Pretty good for a propaganda flick.
Pretty good for a propaganda flick
it's not a propaganda but autor's view of the situation
people used to call American Sniper a propaganda flick
>it's not a propaganda but autor's view of the situation
it's propaganda
>people used to call American Sniper a propaganda flick
because it is
bias =/= propaganda
>e-einsatzgruppen sometimes did b-bad things
Name ONE (1) war movie that isn't propaganda.
How is it propaganda you retard?
no both are clearly propaganda flicks kiddo
das boot and paths of glory
>nazis commited these heinous acts but we can't prove that they did
Meanwhile the russians actually raped and murdered civilians when they pushed west.
Read a book that isn't written by a kike faggot.
Both propaganda.
>says they are propaganda
>can't prove it
I win.
>russians commited these heinous acts but we can't prove that they did
thin red line
Ales Adamovich is a kike? You are an idiot.
They're propaganda too. Why would you say otherwise?
It is proven.
Patton was appalled at it.
No, it was literal state propaganda
Propaganda against what? Why do people push this shtick?
Why would anyone make a propaganda film against Nazism and Fascism when it was already dead for decades?
reactionaries of any kind constantly amaze me
the appropriate accusation is bias, but I have yet to see any good legit evidence of that beyond flimsy revisionism
And what do you think the nazis were doing while pushing east? You really think they weren't murdering and raping civilians left and right?
Also you're a fucking kike too tripfag
No one disputes that, but why are implying that the Nazis were the lesser, victimized evil? Why do you think they're held in contempt by an overwhelming majority of people?
>Why would anyone make a propaganda film against Nazism and Fascism when it was already dead for decades?
Because it almost won.
wow, now we moved on from holocaust denial onto WW2 warcrime denial
next up
>those frenchies can't prove they were invaded by Germany
Because the germans were civilized and those that did rape were executed.
>poland deserved to be invaded
Actually I'm not, and my grandmother, her brother, and their mother weren't Jewish too, and they went sent to a camp in Austria by nazis during the war.
Prove it.
Prove that the Russians committed warcrimes against the soviets. Hard physical evidence of it.
For the claims of warcrimes were simply propaganda that was used in an effort to dehumanize the nazis.
They still try to do that today. It is an indoctrination tactic.
But you wouldn't know about that. You're just a useful idiot.
>useful idiot
Nice retort.
>Prove that the Russians committed warcrimes against the soviets
Russians still jerk themselves off even today and think Stalin was a good boy and so much better than Hitler, because of propaganda running for decades. It's the kind of propanganda that came up with the "Hitler wanted to kill all slavs and Stalin saved us". Stalin must be a messiah
Every annexed ex soviet state hates the soviet period and hates Stalin, except Russians. Poles national identity revolves around hating Russians
>Why do you think they're held in contempt by an overwhelming majority of people?
Russians who raped and murdered civilians were summarily executed by their commanders when caught. If to preserve order if nothing else.
Germans, however, were ordered to commit war crimes from the highest levels of command.
>Prove that the Russians committed warcrimes against the soviets
how about first prove to us you aren't retarded
You do realize over 2 million people died in Belarus during the war? Jews were only a minority of them.
>Commies did it too
>Not an argument
>We can't prove it
>Doesn't accept proof
Are you retarded retarded or shitposting retarded?
Sorry the Germans, boy you soviet apologists sure have a lot in your arsenal don't you.
>Germans, however, were ordered to commit war crimes from the highest levels of command.
said these documents found by the soviets lol
>were executed.
i believe, the reason for that was spoiling arian blood or whatever the fuck the official name for the crime was.
>legally allowed to end a frightened human being for having wrong hair color
Nice proof you have there mind posting it or is all you have is some documents that the soviets produced or a fucking movie?
Eat shit and die kid.
>Propaganda against what?
To show the unwashed masses what Stalin and the USSR
>saved them
from. So maybe they hate their overlords less.
It's literal propaganda film without any artistic value. Fuck off
>legally allowed to end a frightened human being for having wrong hair color
Boy public school did a number on you.
both the Germans and the Soviets were indoctrinated by their higher-ups and through their peers' actions to commit atrocities, as if it was some justification for revenge or getting an upper hand.
do you have no understanding or means to use perspective?
