Katy Perry about to be blown the fuck out by true performance kino
Katy Perry about to be blown the fuck out by true performance kino
>sets off a nuke in the stadium
>so brave
B your brains TFO.
They're going to stir up controversy as usual while provoking conflict to gain sympathy for globalist policies.
kek, Hollywood is fucking shameless.
Not even a Trump guy but what the fuck is wrong with feminists? They claim women are opressed yet have a hard on for Islam which treats women like shit.
Globalist propaganda isn't designed over/against rational sense.
are we going to be allowed to have threads or is the new alt left mod too much of a babby?
The left does know that Islam is against everything liberals stand for right?
>The left does know that Islam is against everything liberals stand for right?
The left is very brainwashed.
ooh noo poor muzzies, poor assbackwards cultures with significant percentages that want to turn our nation to rubble, aww noo let them inn, isis might infiltrate but we'll vet them, aww look at the ghost-costume women and the little jihadists they're raising aww anyone against letting sixty fucking thousand of them loose into a culture they inwardly despise is a nazi i sweear.
Gotta do what you gotta do to pander to people whose views come only from emotion and shun realities that arent convenient.
You do not understand the extent of their mental gymnastics.
anyone who supports muslims is literally retarded
Why aren't more conservatives Muslim then?
>yfw B-2 bombers fly over the stadium during half time
>The left is very brainwashed.
yup. It's not rational thought. They're like almost hypnotized.
celebrities are so detached from the real world that they don't even realize muslims would shun these women from their civilization the minute they get the chance. Lol.
Stop being racist
Because they're Christian.
Muslims believe that anyone who defies Islam is a snake that deserves to have its head cut off. They aren't cutting off people heads because it's edgy they truly believe they need to cut off the head of the snake that is western civilization. I hope nuclear holocaust comes sooner than later because the earth needs a rebirth
>hollywood limo liberals are in another realm of butthurt over Trump
>will ramp of their SJW pandering and fill EVERYTHING they do with cringy and preachy politics
>when people get annoyed by this and point it out, lelddit newfags will blame them for bringing politics into everything and tell them to leave
>most of the way through the show
>time for Muslim tribute
>With everything going on right now, we need some unity. We can't let fascist Trump divide us. FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE ALLAHU AKBAR
>detonates suicide bomb
I'd cheer.
>yfw she inadvertently insults Islam in her tribute
To understand the left, think back to the time when you were 16-17, fresh out of your edgy metal band phase, and suddenly realised how cool it feels to be tolerant and understand. Feels adult, man, make love not war. Now, the left are these people, only they never moved on.
the left is suicidal
always been
example: French socialists defending demilitarization of France in the early 30s.
cry trumpcuck
i wish to be her pusy slave
celebrities are agents. Hollywood is centralized and colluded. They're told what to do.
wtf I love Sharia law now
But Islam is like Christianity but you can sleep with cute little girls and cover up 3D pig disgusting women in tarps.
Isn't that the highest goal any of us can aspire to?
I'm unironically expecting Gaga to start shouting ALLAHU AKBAR, shit's going to be hilarious.
hi rebbbit
its time to leave
Disgusting, I can't believe I electro masturbated my penor and testicles to her butt pics.
i never felt that way. you're just a huge faggot. no redemption for that shit.
Everything being american stands for.
Why is she dressed as SS officer? Is this some high level irony?
>fresh out of your edgy metal band phase, and suddenly realised how cool it feels to be tolerant and understand. Feels adult, man, make love not war.
The fuck?
It's because Islam is mostly Middle Eastern brown people, and as we all know, they have a hard-on for brown people
dude i'm dressed like mj lmao
I'm not watching because I don't want to hear her sing either
why do they always play pussy pop music in the intermission of a sport where men smash each other so hard they almost die?
>tfw heard enough jihadstep I can sing along with pepe here
Muslim men are real alphas how treat their women like shit as they should. Women secretly want it. They're tired of pathetic white """""men"""" tolerating their every whim, and just want a strong brown cock to fuck them into submission
>this is what osiris thinks is the height of halftime kino
yikes city
shes the most pro gay lgbt pop star
muslims literally throws gays off fucking rooftops
this is so fucking retarded how can ppl not see lmao
this desu
Because Muslims are all about the pure western commercialism of the Super Bowl lol
>why aren't more conservatives advocating for a strange, hostile ideology then
really makes you think
I kissed a girl is the best pop song of the 2000s
>be gaga
>muslims triggered
>wearing pig meat dress
>muslims triggered
>loving the gays and transgenders
>muslims triggered
>showing her tits and ass
>muslims triggered
>trump is elected
She's not leftist, she's opportunist.
