Tolerant Toronto?

>Amina Ibrahim's family moved to Canada because of the Somali Civil War.

>Despite having lived in Toronto for most of her life, Amina Ibrahim is often asked, “Where are you really from?” She typically laughs it off and explains that her family moved from Djibouti when she was a toddler, so really, she’s from Canada.

But she's from Africa...

This article then goes on to an incident that happened to Amina... she was driving, then...

>a truck driver behind her began laying on the horn, and when traffic came to a stop, a white middle-aged male exited his car and approached Ibrahim’s vehicle, where she had the window rolled down

>First, he mumbled some Arabic words together, saying ‘Assalamu alaikum,’ and some other words he must have assumed were Arabic,” she recalls.

>Then, he said, ‘You’re lucky I don’t punch you in the face, you fucking Muslim.’ He stared at me waiting for a response, but I was so shocked that I just kind of smiled. He continued swearing and then walked away.”

Later in the article it addresses this image, with a provincial representative saying:

>anyone who accuses the campaign of reverse-racism (which frankly, doesn’t exist), is completely misguided.

>“The whole idea that this ad is somehow demonizing white men is kind of surprising,” Douglas adds. “This ad really isn’t about the issues of white people. It’s really about the experiences of racialized immigrants and refugees, in particular Muslim women. Is it only white men who are Islamophobic? Absolutely not, but we use the image of a white man as a way to also talk about power relations.”

Is Toronto and Canada really tolerant?

How do journalists know that the 'majority of racially and culturally motivated attacks are rarely reported to the police'?

Is Amina from Canada even though she was born in Djibouti?

Is this ad not really about white people's issues?

Will we ever know the answers to these questions?


Other urls found in this thread:



Fucking kek and saved

Why does she look so ugly?


Chances are no one has ever been racist against the girl on the ad because she's a qt

>>First, he mumbled some Arabic words together, saying ‘Assalamu alaikum,’ and some other words he must have assumed were Arabic,” she recalls.
>>Then, he said, ‘You’re lucky I don’t punch you in the face, you fucking Muslim.’ He stared at me waiting for a response, but I was so shocked that I just kind of smiled. He continued swearing and then walked away

Sounds like complete bullshit. I mean how can you even tell the ethnicity of someone driving a car in front of you, especially if you're driving a truck?

They raped the good ones and then kidnapped them as sex slaves. Only uggos could escape.

Although not directly from the government, it's still mind boggling that these immigrant volunteer organizations that make these ads can say "this ad isn't really about white people... actually it is but it's about power relations". Just madness,