Who will play him in the inevitable bio pic?
Who will play him in the inevitable bio pic?
that one arab from Crash. he was also in war dogs.
Bin al-Fliqquui
>Your not allowed to draw him but it's ok if 3 billion people are named after him
Is Islam the most autistic religion?
or Idris Elba
Dan Schneider
I never thought of it like that. This just makes me fucking hate Muslims even more.
hollywood called me yesterday to play the part, i already have a beard, and i'm in to loli's.
Now i just need to lose some weight and replace my cheetos smell with goat smell.
What's wrong with being named Muhammed lol. Following the Prophet's way is allowed in all cases, whatever he did is good for you, thus even being named like him.
Thats Ali
The Indian lad from the night of and star wars
That's Ali you stupid nigger.
I don't think he'd be too hot with literally 3 billion people copying his name without his consent and then raging about drawing him
>tfw alevi
hopefully someone who'll do him some justice
Atleast we don't see our prophet as god.
Yes but allowing literal goat fucking failures claim his name doesn't exactly help the brand
Aziz Ansari
Will not be made in the West because it would be divisive or some shit and the official position is to be anti-shia right now.
The only country that would do it is Iran. They have some decent filmmakers and probably don't give a fuck about triggering sunnis but the movie would need a very big budget not to look cheap.
If its left to the Shia they will all look like transexuals
>cannot handle handsome men
Muhammad was a name even before Islam, and no Shias can draw him and Sunnis did the same at some point
That would be the best part though. Imagine the mass triggering and the utter confusion of SJW trying to say we shouldn't depict an effeminate caliph.
>tfw grandparents' house had pictures like this all over
i think this is why i still love desert nomad aesthetics.
Theres a reason why Iran is number one country for sex changes.
Pretty sure, Thailand is at the top
And I think the reason for that is because it's the only way gays can live without getting executed
oh, youre right, iran is second highest in the world.
And fyi cutting off your dick does not make it not gay.
Why is Ali so comfy?
Why aren't we allied with Iran against Arab and Turk barbarians? If we need to be allied with any muslims, why don't we pick the least awful?
pic related is one reason
You're not allowed to draw him because they were worried about depictions of him being worshiped and deified.
There's hundreds of millions of Christians named after Jesus.
the west is allied with sunni arabists because the shia could actually manage to run a country without western dependency while the arabs love to serve their western overlords since lawrence.
Bin Afflecki will write, star, and direct it
But the Iran-Iraq war is long over
And Khomeini and Saddam are both gone
Idris Elba
if its over then why is iran still at war within iraq? USA simply smashed Saddam and essentially handed over the country to iran, the dynamics at play then have indeed changed, but its still war.
>iran still at war within iraq?
To fight off ISIS and other Sunni militants
for whose benefit? Or do you believe Iran would spend billions, lose many men and antagonise its neighbours from the goodness of its heart?
>implying you barbarians don't revere him and treat him as if he was a god anyways
Clearly both as Iraq's Shia population gains more control and Iran gets more influence over the region
They want to have influence over the Iraqi government. What's your point?
exactly, its supplanting sunni fighters with shia ones, its just one problem for another.
You just think the Sunnis are worse because they commit the most terror attacks, but that's because they are 85% of the moslem population
In reality, Shi'a is the more violent and occult of the two major sects. Iran punches way above its weight with funding terrorists - they just fund more of them in the middle-east than they do in Europe because they're surrounded with people they'd like to kill and don't have to wander too far to do so.
There is no version of Islam that is benign, except for perhaps some Sufis
>they just fund more of them in the middle-east than they do in Europe
Then that's better off
Then you're just short sighted.
But they're even more fanatical than most of the Sunnis, and the hierarchical aspect of modern Shi'a gives the theocrats even more control over organizing and funding terrorist attacks.
You'd be fool to want to replace Sunni Islam with Shi'a Islam as the majority of adherents. If you do some reading into their theology, Shi'a Islam is far more violent in terms of doctrine. And that's really saying something, considering how barbaric the Sunnis are
Better them than the Saudis
No, it really, really isn't. The Saudi monarchy is decadent and maintains control by exporting their radicals and funding foreign jihadists. Virtually nobody in the country likes the Saudi royal family, but they're kept in line by the enormous Saudi military and its US backers.
The difference with Iran is that the fanatics there are actually willing to die for their leader - and you will see just how powerful that fanaticism is when Trump inevitably invades Iran like the stupid goy he is
What is it with Persians and makeup?
there's this turkish shia/alevi joke i've always liked, goes a bit like this;
a man's son in a village somewhere gets really sick, he's bedridden, and nothing they try makes him better. at last, they hear of an alevi elder who lives in a nearby village who can cure all illnesses, so they go talk to him, explaining he's their last hope. they old guy accepts, but says you have to leave me alone with the kid, and when he's healed, i want you to give me a horse. they accept, and so he comes and sits next to the kid, and starts praying while they wait outside. 2 days of prayers pass, and finally the dad can't help but listen to what's going on inside. all he hears is the old guy going "allah, please kill this child" over and over, but he's too desperate to say anything. on the third day, the kid wakes up and asks for some food. the family is very grateful and give him his horse and send him on his way, and the dad wants to accompany him. on the road, the dad says to the elder that the elder must be favored by god, as he healed the kid even though the elder wanted him dead. the elder laughs and tells him that allah hates him, that's why he always does the opposite of what he asks.
it sort of reflects on how shia minorities in sunni populated countries have always felt distanced from not just organized religion, but because of sunni oppression, allah himself.
