>b-b-but global warming, Donald Drumpf is literally Hitler, white people!
Was Team America the most prescient movie of our age?
>b-b-but global warming, Donald Drumpf is literally Hitler, white people!
Was Team America the most prescient movie of our age?
you're worthress Arec Bardwin
Matt and Trey used to be so on the ball.
If you don't believe in the issue of climate change, you may be fundamentally retarded.
Dicks, pussies and assholes pretty sums up the human condition.
B-but user, China literally made up global warming to weaken the American industry and destroy factory jobs.
Nevermind the fact that those jobs were lost due to outsourcing during the 80s and 90s! It's all China's fault.
>lets tax carbon!
whats next? water tax? oh wait
it's been debunked countless times but sure keep on believing
>Last year I went to Iraq. Before Team America showed up, it was a happy place. They had flowering meadows and rainbow skies, and rivers made of chocolate, where the children danced and laughed and played with gumdrop smiles.
do these "scientists" not understand seasons?
>liberals are having more fun during the first few weeks of Trump's presidency than they had in 8 years of obama
Really makes you think...
maybe we could extend the republican presidency indefinitely then?
if Trump wins a second term I'm fucking leaving this hellhole
*tips fedora*
>any country accepting the lowest average IQ in the west nationals from a ghetto country
somalians are ahead of the queue tyrone.
no you won't
Never realised how redpilled this film is, it'd never be made today
afaik there is no reference to trump in team america, so no
Amy please just fuck off, or die of a heart attack. Either way stop wasting our time with your drama queen persona you obese fucking slut
The democrats have brain washed you into thinking that if you don't vote for them you are a "science denier who is killing the planet".
I'm sorry you are so small minded
>seems rike no one takes me serirousree
>mfw all those people who said they'd leave if trump won never did
>if you don't accept my view you're retarded
What and go where Somalia? Iraq, nah you'll go to Canada and complain about whiteys there too you fucking fag
>Was Team America the most prescient movie of our age?
No. Same shit, different day.
Tump won't even live to see 2017 come to an end senpai
Ice age fans are retarded. Taking control of this bitch is our duty.
Name one, retard
You're so smart user, and 97% of the scientific community is dumb
Neocon crap, its no wonder they are anti-Trump.
I remember you faggots saying you'd go to Canada if he just won period.
Commies just need to fuck off already.
My view is that people can't fly unaided. Am I being small minded if I call people who disagree retarded?
>literally hitler!
>literally racist!
>literally sexist!
Yet nobody can point me to one shred of evidence confirming any of it.
Actually it's a very simple question of observable scientific fact, but a lot of powerful people depend on fossil fuels for their wealth so they tell you it's a political issue, and you're dumb enough to believe them instead of the ENTIRE scientific community
>all these staggering dumb arguments proving your point
>The entire (((scientist)))) community
I'm in the actual scientist community m8. We laugh at retards who got convinced by leftists because they seem to think science is a democracy and it matters what "muh 97% of (((scientists)))" voted for.
The funniest thing I think that's happened is how america understands the word "racist"
"Racist" = hating black people
So when donald wanted to ban muslims and mexicans, they called him racist. And after being called racist so many times, it's evolved to him hating black people as well, even though he's never mentioned them before
Even if it is true its still a retarded waste of money.
I believe Sup Forums is full of professional shills
>but a lot of powerful people depend on fossil fuels for their wealth
Fuck you for wanting to make everyone poor.
>You want inspection? Well, inspect THAT, you butt-fucking piece of shit!
Pure kino.
Holy shit I saw this in theatres when I was like 12 but I don't remember it being this redpilled.
Trey and Matt! Come back home!
Global Warming is real, but it is being used to hide much worse threats and to encourage globalization. The Physics is real, but the Politics is liberal propaganda.
I don't even recycle, why the fuck would I give two shits about climate change lmao.
I never really cared for Matt Damon but for over a decade every time I see him or hear his name I think of Team America. Every. Fucking. Time.
That's what all you libtards said the first time around. Go ahead, move to an even whiter country next! You can successfully complain about diversity from there.
I find that people aren't really capable of separating jokes from actual political statements. It's kind of worrying actually.
It is a problem that will solve itself.
A large percent of the worlds population lives near coastal areas.
Rising sea levels will displace them leading to violence and a increase in violence world wide.
The death toll will be staggering.
With far fewer people the climate will normalize.
See problem solved.
Climate change itself it's a real thing and I don't thing anyone can deny that given the current data we have access to, it's the whole anthropogenic climate change deal what I find to be questionable.
being the janitor of the university engineering department is not being part of the scientist community, Randy
Yes that's right
Actually, development of nuclear and renewable technology will provide more jobs than the finite fossil fuel resources while doing less damage to the environment. But oil is black gold so the globalists try to tell everyone climate change is a lie made up by China and the Jews.
>it's the whole anthropogenic climate change deal what I find to be questionable.
perhaps you should try reading a book
>Actually, development of nuclear and renewable technology will provide more jobs than the finite fossil fuel resources
No shit.
What the fuck does that have to do with who is CURRENTLY dependent on fossil fuels.
Global warming is nothing more than just another hoax, just like Y2K and the global freezing claims in the 1960's and 70's were. Global warming is being used to generate fear and panic. Those behind this movement are using it to control people's lives and for financial gain.
