I don't get it? Why do trannies hate America?

I don't get it? Why do trannies hate America? youtube.com/watch?v=YlCez018_lg

>these retards trying to imitate loud hollering and wooing, but quietly
I don't know why this is so funny. What is wrong with these people

Kek. I uploaded this to YouTube and the person who took the video filed a copyright claim. Good to know someone else has it and posted it.

They want to be stoned and thrown off rooftops, theyre not getting enough attention before they commit suicide.

Hmmmmm I dunno, maybe it's because people of wrongly assigned gender regularly experience hate crimes in the U.S., and they are expressing their frustration with a system which systematically & institutionally tramples their identity underfoot and ignores them thanks to backwards Christian ideology?

I stg I hate this fucking place sometimes.

>wrongly assigned gender

>maybe it's because people of wrongly assigned gender regularly experience hate crimes in the U.S.

File a counter claim

They hate whomever their masters tell them to hate.

Not unlike you.

How the fuck is a video taken in a public place and posted on to the Internet eligible for copyright?