>i-it's not a propaganda flick
>only dumb commies push it and hail it as a masterpiece
>ITT marxists try to convince people that nazis were the bad ones in WWII and not the russians
why not both.tif
>It's a Sup Forumstard is furiously defending nazis episode
>complains about soviet propaganda
>gobbles up nazi propaganda and asks for seconds
white supremacists are truly fucking retarded
What's Tif?
Comparing the russians to the germans is what made Patton lose his life.
He saw who the real animals were.
>Because the germans were civilized
Dear Stormcuck
Stop being butthurt over WW2
>history without a biased slant is nazi propaganda
I so wish Europe was part of the soviet union and I was working on a farm or some shit.. commie life is comfy life.
>if you call out antinazi propaganda that means you're a nazi
Boy, I can't wait for marxists to be strung up from street lamps.
This movie was a clear propaganda piece and only communists and kikes push it.
Include non-autists aswell.
>Russians still jerk themselves off even today and think Stalin was a good boy and so much better than Hitler, because of propaganda running for decades.
that's because of the Russian cultural mindset, they have had a long boner for leaders who are essentially the state, and whose any small good deed heavily outweighs the long slew of bad ones.
it's not surprising in the least that Stalin was canonized in the last decade by the Russian Orthodox Church
>propaganda running for decades
not necessarily, when I see that something like the Gulag Archipelago is now taught in Russian schools when it wasn't before.
>Every annexed ex soviet state hates the soviet period and hates Stalin, except Russians. Poles national identity revolves around hating Russians
naturally, given the historical circumstances.
how does all of this support the notion that "Come and See" is purely Stalinist, Soviet propaganda? of course the film had to tow the Communist Party's line, but how does that detract from the actual art?
some Western Europeans would probably subjectively view something like Saving Private Ryan as more bombastic American propaganda than Come and See.
Explain why TRL is propaganda
Do any of you chattering fuckwits even know what the word 'propaganda' means?
I bet you don't even know what "Dialectics" mean in the philosophical context
In a 100 years there will be many more than 4 communist countries. Screenshot this post.
>Stalin was canonized in the last decade by the Russian Orthodox Church
You are retarded for believing in such fake news.
What is the point of argumenting at all? I didn't post any proof I pointed out to the obvious truth. Even if someone presents you a proof you will dismiss it as produced by Soviets or Jews.
My opinion is that in times of war everyone acts like an animal, be that commie fascist nazi anglo or whatever. Idiolizing Nazis and denying that they committed monstrosities just like everyone is as dumb and naive as thinking others were civilized during times of war (only you get the feeling of being special and not being part of the flock).
I would like to end this by saying you really should go back to Sup Forums. I know agreeing with each other doesn't make use of the full potential of adopting such ideologies and doesn't make you feel a snowflake as you intended but such is life...
I hope you like famines
>I didn't post any proof I pointed out to the obvious truth.
There is no such thing kid. Welcome to reality.
>doesn't post proof
>g-go back to Sup Forums
Go back to /leftypol/ and take your marxist propaganda with you kikel.
Oh yeah ofc.. the great soviet famine.
Ah yes, indoctrination.
Do you know why the Germans (civilians and military) were fleeing from the eastern to the western Front? Because they knew what the Wehrmacht had done to the Russians and that they would retaliate. They knew what the german military leadership ordered, to make Lebensraum in the east by killing the general population there.
I won't go to your sorry house and give you hard evidence. You'll still just call me a "libcuck", jew or whatever Sup Forums has thought of these days. And no, I don't have my views from "zionist conspiritors", I have them from my grandfather, who was drafted into the Wehrmacht when he was fifteen. Who was sent with the rest of his class to the eastern front when Germany was losing. Who witnessed everybody but himself dying there. Who hated people like you after the War, for what they did to him and his home.
We have bigger problems today without you imagining some new ones. Our way of thinking about jobs is about to change, because in some time everything can be done by a computer, and more than half of us will be unemployed. Wall Street and whatever financial gang is running their respective country, is fucking the economy AGAIN without giving it a reacharound, after they already did a decade ago. The internet is splintering into small echo chambers, because fuckers like you can't handle, when people have a different opinion and it's way easier, if you hear your own the whole day.
Have a nice life
Quality post. Nazi cucks rekt as usual.
see what I mean? although it's "nazi cucks" (kudos, never heard that one before)