Hopefully you took enough.
Nothing's comfier than a coffin. No more happenings, forever.
I figured out how many would kill me, and I eased it back just a bit.
I would, too, if I were a goddamn leaf. See you in hell.
I'm sorry it got that bad for you. Please, grace us with your final words.
What pills, brother?
What kind of pill?
Isn't it obvious?
Op will be kill, rip leafcuck.
A wicked combo of Percocet, Oxys, Tramadol, gabapentin and some others.
I just feel blissful.
What a waste of pills. Things will be worse tomorrow than they were today. Every day is the worst day in human history.
>didn't say redpill
Where do you live? i want to read your obituary
Only on Sup Forums is same-sex love "degenerate" but popping pills and "feeling comfy" a-okay.
I live in a 3rd wrld shithole. Did u not see my flag u fucking leaf
>Things will be worse tomorrow than they were today.
ur probably right. but that doesnt even bother me now
what do u call a redpilled redpill? thats what i took.
No it is still degenerate.
But at least with drugs, the next day you are sober... when you ass-fuck a guy, the next day you are still a faggot.
I miss my old drug dealer
howd u know
Were they red pills?
will you feel comfy in Hell?
most degenerates live in big cities
Why the fuck do degenerates take pills? You are just buying into the Jew pharmaceutical industry black market and destroying your body with those fucked up chemicals.
All I need is some dank bud and a beer and I'm good to go.
Its sad that people feel the need to take fucking pills just to get some fucked up high when the best high you can get is from some good bud.
Percs and Oxys can get you. Tramadol and Gabapentin usually don't cause respiratory distress but considering you ended your sentence "some others", you're probably dying. Rest in Leaf, man.
i enjoy having sports teams
Posts like these are why Sup Forums is just Sup Forums with flags nowadays. The fuck does this have to do with anything important?
>the ultimate bread and circus distraction
>being this retarded
i think i'll be okay. i didnt drink any alcohol which is key. no illicit drugs either. all rx.
So wait if I were to go... I would just stop breathing? Meh I'm breathing fine.
Drinking thrown together gimlets now
I try to time my drinks so they're 20 minutes apart. I got sick off of gin and tonics once and now I can't drink it anymore.
>You are just buying into the Jew pharmaceutical industry black market
Pls. I have a drug benefit card.
damn shills trying to get the board to slide
u sound like ur from alberta. ur that retarded. maybe even SK
Are antidepressants literally the blue pill?
more people die from prescription pills then illegal drugs like heroin and coke you dumb leaf and if you really mixed handfuls of different kinds of downers you actually might die depending on your tolerance, good luck with that, good luck with that, next time just order kratom from the internet, might save your life
How can you call me retarded when you're the manchild that obsesses over sports?
>next time just order kratom from the internet
I dont know how to order drugs on the internet. I just get all mine free from the pharmacy.
That's dangerous, man. Not from overdosing, but from something called "combined pill toxicity".
When you mix a bunch of pills together that shouldn't be mixed it can kill you. It's what happened to Heath Ledger.
You're only supposed to take certain pills at a time.
You should've just drank good ol' alcohol.
Not obsessed. I just like being in a city where there are actual things to do.
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meh i think ill be ok. im breathing fine.
im just feeling a lil sleeepy but im tired anyways.
if i go i go. i dont really care anymore. thats not my intent tho. i just wanted to feel bliss.
thx 4 the info
make it copy and pasteable plz
>actual things to do
>watching grown men play childrens games
No wonder you're suicidal
theres more than sports. that was just 1 example.
u live in bumfuck saskatchetoon dont you
Op is kill
psychedelics are the red pill
it's no coincidence that they are increasingly being used to treat depression. They target the root cause instead of the symptoms.
bro, seek help. Unless you voted for Trudeau or Harper in which case die.
what if I voted Elizabeth May