literally me as a girl
what age is her older brother supposed to be if she is 17 and he is still in school ?
looks like a meme movie taylor made for reddit
>no action movies, no sci fi, no real drama came out in the period surrounding the release of this film
she was in a not bad action movie recently,dont be such a hater.
she's got nice feet
in the near future there will be no sci fi, drama or action, thats too scary, too masculine. There will be movies about facebook. If you want to see the future don't imagine a boot stomping on a human face forever, imagine the face of a mixed race young woman talking about her petty dramas. No creativity, no individuality, nothing interesting, no balls
Lol mods deletting anti-hailee posts.
literally "predictable hollywood cliche" the movie
It's pretty funny considering her parents are multimillionaire Jews, she's literally a model, her parents bought her a recording contract and she literally is following in the footsteps of Taylor Swift IRL.
Bunch of cucks
The subject is such a cliche that the movie should have been awful when, in fact, it is not. Your classical Amerikan teen movie with some thinking added.
her butthole on my face
But the EDGE of seventeen means she's 16
Her heels on my face
>she will never step on my face
>your tongue will never be long enough to completely fill her entire intestines
Kill me
what do jews eat?
>well what are you waiting for user? Get down here and worship them.
>she will never edge you for 17 years
I dont find her attractive but some of her music is pretty good for radio pop