How come when Harvey was flipping a coin to decide if he should spare Gordon's son...

How come when Harvey was flipping a coin to decide if he should spare Gordon's son, Batman didn't just throw a bunch of coins at him to disorient him and make him lose balance?

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Probably because he already did that in Batman Forever and TAS so Nolan wanted to do something different.

How come, instead of blaming Batman for everything at the end, they just didn't pin Harvey's death on the Joker? The guy responsible for several hundred other crimes?

They wanted to show that Harvey had change

Because the Joker had already been arrested and GCPD isn't corrupt

Why didn't they just blame Harvey then? Would it really cause that much of a shock? Really?

Yeah sure BecUse blaming a crime on a totally innocent dude isn't corrupt.

Oh and batman totally killed two face at the end he didn't even have time to say he wasn't gonna save him. Yet this is never addressed why?

The Joker was the guy that set him on fire in the first place.

Also, what's with Nolan's fundamental misunderstanding of how the police work? There's two people in two different locations, so the obvious answer is to... send every single person to only one of those buildings? And then in Rises, the answer is to send every single member of law enforcement on payroll (including those who have days off, etc) into the sewer all at the same time?

So apparently all it takes to pull off the perfect crime in Nolan's Gotham is to call in a bogus crime and then commit the actual crime literally anywhere else, since they'll send 100% of their manpower to investigate the call.

Harvey was supposed to be the one finally saving Gotham.

To Gordon, if word got out that Harvey even turned evil, people would literally give up on Gotham and forever accept its irredeemable. Batman and Gordon think it is redeemable though, so that's why they make up that lie

>so that's why they make up that lie
Instead of the far more obvious half-truth, "The Joker did it."

Jokers not at the crime scene.

He's supposed to be incarcerated already.

I guess. Idk it's far fetched though. Just Nolan trying to get Batman to earn his Dark Knight titke

I don't know if you live in America or nolans fantasy-land but who the fuck cares if it's "irredemable"? And who cares if it was the DA who killed a cop? Like do you even know your DA?

Idk guess Nolan is a hack

No argue with me plz

If I had to defend it, I would say that Harvey was more than a DA. He was as public as the mayor and was one of the first politicians doing something to clean up Gotham.

Itd be like if some guy walked into Chicago and actually started locking up the niggers that commit crimes en masse.

Anyway to the people of Gotham he was a hero, and if word got out that even he was corrupted, people would lose hope forever in the city.

You cannot sneak around with a bunch of coins in your pocket

Nolan is way ahead of you

>You cannot sneak around with a bunch of coins in your pocket

>Yet this is never addressed why?
He thought Two-Face might return in the next movie

That happened in the movie because it was in the script

The Joker could easily have planned some shit to happen while he was in prison.

The real reason is because they needed someone to still be on the run, to be a constant threat. Joker couldn't be that, since he was locked up. But the Batman was still at large

>The Joker could easily have planned some shit to happen while he was in prison.
Yeah, he could have very easily done that, or at the very least, that narrative could have very easily been constructed, considering he had already done that once before.

I feel bad for Aaron Eckhart, he did a fantastic job as Harvey Dent/Two Face but nobody seems to care about his performance because of the Joker.

I catched The Prestige for the first time last night, I think it's the only Nolan film I hadn't seen and I'm now 100% convinced that he is some kind of alien/android/skinwalker
He has spent a long time observing human interaction attempts to replicate it but is still entirely incapable of understanding it

It was forgettable because that's what his performance was: forgettable. Good. Also consider the fact he is playing a shallow character from a "book" written for children

not enough prep time

from a story-telling perspective, it doesn't matter if it makes sense or not

Gordan and Batman think it's important, state multiple times that it's important, and act accordingly in the conclusion.

Nolan's movies are crafted meticulously, I don't there's even a single plot hole or logic gap anywhere in his work.

This is a guy who spent like 5 years scripting that stupid action scene in Inception with rulers and metrics, to make absolutely sure it follows the time-dilation-on-deeper-dream-level rules.

He IS some kind of a weird robot.

in Interstellar, it got ridiculous. Every single plot point and every little detail played into bigger picture and EVERYTHING got resolved super-neatly in the end.

If some people argue film grain provides texture, I'd argue having some logical flaws in your movies does too.

Not having them at all (and making those cold, soul-less movies at the same time) leaves an impression he is an AI.

I am so intensely excited to see Dunkirk and the resulting memes.

Why didnt he just use his Bat Visa Electron?

Half of Interstellar is characters doing things that make no sense for their character to do
It's like the script is constantly 5ft ahead of the characters and they are just trying to keep up with it, they're never actually in the movie, everything is just moving along for the sake of keeping everything else moving along until it just ends
I really think Nolan will be looked back on as a total oddity, namely because in his time nobody recognised how fucking weird and sterile and inhuman his films were

Because he only carried the Bat Credit Card at the time.

>Harvey revealed as criminal
>dent act revoked and the 100s of mobsters he imprisoned are released

Try pay attention next time

BUT INTERSTELLARS THEME WAS WHAT YOU HUMANS CALL LOVE, I UNDERSTAND EMOTIONS. *Autistically wears 3 piece suit to film an action movie about a vigilante gimp in a vain attempt at harkening back to golden age directors and having integrity*

>they're never actually in the movie, everything is just moving along for the sake of keeping everything else moving along until it just ends

sums it up great, that's exactly how I feel watching his stuff

So? Joker let a traumatized, very hurt, patient run out of a hospital. Just say that the blinding pain and trauma made him loopy and resulted in him killing himself. He was a walking corps already. Just look at his face,, he was going to get a lethal infection.


Because the entire point is to defeat Harvey's deology. If he tossed a couple of coins at him, he is only strengthening it, and might just turn the madman to full nihilism and have him shoot the biy and batman again regardless along with gordon and his wife and daughter. hence you let the half-faced ex-cop hal-fderanged murderer toss a coin to kill your best friend's son.

Because it's the bets option.

Because it's the only option.

Becuase it's the work none of us can do.

Because he's the man behind the mask.

The man who can run.

A dark knight.

He didn't know Harvey was doing that shit and doesn't carry change with him?

that sounds ridiculous

I hope affleck hires you

>I don't there's even a single plot hole or logic gap anywhere in his work
someone post the goddamn scene of the wall of guys with assault rifles throwing them to the ground so they can run up and have a fistfight

Uh that's not how laws work

I would have just stared in disbelief at Batman when he said that line
>Blame YOU?
>Are you fucking serious?
>Here's a crazy idea - how about we blame one of Gotham's many, MANY supervillains?
>We could blame it on Victor Zsasz
>Or how about Julian Gregory Day?
>Professor Pyg?
>Pamela Isley, Waylon Jones, The League of Assassins, Oswald Cobblepot, Shiva, Jean-Paul Valley, Bane, Floyd Lawton, Slade Wilson FUCKING ANYBODY BUT YOU
>No, it has to be me.......because I'm the hero this city deserves but not the one it needs right now
>Fuck you Batman

Batman wanted to retire anyway

Yes it does
None of those exist

Why would Batman walk around with not only one coin, but an entire bunch of coins? Even in the 90's or earlier this wouldn't make sense because when would you ever see Batman use a public pay phone or something that requires coins?

But Batso retired after that scene... and came back only 8 years later.




>I don't there's even a single plot hole or logic gap anywhere in his work
How did Bruce survive the nuclear explosion?

What if he got hungry and wanted to a buy a hotdog or something

i like how he actually uses cash

>None of those exist
Zaz Did.

Get the net!