Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

>"Hey buddy I think you've got the wrong door, the leather club is two blocks down"

Mr. Incredible for sure. He created a monster for himself to fight. It's true pottery.

Sensible chuckle
For real though Mr. Incredible
Let them down easy, no need to be an asshole

how did he know it was buddy if buddy had a mask on?

>I think people should be equal


The entire flick was typical jewish whining

>innately talented heros using their powers to help society for free
>jewish in any way

the moral was "exceptional people shouldn't be pressured to be mediocre because of other mediocre people's fears and insecurities"

fuck off Sup Forumstard

No you retard, it was a satire of capeshit.

That's exactly how the jews see themselves.


He was your typical self-entitled, MRA, conservitard dweeb and was rightly put in his place.

It was the opposite message

Its to strive to be the best and most exceptional person you ca be, even if your greatness makes other insecure you shouldnt lower yourself for their benefit.

Truly an old school American message

the motive of the movie was literally the american dream a world where great people can be great without being held back by the fears of others

Or it was how vigilantism is completely ok and people should go subvert the judicial process and fuck the constitution.
Damn that was a liberal movie.

the american dream is about a country where the law change to fit the person and not the otherway around

>mad your wife wont let your super speedy gonzales kid compete with normal children

this movies message was dumb

Which is totally not the way America works and is liberal propaganda.

>"exceptional people shouldn't be pressured to be mediocre because of other mediocre people's fears and insecurities"

Mr.Incredible tried that, but buddy-er incredaboy wouldn't take a hint.

>when you're not content with being the second worst board so you come to the worst board to shit things up

How would you know? Are you a Jew?

I got that from a game made by japan

Did Armstrong say that? I haven't played MGR in a few years.

>the jews are holding us back from exceptionality

Both. Buddy because he was too self-entitled and overconfident of his own strengths and almost got killed by Bomb Voyage and let him escape, Mr. Incredible for not explaining why Buddy could not be his side kick.

Both Mr Incredible for being a compete douche and Buddy trying to kill him and his family. Could of made other ways of revenge like being a better super then Mr Incredible ever could be or could of let nature takes its. He would of mostly likely went to crime after losing he's job and needing money to support his family.


haha Wut?

Oy vey.


>this movie had the same plot as Iron Man 3

But buddy was exceptional .

The theme of the movie would have worked better if it showed that non-powered people could be humans
(Like batman)

Comes off as an excuse for racism otherwise

>buddy was too over confident

buddy objectively was able to beat mostly every super and only died due to his own fault



After building a killer robot to do all the work for him.

Buddy was some stupid kid who thought obsessively watching superheroes on TV and copying their moves meant he didn't need to be trained

What episode was he supposed to direct again?

buddy for being a ginger.

Has there been any word on whether the sequel will be set shortly after the first or if there's a time jump. I feel like you'd struggle to find an actor who could do Dash's voice, he was played by a kid

Fuck of Lefty, go back to Redit and take your politics with you.

Should have made frozone a genius who invented his freezing powers via technology instead of it being an innate super power

Would have made the films message better.

its exactly Sup Forumss logic you retard

>Managed to create rocket shoes and shit at age 9
>Later goes on to invent all sorts of new technology
Why did he whine all his life about not being a super when he obviously had super intelligence?

he was autistic and chose to be a villain in seclusion when he could be tony stark.

shitty ayn raynd propaganda for children

buddy was a lot more worthy than the supers

It was literally a white supremacist kino, you dunce.

the strong man is not equal to the weak man
the tall man is not equal to the short man
the intelligent man is not equal to the dim man

the is no such thing as equality in nature or society. not under fascism or communism. the closet we can get is with democracy, capitalism, with a free market and the freedom of speech. can't really ask for more until we can definitely end human's baseline struggles such as poverty, shelter, and food. But if we make things too easy for everyone then you run the risk of destroying motivation and creativity.

it's how the hypocrite nazi cucks with inferiority complexes see jews

I always thought Buddy was a Super though, Super Intelligent

Anyway they better not bring him back in the sequel, for the love of god don't do that, or have Syndromes "sidekick" or some shit

Gamma Jack would be a perfect fit though, but it's probably going to be one of the kids going bad


I hope we get more Elastigirl ass in the sequel.

Because according the film's logic you had to be born with a physical super power to be considered special.

It was kind of an odd message. I mean, I get what they were trying to say, but it was one of the few weak points of the film.

Incredible was right. But he was a huge dick about it and couldn't foresee what his assholishness would bring his fellow heroes.


Get it in your head you fucking hippie, the inability to deal with this fact is what holds back mankind's progress.

people often forget that this wasn't the first time mr. incredible has had to put up with him. he's been nice the first 100 times but the guy is just fed up at this point, the kid won't take a hint and he can't catch a break even on his weeding day. listen to the dialogue carefully

Mr Incredible for not putting the autistic child down gently.

how's your first post going?