When they make a good game
They've made two good games already.
Fallout 1 and 2
>american movie
>r*ssians portrayed as a white guys
Would be shit unless they stripped out everything that makes Fallout good and unique. Basically, impossible to make.
Never played 1 and 2 and NV?
>r*ssians portrayed as a white guys
>played by a canadian shitskin and a scandinavian snownigger
a bongoburger mongrel was in the main role I think
>new vegas
west russians are white
With Bethesda being the ones holding the IP?
Hell no.
We are either going to get Fallout 3: The movie which will make millions but be shit or we get a proper Fallout movie that is shat on because it's "Not muh fallout 3 I played first"
Should just remake Fallout 1, they have the plot, noone played it that was born after 1990 so it will be new.
they literally look like hitler's dream
>west russians
what the fuck is that even?
Sulik played by Idris Elba
I was born in 1991 and played it like last year
Still gud
But then normies will be comparing it to Bethshit because that is the only thing they played.
Myron played by Paul Dano
would be a good grim shit
would like it
needs sex though, necros raping shit and crap
He doesn't know...
>A Boy and his Dog
Bestiality in the apocalypse?
FUCK YOU, slavs are aryans
because it's true
russians are mostly turks with a little bit of asian admixture
I don't want a Fallout movie. I do however want a post-apocalyptic film heavily inspired by Fallout, with the retrofuturistic aesthetic and everything. More creative freedom that way.
Well when else are you going to do it
not like the white-aryan-anglo-saxon-protestant breed
nobody considers Britbongs white
liberals do
he's swedish
liberals consider americans white for fucks sake, eventhough they are mongrelised through african and indian inbreeding for centuries now.
you can't take these people serious.
There isn't a clear definition for "white people" besides having white skin. Majority of you Sup Forumscucks don't even meet that requirement.
A better question is when will Fallout go to the hands of people who care about it
>Italians and greeks arent white
>English arent white
>Slavs arent white
>Spanish arent white
Who am I missing?
no, swedes are cucks
instead of allowing fiction to influence each other (Road Warrior -> F2 -> Fury Road), people demand literal IPs to be attached.
It always provides shit results, insults both general public and hardcore fans. People then demand next game/book.
Fuck you, OP.
How come the Russian Jaeger looked so crude?
Don't tell me they couldn't at least scrape the money together to make something decent when it came to a foreign threat
>a foreign threat
people that live in the western (european) parts of russia.
Marcus played by Shaq
Have you seen those Russian injury compilations? Pretty rad
They also think jews are white
The definition is European heritage. Jews coined the term white so they could infiltrate our societies easier
>After all the studio interference and script doctoring, the movie was turned into something bland and generic that's only 1% accurate to the games. And I guess that's just not enough for some assholes!
Fallout is literally based on this story