Snowpiercer thread?

Snowpiercer thread?

How did the track not fall apart after sitting in freezing conditions with no maintenance for 17 years?

Where do all the bugs for the protein bars come from? The vat is full of them, it seems like a lot - possibly too many for a train.

What's the total population of the train?

How do people still trust Curtis, knowing that he's killed people and eaten their babies?

Does Edgar know that Curtis killed his mother?

If you haven't seen it, check the movie out. I loved it.

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I seriously don't get how people actually like this shitfest

Shit story
Shit acting
Shit setup
Zero world building
Full of retarded bullshit

The movie is almost unwatchable garbage.

Story was bad but the aesthetic of the train made it worth watching IMO

They filmed a lot if it in real train cars, so it had a nice claustrophobic feel to it.

I seriously don't get how people actually respond to these shitposts

Shit taste
Shit criticisms
Shit wording
Zero greentext
Full of retarded bullshit

This post is almost unrepliable garbage.

It's so terrible but it is fun; I enjoyed it at least while shaking my head the whole time.

Chris Evans is charismatic as fuck in this movie. I'd follow him into a brutal revolution.the

Had some nice shots and was an interesting take on the generic theme. Also it alternated between trying to be serious then shit like the arm smash or the super long distance smg through two panes of glass.

I still quite enjoyed it though.

>everyone dies at the end


That actually kind of made me laugh.

>it sucks living in squalor, so let's end the human race

It's a metaphor dude

>movie makes you think the Asian roastie and the kid go on to restore civilization or some shit
>they probably froze to death


this sounds like a great interracial porn title


>movie makes you think the Asian roastie and the kid go on to restore civilization or some shit

I'm not sure it was supposed to make you think that at all. I was under the impression that the polar bear was only meant to symbolize that life had returned, and it was important that a human see this to basically say "life moved on without you."

My real question is why they had the poor people on the train at all. It's not like they did anything.

Bong Joon-ho's weakest film.

Mother is his best, but plebs will say Memories of Murder

At least it was filmed well. Shame the story and characters are bland.

>ohmygod we're eating bugs!?! I'm so grossed out

>that time I tried to eat a live baby

Shit movie is shit

hate that adam had to inject his shit reviewing into the comments.

Why are you searching for explanations in a movie based on a graphic novel? I watched it felt like a poormans Oldboy a lot of the times. The ending is better than the rest of the movie.

You always need poor people.

The tweest is really lame.