>When your waifu loses it at just 31 years of age.
Helium tank on the way.
>When your waifu loses it at just 31 years of age.
Helium tank on the way.
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what happened?
Pregnant too, so body will be gone soon.
jews can be pretty but they age bad
post her pits
31 is still fairly young. I don't get it. Bad genes and the stress of long-term mental illness, maybe. She doesn't do drugs as far as I know.
too much sun and shitty makeup also smoking and alcohol
What's wrong? She looks great to me, arm hair is still there too.
sexy teary eyes though.
30 is called the wall for a reason.
I don't live off my appeareance though.
>30 is called the wall for a reason.
Most women I know between 30 and 40 look fine. A few look as good as they did in their 20s. In any case, the aging that Amanda has done in just two years is crazy.
i'm thirty but i didn't look very good to begin with. i look basically the same as i did when i was twenty.
i'm male though.
She was so shitty in Chloe. This bitch literally plays the same character, gerself in everything. Cannot act. Jlaw 2.0.
Good thing she looks like a freak on screen and is done.
you've changed
you just lack self awareness and a mirror
Some women will look like they are still 20 for a long time but somewhere in their early 30's everything comes undoing and its a very fast downhill ride from there, I'm not saying I can't find a 30 something year old woman attractive specially when considering my limited options, but I can't trick myself into believing they are as beautiful as a 20 something.
>those coke pupils
Women truly do age like milk.
alri golem
She's got them in this one too, guess that explains the "aging" issue.
I look way better than I did 10 years ago and this
feels bad
with modern medicine + healthy diets available + general increase in life expectancy 30 isn't the wall anymore
however if you still do drugs and eat crap you will look like shit regardless
she hasn't even peaked yet
Post the crotch shots
Too bad she waxed her arms.
Women start producing more Testosterone in their late 20's/early 30's.
It's to make them have higher libidos and procreate. Unfortunately it makes them uglier.
post necks
she's got the eyes of a cow
Keep telling yourself that gurl.
this is a neck, i want to touch this neck
>""""""""white"""""""" """"""""women""""""""
She lost her tits :(
Speak for yourself, man with beta genes
Everybody knows most men age in reverse. I look way better now than when i was in my prime
She looks like she is too lean, probably on some holocaust vegan diet. Women need to eat fatty foods, it is necessary for hormone production and keeps them looking healthy.
Women need to eat, she looks busted up because your brain knows she would be unlikely to bare a child out in nature.
I meant these
Chubby chaser pls go
*braps softly*
i honestly haven't. not that much.
i am very self aware.
people age at different rates, user.
get out
Sup Forums is HARD braps only
my wife is similar (light hair tho slight red, light skin, blue eyes); burns in less than 10 minutes in direct sun, but she wakes up in the morning with hair all messy and looks gorgeous
after two babies she's still physically attractive, but she's not an actress that has to go under 4K HD cameras, and she doesn't live in LA direct sun
nah not for everyone lol
Good lying friendo, keep up the fantasy
Would still very much yes
Anyone remotely straight would.
But she's crossed over from "beautiful, full stop" to "beautiful, for her age".
Why isn't she wearing underwear?
She's not a jew
She is though.
lmao shes aryan
She is you blind dip.
are these panties or pussy - am i retarded for not being able to tell?
Shes just getting older.
There's only 2 actresses I can think of off the top of my head that still looked great well into their 30s: Kate Beckinsale, and Amy Acker. Both of which are 40-ish now.
Some women just age better than others.
What am I supposed to be seeing here that's bad? She looks fine there.
Where did her tits go what the fuck
Cf her looks from only three years ago.
Morena Baccarin is 37 and still attractive.
There are plenty of 30-somethings that are still hot as fuck. A lot of teenagers on Sup Forums.
Op is right though that Amanda has lost some of the things that made *her* hot.
I'm surprised to learn she's 31. I thought she was only 26-27 at most.
Still would tho
she was always ugly with a shit personality
Delete this.
kys gretchen
At least your waifu doesn't have a nigger bf.
Selena why you do this?
end your life
it's about time she goes back to rehab
>goes to rehab
>gets out
>dates blck guy that sings about cocaine
I still waifu her though....
this post is bannable
most actresses get botox or some other cosmetic procedure starting before age 30. amanda seyfried has said in interviews she doesn't and won't, though. she's just aging normally while other actresses slowly embalm themselves.
dude i started doing 40 pushups every other day and am seeing serious gains in my neck.
Top cuck.
>amanda seyfried has said in interviews she doesn't and won't, though
That just means she'll get it and pretend she didn't though.
>natalie portman at the age of 32
time is a cruel
p-post neck
It's ook
I'm a neo nazi and I want Hershlag to snap my neck.
Hollywood knows what feminism has been trying to quash for decades: Women age like cheese and most of them aren't worth shit after they're 35.
I don't see anything wrong. The photo is bad, too much flash.
> Would not lose my jedi status for
she's over 25
Jessica Biel is 35 and I think she looks hotter now than ten years ago. Can't be generalized to most women though, because she works out like crazy and was in the top 1% of hot chicks to begin with.
would you save her?!?!
People age better when they have muscle tone.
Keeps the skin tight and the blood circulating.
I will always remember her
Good on her for aging naturally and not turning to plastic surgery as the sands of time slip through her fingers. In 10 years she'll be rewarded with her own crime-solving procedural on CBS. We should all be so lucky.
>no arm hair