Muslims are conservative, but Western conservatives aren't Muslims
wtf i love lady gaga now
Islams is great for men many wives they are loyal if not get more throwing faggots off roofs what else could you ask for.
>Sup Forums and film
fuck off to Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums you sorry sons of whores
(You) are the reason Sup Forums sucks
>Not even a Trump guy, but here are my extremely rote talking points straight out of his mouth
Nice try.
Here's the thing. The left isn't in love with Islam, but they understand that you can criticize the religion without discriminating against the people. They realize that this travel ban is doing nothing but forcing vulnerable moderate muslims back into the hands of violent radicals in their own countries, which will only lead to deaths and further radicalization. Meanwhile the current muslim population in the states grows less and less moderate as time goes on.
>So degenerate that she's begging for Sharia law to fix her
Maybe it really is the solution...
Really makes you think, star wars tourist
>implying I watch handegg ensemble with lettuce
You cannot even hope to conceive of what the concept "kino" actually entails.
Begone with thee.
the left doesn't promote one religion, it tries to promote the right for people to choose and express themselves freely
>this is how you look when you think you know what you're talking about
>Sup Forums tourist
that's katy perry
does anyone else lol at having to use the term moderate
Hey! You sound reasonable and earnest.
America is the funniest country ever. Thank you for existing, guys
It's a good term to illustrate a distinction between violent radicals and your average cab driver I think.
>the left doesn't promote one religion, it tries to promote the right for people to choose and express themselves freely
That's hilariously the opposite of reality.
I'm always amazed how these performers who promote homoeroticism and are the epitome of western decadence will also defend Muslims despite a whole career spent bashing Christianity.
If you're going to make up shit, why not just list everyone in the picture as a moderate.
Makes your smear campaign more effective.
>"Let us into your country or we'll kill you"
>That's hilariously the opposite of reality.
How? How even a little bit is that untrue?
Hoping for another power cut this year.
This is what we want. We want them to not realise why they are out in the cold and double down.
The harder and more extreme they go, the longer they remain powerless.
(((power cut)))
No, that strawman sentiment you made up entirely in your head is very much not moderate. Good job, I guess.
>muslim men are alpha as fuck and put women in their place
>so thirsty they kill themselves for promises of afterlife pussy
>migrating thousands of kilometers to try to get laid
>still have to rape to get laid
>will fuck anything, including children, other men and goats
sounds more like a bunch of omega losers t b h
>your religion finds it offensive to promote abortion and gay adoptions so I as a liberal will do everything in my power to close off your religion's hospitals and adoption agencies
Ah the tolerant left
She's going to get stoned to death
Good argument.
>Conservative is scheduled to speak at a University
>Progressive and tolerant liberals respond by shutting it down through a riot, attacking people and burning everything down
>Be Lady Gaga
>On the Jewish payroll
>Decide to support the #1 Jew haters
>Gonna get away with it.
Yet Mel Gibson got blacklisted for years?
>52% do not believe that homosexuality should be legal in Britain
>23% support the introduction of Sharia Law.
>32% refuse to condemn those who take part in violence against those who mock the Prophet
>39% agree that “wives should always obey their husbands”.
But you're perfectly fine with Republican lawmakers closing abortions clinics, right?
>but they understand that you can criticize the religion without discriminating against the people
>muh islamophobia
pick one and only one
This happening again in the middle of the half time would be bretty gud too
Fake news. Not a single Berkeley student was arrested for those riots.
This was the work of anarchist, who by definition, cannot be liberals. Progressives desire a big cover to ensure egalitarianism, anarchists are in favor of no government and don't care about equality beyond their own.
Republicans don't pretend they're open minded to all beliefs and claim to promote freedom and tolerance of all views.
This shit is fucking scary, and these people are going to be the majority soon.
a minority really
i wonder if you polled conservatives on similar issues what you'll get - similar percentages
>39% agree that “wives should always obey their husbands”
>32% refuse to condemn those who take part in violence against those who mock Jesus / The Lord
>23% support the introduction of law based on Christian morality, such as anti-abortion laws.
>52% do not believe that homosexuality should be legal in America
Ask your average Christian these same questions.
>it tries to promote the right for people to choose and express themselves
except for people with opinions they don't like
Katy perry is gonna come out with 2 sharks and he and gaga will start making out, a banner drops and it reads metal is dead.
No, I'll pick both.