The 4th Reich is coming

we tried warning them but they didn't listen

trips calls whats gonna happen

I'm calling neo-nazi germany is going to overthrow the world


Thats not how that works newfag

You don't need so many tanks they said. You can't use them to project your power around the world they said.

Who's laughing now?

were pretty much fucked

every last one of us

Wee mate looks like we are going to team up to fuck Europoors once again.....*sigh*

We could have prevented this...

>I'm calling neo-nazi germany is going to overthrow the world

>mfw I get to bomb Dresden just like my grand pappy.


the time is soon but not now

>I'm calling neo-nazi germany is going to overthrow the world

england was the hidden element here, they are projecting a LOT of power in the mid-east, africa, even america.

this sudden change in their politics is ominous.

Those aren't trips newfag.