>dog pound scene
>somebody casually mentions that if the dogs aren't adopted/reclaimed after 2 weeks they get killed
Do Americans really do this?
Dog pound scene
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America is one of the countries that does it the least, but yes.
I suppose in your "country" they're allowed to run around the streets spreading disease and biting people
Literally every civilised country has pounds you child
Support no-kill shelters and adopt your pets, don't buy
That dog is probably dead by now.
>Literally every civilised country has pounds
Yes but they don't kill cats and dogs after a few weeks here.
It seems something only a third world shithole would do.
>they don't kill cats and dogs after a few weeks here
You're deluded
>tfw my dog probably won't make it to his 80th birthday
>be young
>consider becoming a veterinarian
>find out most of the job is killing healthy animals because they don't get adopted
almost got me, satan
No, I know the law that forbids it and I know the actual situation personally since I volunteered there for years.
>>Yes but they don't kill cats and dogs after a few weeks here.
Yes they do. Don't be retarded. 10 business days is the standard time in the west.
In my country (The Netherlands) they don't. They only kill very sick and very aggresive animals.
unless you goto a no kill shelter they kill pets..
That's not being a veterinarian though, that's just working at a pet shelter
Veterinarians are animal doctors, not euthanasia dispensers
>They only kill very sick and very aggresive animals.
Nope, try again murifat.
I'm not Mexican.
>I suppose in your "country" they're allowed to run around the streets spreading disease and biting people
That's literally L.A. in a nutshell. Meanwhile my country has never had a case of rabies.
>Yes but they don't kill cats and dogs after a few weeks here.
Yes they do, literally all western countries do this. The time they keep them depends on how severe the stray animal problem is.
They are a nation of cucks
>le adopt don't buy
pathetic cuck
I never considered how ugly Toto was
cats > dogs
Like non-White people?
Yeah, you child
All disgusting filthy dogs need to be put to death.
See this
you child
>In my country (The Netherlands) they don't
Do the math. It's impossible for a shelter to keep all those animals for very long.
No kill shelters get caught killing animals all the time, everywhere.
If you're a """male""" and you have atleast one car: you're a faggot.
>killing dogs
>just throwing them away and wasting all that delicious dog meat
Americans really are savages.
>be young
>consider becoming a euthanasia dispenser
>follow my dreams
Never look back
Why do Americans pretend to know how things work in other countries?
>No kill shelters get caught killing animals all the time, everywhere.
[citation needed]
For people?
This. Dogcucks should fuck off.
Because our way is superior.
>other countries?
What do you mean
I've visited every animal shelter in the world, and witnessed each one killing animals.
Yes, and as a result we don't have a bunch of feral animals running around like a South American nigger country.
I've been to Peru, they could use some decent animal control.
Japan kills their street dogs by suffocation, in a machine created especially for that purpose.
Imagine being the guy whose job it is to kill dozens of doggos everyday at the push of a button.
Japan doesn't strike me as a country with a big stray dogs problem.
They probably kill like one a month.
>Japan doesn't strike me as a country with a big stray dogs problem
Too much anime. Try visiting the country some time.
That's if you work at an animal shelter. If you work at a private vet clinic it's very different.
we dont have muslims here
asians are not people
In Australia you can legally euthanise an animal in a shelter after 8 days. You can euthanise them before the 8 days on humane grounds if the animal is suffering. It depends on the animals health, adoptability and how full the shelter is on if they are euthanised after the 8 days.
I worked at an animal shelter for two years as a vet nurse. So that's how I know this. Forgot to mention.
Because of the feral cat problem cats are euthanised at a much higher rate.
Surprising no one.
The dogs would probably get eaten by snakes and crocodiles anyway.
Yeah I've heard multiple accounts of beloved pets being euthanised before the owner even knew because auspost/sloppy admin work/over enthusiastic workers.
Pretty shit.
Yeah that happened a few times at my work. It's really shit having to help euthanise a really nice dog just because we don't have space or some other shit reason. Shelters do a lot of good work too don't get me wrong but working there crushes your soul.
I live in the city so mostly strays just get hit by cars. No crocodiles in the city mate.
t. city crocodile living in the sewers
>The dogs would probably get eaten by snakes and crocodiles anyway.
Nah, dingos eat babies and shit. Noone would try and mess with them
That dog was dead before we were born