What are some good movies that deal with crippling depression?
What are some good movies that deal with crippling depression?
You've actually just came here straight from facebook and you have not a shred of evidence to prove otherwise.
Dude I have crippling depression and hate myself even though I'm fairly attractive with 20+ friends and everyone loves me and I have an extremely active social life and money
yeah fuck off
Why is the newest normie meme the idea that even though you're surrounded by friends and are sociable and popular you can also somehow be "le depressed XD"
>Have no friends
>Have no love interests
>Try to better yourself with college but when you're socially defunct it's an expensive tedious mess.
>Live out of car
>Go weeks without meaningful human contact
>Have panic attacks and existential crises semi-regularly
>Frequent bar
>Girl across from you mentions being depressed because there's not enough time in the day for friends/bf/school
I'm not even upset by that, it just makes me wonder if I'm that girl to someone else.
it's as though we are the same person
>staring at a box for 2 hours will cure my depression
found the problem, youre a fucking idiot.
is idubs our guy?
That can still totally happen. Just look at Robin Williams etc
He literally makes videos with H3H3 and filthy frank, he's a big faggot that pretends to be depressed in order to appease children
he was a virgin til 24 tho
I'd off myself without even thinking if I knew it wouldn't affect my family. I hate the idea of my little brother and sister growing up with the thought that their brother killed himself.
>people who dont understand what depression is
He was a neet who made funny videos, then became a faggot in order to make a living.
literally kill yourself pussy. And if not at least suffocate urself till u pass out or take pills till u pass out
melancholia springs to mind
t. "no fun allowed" hipster
For this past year and a half I've been working and going out with normies because I moved out of my hometown because of work, and I can tell you, I've never felt more alone and empty than in a room interacting with that kind of people.
I fucking hate this faggot.
The point of that image isn't to mock people for watching certain youtube channels or tv shows, it
's more to point out that you're not being original or creative if the only content you view and take inspiration from is those content creators in particular. You can watch a few people from that group and still not be an annoying faggot, but if the ONLY thing you consume is the videos those people make then it's more than likely you're a manchild or a literal child with a cunt attitude.
>who made funny videos
A couple of his early kickstarter videos can get a few chuckles, but it's more to point out he put effort into his content, then promptly sold out in order to make low-effort meme content for children
Get a load of this idiot
I thought the point of that image was just to trigger as many people as possible
You'd think that as first glance, but it's more to try and that very large group of people who literally only watch those people to try and realize that only consuming a very, very small and similar content constantly will only make you a very shallow person that can only relate to other shallow people who will laugh with you at your own in-jokes.
>even though I'm fairly attractive
Dude looks like an alien.
>with 20+ friends
Maxmoefoe is basically his only friend, he comes across as incredibly autistic and weird in real life.
I've yet to see a film or tv series try to shed light on genuine depression. I'm talm bout.. not taking care of themselves in the most basic of ways (bad oral hygiene, messy living space, bad hygiene in general), not being able to sit down and focus on one thing for a minimal amount of time, blaming themselves for all the problems in the world. Everything is their fault, never blaming others for misfortunes.
Not saying this is good tv, but depression looks different irl
>last night
>dropped acid at a party
>bugged out and went home
>watched Melancholia while tripping
>cue mental breakdown
>didn't want to exist anymore
>woke up this morning
>felt like I hadn't recovered
>nearly cried, curled up on the couch wishing my brain would shut the fuck up
All good now but the past 48 hours have been fucking wild, I don't even know why I decided on Melancholia when I should have known what it would do to me
Hope you're doing ok user.
you're posting youtube memers so i'm assuming you're underage but
fuck off to youtub you underage newfag
He's not depressed and he isn't even trying to pretend that he is. Did you even understand the joke about crippling depression and a wheelchair?
seems like the alex jones podcast success made other youtubers and their fans think it's okay to shill their off topic shit on this board
icarly is the shit m8
Manchester by the Sea
t. "mature" 17 year old
fuck off kid stop shilling this faggot
it gets better, change your location so it may change your persepctive on your life
Sup Forums has plenty of legitimately depressed people browsing every board. why has it been memed more in recent years?
>dropping acid at a party
Do normies actually do this?
Try some mushroom movie, if u understand what i mean.
Daily reminder to report and hide E-celeb cancer threads.
this guy has good ideas for videos but I just don't find him funny
Who's pumped for the new Content Cop tomorrow?
Except Robin Williams also had dementia, paranoia and a history of alcohol and drug problems.
>h3 logo 3 times
Just try mushrooms, dude. Its easy.
so what are you allowed to find funny
I specifically edited that myself lol
Any of it, the point of a starter pack is the collect a set of things that define a person, not to judge individual contributions
>someone was autistic enough to bother making this
>not using your acid trip to appreciate the kino of Zack Snyder
You deserved it
>Not the complete edition
Yeah because depression is a mental illness and isn't necessarily connected to the reality of your life. I'm clinically depressed, and I have nothing serious to be really sad about. I just wake up every day, wanting to die, with absolutely no energy, constantly battling intrusive thoughts (particularily suicidal ideation). and just trying to get through the basic steps I need to take, to make sure my life doesn't get fucked up completely. When I move my body, it feels like it's made of iron, and I fear to even go outside and interact with the public. This is not normal. It absolutely fucking sucks, and I am waiting to start anti-depressents to get me out of this horrible condition.
That's not what I mean. I mean in the sense perfectly healthy and okay normies decide to slap the "lmao depressed" label on themselves because it's the newest trend.
Ah ok. I misunderstood. S'al good. That shit pisses me off too, as it completely trivializes what is a very serious condition.
That shit isn't new, remember emo's and scene kids? Now they're 20 something and doing the same shit
I love how these betas get triggered by someone joking about depression, it's as if their massive narcissism prevents them from having friends which in turn makes them depressed... literally elliot roger tier
I've got news for you - you're most likely not even depressed, and your current situation is entirely your fault.
ikiru, senpai
It's another person who becomes popular and Sup Forums pretends to hate them.
I assume the same people who always like him, still like him
it's just the people who heard about him from normie channels sperging out
yeah i ate mushrooms at a party and it was wild
>tfw can't get drugs even if I wanted to because not a normie with connections
you can for sure, through the deep web. if you ever decide to do psychedelics i'd really recommend having a sober trip sitter that you can trust with you, because you don't want a bad experience by yourself
>having a sober trip sitter that you can trust with you
Again, normies just assume I could have. No drugs for me I guess
>t. 16 year old brainlet
you can do it by yourself the first time, i just wouldn't recommend it. and i was a complete shut in until 2 years ago, you just gotta make an effort to get out sometimes and eventually people will want to befriend you
Le Feu follet (1963)
>Frequent bar
holy shit you're lost
he has a gf
Monty python