't mind moving back to China permanently
Lil white diks must learn their place in the new world BBC order cut off their diks and work to support Tyrones children BBC is law.
Ahh another "MUH DICK" argument. If blacks didn't have big dicks, you would have gone extinct, good luck on your mongrel children
Slavs are white, just not Nordic or Germanic
Was poking more fun at Slavs being unintelligent than Slavs not being white.You can't deny that Slavs are as white as the Nordics. Even to those who say we aren't, Slavs won't end up being sandniggers in 30 years like the Germans and Swedes
Lil nigger brains must learn their place in the new world Asian brain order cut off lil nigger brain and replace with machine so they actually work for chang and wang
I don't see enough Chinese posters on Sup Forums
Nice bait
At least Slavs work hard & earn money unlike negroes who depend on Welfare
Should be ok, keep the guns away from your mom tough.
What are you talking about you see them everyday, same flag as you
>just being a nigger
Stop giving him (You)
Awww tiny chink dik why you so small? You surpass lil white diks in betaprovider status tiny chink diks are useless. Have fun watching your wife getting fucked by a superior black bull white jacking off your tiny rice sized chink dik
>What about other people
I suppose if those other people aren't in my family or trying to push their agenda one us, then sure.
If only we could live and let live, but this sort of thing doesn't happen in a vacuum. More mixed-race people means more people will feel alienated and demand society changes to accommodate them.
Whats the matter tiny chink dik you accept your inferiority in haveing the wittle little tiny winne diks on Earth? Tiny chink diks are ugly, short and have tiny lil diks. Lil chink diks are soooo pathetic.
You need a new hobby famalam
Authentic jap or white in Japan?
I'm white
black + white = pic related
I'm sure that could be considered attractive 30 years from now, since the media (TV, movies & internet) declares what should be considered attractive. Who would have though blacks could be attractive. Even our people consider dark-skinned Filipinos inferior let alone a whole race of them
>Tiny chink diks are ugly, short and have tiny lil diks.
>Tiny chink diks have...lil diks.
Now I'm picturing like a dick christmas tree branching off into smaller and smaller dicks.
Chuckled heartily, thanks, cuckpostbro.
Was it hard to learn Japanese? I want to learn jap but I already know kanji and English so I wonder if it will be easy
Dark skinned filipinos doesn't look so bad. They look like black asians.
Kanji is the hardest part. My Japanese isn't fluent but I can maintain a basic conversation. Japanese is not a particularly complicated language, the things that are harder to learn are social noms, and how polite you need to be for certain situations
certain half blacks come out cute senpai
I'm white washed as fuck since I grew up in a white part on England so I think I'm more polite than average Chinese
I want to learn some Japanese before I go there since apparently they don't like Chinese very much