There are not many individuals, groups, or organizations willing to stand up against this fraud that is being perpetuated for fear of being persecuted, harassed, and ostracized by those who support global warming within the scientific and other communities. But fortunately, a few have decided to do the right thing and take a stand against this evil, proving just how unscientifically founded global warming is and exposing those who are behind it. Here's a single link to information showing the proof that global warming is nothing more than just a bunch of hot air (pun intended).
Explain this warmtrolls. Protip: you can't
well, yes, but obviously nobody with half a brain is planning to switch from fossil fuels to renewable overnight and shut down all fossil fuel plants immediately. Although, I wouldn't put it past your right wing overlords to convince you that's what climate change "believers" want to do.
Yeah because they were too busy kissing St. Obongo's ass.
That's what you said the first time around.
>I wouldn't put it past your right wing overlords to convince you that's what climate change "believers" want to do.
But it's literally what leftists state they want to do.
It's what obama has literally been doing.
>It's cold outside
>Therefore human generated climate change is fake
This is what these people actually believe.
>muh global cooling
>it actually gets warmer
>it's global warming now
>global temperatures stay the same
>c-c-c-c-climate change, you g-g-guys
global warming is tooth fairy tier
no it's not what obama has literally been doing. stop spreading fake news.
Doesn't change the fact that almost every single article I see trying to 'debunk' climate change always cites one or two days being colder than normal. Whereas articles on the other side show statistics over much longer periods of time, and compare pre-industrial environmental data to post-industrial.
>polar bears moving further south as they lose their territory to the sea
>animals dropping down conservation rankings because of habitat loss
>th-th-the globalists are trying to convince us that we're fucking up the planet
this stuff is always the toppest of kekleberries
>no it's not what obama has literally been doing
>destroying coal power plants
>strangling businesses with job killing regulations
yeah nah
[citation needed]
literally who gives a shit about polar bears?
White people, namely civilized people
You never did go to science class, did you?
Fuck polar bears. They eat seals.
Fuck them.
I'd gladly drive my car for another hour each day to kill more polar bears.
Not an argument.
Chris Chan, he's my retard choice
>Fuck polar bears. They eat seals.
>Fuck them.
>I'd gladly drive my car for another hour each day to kill more polar bears.
not an argument
Ok then, how about this: Polar Bears, like pretty much every organism on the planet. Is part of a system that keeps itself in balance. Humans are fundamentally disturbing that balance through their actions. Google the word "ecosystem".
The point is that people aren't going to stop driving just because muh polar bears.
You lefties are going to have to come up with a better reason.
Literally half of Americans are fundamentally retarded. That's why they fear immigration. Foreigners with functioning brains easily outmatch them on the job market.
>The point is that people aren't going to stop driving just because muh polar bears.
You're the one who said muh polar bears though
Do some research of your own brainlet
It's not that global warming doesn't exist, I just don't think there's explicit proof right now. Personally I feel as if the president should fund more research because I think there's at least some argument that climate change is real, but he cut all funding for it or whatever.
The earth can always adapt. Countless ecosystems have been destroyed and created over the billions of years this planet has existed.
You wouldn't need to flock to America if you and you're country weren't fundamentally retarded and incapable of basic civilization ahmed
>we should import the third world and bring all of their problems here
Why in the world would you think this is a good idea?
Are you functionally retarded?
>The earth can always adapt.
Define "The earth"
>Americans bombing seven countries simultaneously
>lol why are your home countries so shitty?
Yes, it can, but not at this rate, and certainly not at this scale.
It's kind of like breaking both someone's legs without taking them to the hospital because "well the human body is really good at healing".
Japan didn't allow immigration but you don't hear anybody complaining like this.
Also this many people not believing in climate change is fucking disastrous. Do people really think they've outsmarted science? That they don't take into account ice ages? You think you're the only one who figured out we had climate change before C02? It's almost actual mental retardation.
Muh clean air
Muh clean water
Muh biodiversity
Muh energy independence
if you pretend not to believe in climate change and aren't at least being paid for it I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart to kill yourself
>Countless ecosystems have been destroyed and created over the billions of years this planet has existed.
But not by humans.
>trying to insinuate The Trump had anything to do with those bombings
lol nice try, CTR.
>america is bombing every muslim country
No it's not.
My god you really have no argument here. Do you honestly believe these countries would be just as civilized and advanced as the USA and europe if the usa wasn't bombing a few of them?
Why do you support the stoning of woman and gays?
Kill yourself.
yeah but the current standard of human living sure as fuck can't
Actually, that girl was shot in the neck. Under Trump's watch, on Trump's order.
We will be off fossil fuels in 40-60 years anyway.
Why destroy the economy now and limit our ability to get to a point where we would be able to mass produce alternative energy?
>Muh clean air
CO2 is a toxin to humans now?
>Muh clean water
CO2 is a toxin to humans now?
>Muh energy independence
Putting on carbon taxes destroys our ability to innovate and raises prices making it harder to do alternative energy shit.
Because the world will be fucked in 40-60 years and alternative energy requires resources too.
>We will be off fossil fuels in 40-60 years anyway.
>literally the CEO of ExxonMobil in charge of the State Department
This is what ignorant sheep actually believe.
>liberal comics
why are you even on this board?
Why would you want to reduce our living standards even more by putting in carbon taxes?
I sure don't want to have to work a whole lot of extra hours just to pay my gas and power bill.
Fuck you.