Now I'm aware that it's a shit movie, but I've just got to the opening credits before the soccer game and it's fucking awesome so far
Now I'm aware that it's a shit movie...
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remember when woodrow was an upcoming star?
what happened?
I thought the whole ambiguity about the aliens and their intentions was a nice touch.
I liked it
It's not great but it's fun
And I like that the aliens aren't portrayed as mindless drones slaughtering indiscriminately, but more like soldiers on an operation making their own calls.
Truly the best guilty pleasure movie of all time
20 mins in, I already hope Rihanna becomes the love interest in the end
She doesn't sadly
She gets to be a part of the best fight scenes though
They are all very weirdly chilled about this weird alien thing in the ocean
Nigga just jumped onto it without even a second glance
She does, and unlike most female fight scenes in movies it doesn't feel forced.
It's a stupid, schlocky guilty pleasure movie for sure.
>a bunch of crusty Navy vets get to relive their youth and man a ship again to fight off fucking aliens
It's fun. Sometimes that's enough.
It's a fun movie. Sometimes that's all you need,
>handbrake turning a destroyer
my mind says no but my dick says yes
It's better with the re-done audio
my sides
ywn drop the Montana's anchor, swing around and punch 9, 16 inch rounds into Alium rectum to the music of dadrock kings ACDC
Just dont go in expecting a groundbreaking story and it's a decent popcorn flick
The based amputee was rad as shit.
its actually one of the funnest movies in that decade
is there anything Initial D doesn't improve?
Steven Universe.
>dat cannon headshot
OK, whoever told me this was shit, they lied. This is fucking rad
It's popcorn flick kino bashed by faggots who prefer the boardgame.
Missouri you fucking cuck
Shieet my bad
>who prefer the boardgame
It's fucking Batleship, literally who cares
Oh my god I love this movie
You're a pleb masquerading as a patrician, as is nearly every asshole on this board who thinks their opinion means a goddamn when they use phrases such as "fucking awesome" to describe it. What a joke. You're "aware that it's a shit movie"? I don't think so, kid. We both know that, in the back of your mind, you're thinking, "Well, it's not that bad..." Guess what? You're an idiot. There's a whole wide world of cinema out there that you'll never experience because you bother with garbage like Battleship. All that time spent - thinking about watching it, deciding to watch it, actually watching it, forming an opinion, posting about it on Sup Forums - would have been better spent watching actually good cinema. But that's not what you want. You want to dissolve into brainlessness with a shitty movie, instead of having to think and, God forbid, not understand a movie as soon as you're done watching it! You're pathetic and you ate Hollywood's shit. Now, I wouldn't hate you if you just talked to your mongrel friends about it. I don't even care that your appetite for shit continues to fund the creative black hole that is Hollywood. No, what bothers me is that you have the gall to come here and waste my goddamn time making a thread about it. I wish I had never heard of that movie, but here you come, with fresh shit stuck between your teeth, causing me to remember this fucking trash. Fuck you. With Star Wars and capeshit and all that, fine, those are behemoths that I can't really make a difference attacking. Fucking retards like you and people even more fucking retarded than you will continue to talk about whatever latest blockbuster garbage Hollywood decided to shit out this year. But here you are, with your happy-go-lucky attitude, eating shit like it's your job, parading your shit taste for all the world to see, dredging up old, rancid shit just for the fucking hell of it. Just do us all a favor and don't fucking make us remember. Be ashamed and keep it in your mouth.
oh fuck
this was the best fucking movie
i might actually buy this motherfucker on blu ray