Daily reminder that Muhammad was WHITE
>Narrated Anas bin Malik: While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm." - Sahih Bukhari 1:3:63
>Abu Tufail reported: "I saw Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) ... He had an elegant white color, and he was of an average height". - Sahih Muslim 30:5778 and Sahih Muslim 30:5778
was mohammed lawrance of arabia's previous incarnation?
lol manlet
Fucking CIA operative, knew it!
Are Ismaili that bad?
Is that Ali or Muhammad pbuh?
Fantastic. Thanks.
So we did THIS bad thing, too. Tumblr was right all along.
In speeches, Hitler made apparently warm references towards Muslim culture such as: "The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France".[1]
Hitler was transcribed as saying: "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers [...] then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."[5]
Speer then presents Hitler's claims on this subject:
"Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire."[4]
Are you joking? Ever heard of the Lebanese Civil War?
Maybe that wouldn't be a problem if drawing him was no big deal from the beginning, NOW if someone draws him it'll definitely be a big fucking deal.
>Are Catholics that bad?
>Are you joking? Ever heard of the French wars of religion?
technically all paintings were banned in islam for a very long time, i think islamic miniatures had some loophole that allowed caricaturized stuff like that, but that's why most early and golden age islamic art is fractals and abstract geometry and shit.
drawing mohammad is a double no no though, for the reason given above. any sculpture or picture to mohammed was something that could become an idol. this perspective is similar to the iconoclast movement in orthodox christianity.
>One shit is better yhan the other shit
The difference is that one happened 500 years ago and the other happened less than 50, you fucking mongoloid
well islam is 600+ years younger, so the math checks out.
>worried about idolatry
>literally pray to a magic rock
Yeah he was a Nord,Irishman or Ancient pre cucked tier Greek (Achilles was ginger as well) genetics wise
Always cracks me up when I see shitskins dying their beards Red to be like him
not only a rock, but a rock with a vagina
How does the length of time elapsed since the event used as a criterion of judgement effect the extent to which that event may be used as a criterion of judgement?
mohammed himself dyed his hair and beard, it's actually considered sunnet to do so. (basically doing things mohammed did, not mandatory but bonus points for the afterlife)
>implying they worship the magic rock
>implying jeruselem wasn't the original direction
>implying the cube hasn't been destroyed and rebuilt a bunch of times
even if you nuked, it, people would pray in that direction. it's a map coordinate courtesy of abraham and ishmael, not an object of worship.
Tell me more, then, I didn't know there were so many Ismaili in lebanon.
He had natual red hair and only dyed it with Henna when it started going grey.
How does it fell to know that Islam is the white mans religion
i'm white and non-religious so i don't really mind it desu
and the bonus points still count, so even white muslims should probably dye it.
Narrated Isma'il bin Abi Khalid: I heard Abii Juhaifa saying, "I saw the Prophet, and Al-Hasan bin 'Ali resembled him." I said to Abu- Juhaifa, "Describe him for me." He said, "He was white and his beard was black with some white hair." - Sahih Bukhari 4:56:744
>OP posts Muhammad on Sup Forums
>mfw terrorists are going to blow up Sup Forums now
You've doomed us all OP
nah OP posted a depiction of his nephew Ali
Jesus vs Mohammad wouldn't even be a fair right, Moh was a cunning salesman and nothing more. Jesus is a figure, more than a man. A leader that kept his religion going even after his fail
Mohammad's vision failed the moment he died, or even before that when he fucked his stepson's wife.
Wish Islam would focus on the relationship between Allah and the creation, but instead they worship their prophet, who wasn't even a good guy. Ali was a much better guy, and regarding Sup Forums i think i'd like watching Ali portrayed by a good actor.
>but instead they worship their prophet
weak b8 m8
Its not bait. Muslims are getting circumsized because Mohammad had some sort of a circumcised penis from birth.(Sure other reasons, jew did it too etc but this is how it goes) Also doing things he did is sunnet etc.
>a leader that kept his religion going
>his religion is bastardized by italians soon after his death
>the great schism
>west betrays the eastern church as soon as possible
>at least half a milennia of religious civil wars
>so many churches including the mormons
mohammed's vision is much more alive than jesus's. at least the muslim world still makes money from trade, the way mohammed did, whereas jesus's non-violent hippy message is all but lost.
>Ahmad ibn Abi Sulayman, the companion of Sahnun said, “Anyone who says that the Prophet was black should be killed."
Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, Qadi ‘Iyad, p.375
>the one religion that elevates the singularity of god and nullifies any worship of people or things
>shits on christians for worshiping a man as a god
>the guy they """worship""" literally disowned anyone who saw him as more than a man
>"durr it's not bait they worship a man"
oh so you're just retarded then. carry on